Change mail, change pass and its your. If you want you can transfer the char to other acc, afaik you only need new accs sq/a not sure tho
Ok this is what I've got: Account Name, Password, Birthday, Zip Code, Full name, email address, access to his email, aaaaaand I think that's it.
Anyways, how do I keep this account? It's a 7/8 warlock so it's worth some $$$. If I cant manage it, I will just get the acct banned as the owner ****ed me over badly.
Is it possible to do an account transfer with just this information or do I need SQ:A as well?
Are there any guides on how to do something like this?
Change mail, change pass and its your. If you want you can transfer the char to other acc, afaik you only need new accs sq/a not sure tho
Wrong info- Deleted
Last edited by Whodini; 09-02-2008 at 11:12 AM.
My Krew - S4 Druid T6 Rogue S4 Warlock
First of all, go change hes account E-Mail password, then change the E-Mail to your E-Mail.
Now change account password, and if the character is really g00d geared go buy battlechest, and make another account with same informations as in the scammed account.
Well, I believe you can get the SQ/A by phoning blizzard, they will ask you for the current street adress I believe? I am not 100% sure on this but it should work.
Also, get a Blizzard Authenticator if you wish, I think it costs around $7.00 USD. If you don't know what it does, basically everytime you wish to log into account management it ask's you for your blizzard authenticator key code (you get it when you buy the blizzard authenticator) and as far as I know, if you phone blizzard to try and get the Blizzard Authenticator code you need to give them the last 4 numbers on your credit card.
I am not 100% sure on this, but I am confident it'll work. Good luck!