Take it all and say trust no-one.
but nah, just take little bits over time or something like that?
For example 100g one day 80 the next, 230 the next.
Worked for me the last time i done that.
i have gotten the account name and password of a GM of a pretty big guild on my server, i didn't have to use a key logger or any program like that, it was just after a lot of work and trust
i was just wondering what would be the best way to go about taking all the gold from the bank without getting caught
i know trading it right to my account would be dumb
and i've read all these money laundering posts but they just don't make sense
i would really appreciate any help
Take it all and say trust no-one.
but nah, just take little bits over time or something like that?
For example 100g one day 80 the next, 230 the next.
Worked for me the last time i done that.
You could run 2 wow's and make an alt and invite it into the guild and give it full access.
Yeah about 2 weeks ago someone ninja'd all our money and 25 heart of darknesses and nothing happened to them.. So do the alt thing..
check out my laundering gold guide its stickied in the wow scamming section if you need me to clarify something let me know