There's always a possibility of getting banned. If Blizzard sees through this - for example, in the fact that both accounts are only ever accessed by the same IP address - you are much more likely to be banned.
There's always a possibility of getting banned. If Blizzard sees through this - for example, in the fact that both accounts are only ever accessed by the same IP address - you are much more likely to be banned.
well, you might not get banned-- but you might get suspended and than the gold on the new account will be gone
you can get banned by doing anything ;-)
They can trace ips
And if I transfer the gold to another account, will that other account be banned also? also how long approx. would a suspension last?
If someone reports the gold stolen, a GM will withdraw the gold, and most likely suspend all other accounts that were involved except the original.
Scammed Gold: 31821g
There are ways of laundering the money. Search these forums. You can keep all stolen gold (or most of it) without getting any attention from a GM.