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  1. #1
    Woink's Avatar Contributor
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    The Real Deal, let it begin!

    The Real Deal, let it begin!
    Hello people this is Woink aka Cyber Jesus.

    I was taking a shower when I thought of this cleaver idea, now, I don't have an account yet but that's the whole point of this little game. As a few of you might know I'm a quite experienced scammer and I'm not to busy these days so I decided I'd go for this. Let me explain to you what I have in mind.

    Like I said, I don't have an account yet. What you are going to do is convince me to scam a specific character, now you might request all you like into the smallest details but keep in mind, hair colors and such things most likely wont be the same as you requested. Here's a few things that I can easily do:


    Now these are the most simple ones, now you may also request such things like:


    (Keep in mind I will never scam a green character anyway, it'll be full epic. You may request full t6, s3 or what ever but keep in mind that you should chose these requests carefully as they're hard to follow)
    You name it.

    So basicly what I want you to do is tell me why you need/deserve it or what ever. Now replying with something like:
    "I got banz, i sukk scam giff"
    Will just get you ignored directly.

    What you SHOULD do is put down some time in it and tell me why you need it, also keep in mind that I'm not giving the account to a person who is going to use it for scamming. I will be providing with every piece of information needed. What I can't garantuee is a recall, I'll aim for non-OOs but most likely it'll be hard getting it all together but like I said I will get every single piece of information that includes the Last Name which makes you able to transfer the character to another blank account.

    Please do NOT bash of wall even through I want you to write back to me in a serious reply. But that doesn't mean bash of wall like 20 rows of texts (just an example) if you're replying with a serious text please phrase it so it's easy going on the eyes as I'm hoping to read alot of texts!

    Let me also remind you that the story why you deserve it is MUCH more important than your requests as I will speak with the winner abit more about what he needs when he or her has ben picked. I might also have a 2nd and 3rd, sadly you can't requests anything being the 2nd and 3rd but it's still an account but I'm not sure about that yet. Even through you've seen the most wicked post by someone, try, you might end up as the winner anyway!

    Please reply to the topic as my PM is jaming up as it is already. If it's to embarrising asking for an account, just leave it.


    For you that don't understand my confusing wall of text:

    1. Request a character
    2. Tell me your story on why you need/deserve this account.
    3. Reply in the topic, my PM is already filling up to fast as it is.


    I guess everyone should understand the rules by now so let the "storying" begin! Also I'm not quite sure how long it'll take before I pick my winner. It all depends on how many replys I get.

    Good luck people!

    Last edited by Woink; 03-31-2008 at 07:22 PM.

    The Real Deal, let it begin!
  2. #2
    xsx's Avatar Contributor
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    interesting topic xD .... dont know if i deserve anything .. since i didnt do that much . do this comunity .. i allways wanted a Draenei Shaman Female .. in my opinion there are a fun class to play.
    Last edited by xsx; 03-31-2008 at 06:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Neth'zul's Avatar Banned
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    Hey dude well heres the ch info.

    First of All i Will say THIS WILL NOT BE USED TO SCAM!...only rent so i can pay off bills and debt!

    Horde/Alliance: Alliance
    Female/Male : Male
    Races: NE
    Classes: Rogue (Level 70)

    Proffessions: Dun matter.
    Gear : BT/Hyjal

    Sumtin like this would do lol
    WTS L70 Rogue S3/T6/Gladiator/Blizzcon $1000 OBO - MD Account Buy Sell Trade WoW FFXI RS LoTRO L2 HGL MS SWG EQ2 WHO UO

    I deserve it because ...well dude ill tell ya the said don't say "ooo my acct got bandzoors" But well its true check it out your self


    Anyways and I need cash BIG time so i want to rent it and get the mula. Please if you can do this for me...i don't know what i can do for you lol but Ill love you forever for getting me out of this cash problem...and yes i already have a job and they pay low...well higher then the other places buy looow.


    The Lich "May your curosity be the end of you!" - Kel'thuzad
    Last edited by Neth'zul; 04-01-2008 at 02:56 PM.

  4. #4
    spartan646's Avatar Member
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    Any Gender
    70 (of course)
    server: Andorhal

    I would like the account because, i would like a 70 to play with my friends with. I have hand leveled 2 70s, but it got banned and I really don't feel like leveling another character to 70. I am not whining about me getting banned, just stating that i have experience with 70s. I reason i want the mage is because all my characters have been everything but a mage or a warrior. I don't want to tank so that rules out the war. I should get this account because i would like to learn how to play mage, i have experience with 70s, and i want to play with my friends.

    EDIT: Professions and gear don't really matter, as they are fun to get and level up, and its easier without mandatory requirements.
    Last edited by spartan646; 03-31-2008 at 09:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Mutated Carpet People's Avatar Active Member
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    Horde/Alliance: Horde
    Female/Male: No Preference
    Races: BE, Undead, anything but Orc
    Classes: Rogue or Priest if you can, if not, Hunter/Shammy

    Server: Azshara Preferably. But it doesnt really matter
    Professions: No Preferance, but Enchanting would be a plus
    Gear: Epics of course,
    any tier set really, whatever works for you

    Why I Deserve It:
    My old account was not exactly banned, but instead, an old friend of mine (well i thought he was a friend) who i entrusted my password with decided to log on, sell my items, ruin my rep, and overall screw me way over... It sort of sucks as I was a almost level 70 (69 with 1/3 bar) and i had tons of gold on it. Now my friends have started to get back into it, and im stuck without an account, while my friends are already 40/50. If you could do this for me, I would sincerely appreciate it, and owe you big time! I hope you can find time for me, Id love you forever!

    This Account Will Not Be Used For Scamming Purposes!

    Last edited by Mutated Carpet People; 03-31-2008 at 07:33 PM.

  6. #6
    zeil's Avatar Active Member
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    Horde/Alliance: Horde
    Female/Male: Male
    Races: Bloodelf
    Classes: Rogue, Hunter, Warlock preferably

    Server: High pop pvp server
    Professions: Enchanting if possible
    Gear: T5 preferably higher if possible so i can get the gear in sunwell

    Why do i deserve this account?: I believe i deserve this account due to my inability to level and love of raiding. I have experienced limited end game content from private serves and find that this is the best part of the game. However leveling a character to me is one of the worse types of tortures. The highest i have ever got was a 40 rogue that before i said f*ck it. I can basically promise you that i will not use this account to scam, exploit, or any other illegal action, just pure pvp and raiding.

    Thank you
    Last edited by zeil; 03-31-2008 at 11:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Speakerwire's Avatar Member
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    Horde/Alliance: Horde
    Female/Male: Male
    Races: Undead
    Classes: Warlock
    Server: Low/Med pop Pvp server.
    Professions: Anything avaible
    Gear: T4-6 (or even the season gear)

    Reason: I have just recently gotten Gkicked from a t6 content guild on my server (I leveled the char myself proud to say) and I would like to re-roll a different class other than healer.. THX.. Oh btw.. The reasons for getting Gkicked was for forgetting mana potions to SSC ONCE! I repeat ONE night! Other was for making a joke which no one laughed at... Other was for signing up on Gl (guild calender) which they don't even use for invites... and when they started tossing out invites at 7:30 I alt-f4'd at 7:51 because I didn't want to go anymore and figured that they were already full on healers... And I was having a bad day... Thank you soo much if you can meet these requirements! If not! I will be satisfied with anything I can receive.
    Last edited by Speakerwire; 03-31-2008 at 09:11 PM.

  8. #8
    Shank099's Avatar Active Member
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    Horde/Alliance: Horde
    Female/Male : Male(preferably)
    Races: tauren (preferably)(hunter, rogue would also be nice)
    Classes: Shaman (Level 70)
    Server: Emerald Dream (if possible otherwise doesn't matter)
    Proffessions: Enchant would be nice (anything else dont matter)
    Gear : BT/Hyjal or S3 would be really nice but even as low as kara gear is fine

    Well i am an avid wow player that has leveled to 70 once and i still have my account but leveling is very tedious and i love shamans in every spec and have a little experience with them and would really like one but don't have the time to level one as i am a student with a job that consumes time and work hard but cant do a lot and barely have time for the account i have but if i got this character i would put all the time i had into it and continue to gear and work on overall. I think i deserve this account cause i am a good person who is really starting to get into mmowned and loves to help around the site and i try to do my best and i love wow. I will use this character to help my guild and friends. And although i am totally not against it i wont scam or hack cause i never take the chance of putting my account or computer at that risk by participating in that kind of thing, i love hearing about all kinds of people scams and compliment there hard work, because i believe scamming is time consuming but worthwhile in the end. I will continue to play wow for a long time and wont just use this account for anything but playing heard and helping friends and my guild progress cause i love the game and having fun playing it with friends, thanks and i hope you choose me!, but good luck with making you pick, i hope i made myself clear and will try to make sure i did =) well thanks for your time!
    Last edited by Shank099; 04-01-2008 at 02:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Drythils's Avatar Member
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    Hmm OK here we go

    Horde/Alliance: Alliance
    Female/Male : Male
    Races: Not Dwarf Please
    Classes: Lock/Priest (Above lvl 40 please)

    Server: Demon Soul/Turalyon But any is fine really.
    Proffessions: Dont matter
    Gear : Could be naked for all I care.
    Gold : Dont matter but lvl 40/60 mount would be nice.

    Why Do I deserve this?
    Well I dont but heres my Greedy Reason:
    I raised my first (and sadly the only) Character to 70 as a Arms Warrior. Now Warriors are fine and dandy and all but my Arena Team + Kara guild needs more Healers (or locks because we dont have any of them)
    I do have some experience with caster classes and have leveled a Lock up to about lvl 32 but cant seem get the determination to level him past that, so dont worry about the account going to waste.

    -Really all I have to say. Thanks for being so kind and even offering this :P

    PS- Hilary Clinton is evil

  10. #10
    Fishy80's Avatar Contributor
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    Horde/Alliance: Alliance
    Female/Male: Either one
    Race: Human/Dreanei/Night Elf
    Server: Mal' Ganis (if another,I'll transfer it)
    Professions: Enchanting or Jewel Crafting (or both lol)
    Gear:T4-6 or S2-3
    why?: I played a shadow priest till level 45, but it got banned for using Syndrome (don't stop reading just yet) I bought the game again and could not stand leveling the same character again that high... so now I play a warlock, but in my guild and in pvp on my server, I notice a lack of heals, and I would love to play a priest for healing and then switch off to shadow spec some times.... but my server really could use the heals... and I would enjoy getting to play the class I started WoW with...

    thanks either way!
    Last edited by Fishy80; 03-31-2008 at 09:11 PM.

  11. #11
    Hasselhoff's Avatar IN A SPEEDO
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    This is AMAZING, soo many people with less than 15 rep. lol.

    I'll fill one out on the side chance you get an extra.

    Horde/Alliance: Horde IF POSSIBLE
    Female/Male: Either
    Races: Anything
    Classes: Paladin IF POSSIBLE

    Server: Magtheridon IF POSSIBLE
    Professions: Anything
    Gear: Full Epics

    Why I Deserve It:

    I lost my $1272.00 USD I was going to use it to buy PL's for all my poor(read: lazy) friends who play on private servers so they could play retail wow with me. I would use this account to help PL them by doing Athenes Guide.

    Plus, I helped you out on AIM


  12. #12
    Aradroth's Avatar Active Member
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    Horde/Alliance: Alliance if possible.
    Female/Male: either.
    Races: Anything but draenei/dwarf male if possible.
    Class: Ret paladin or elemental shaman.

    Server: Any
    Gear: Epics please. I'd like pvp gear but Im not picky.

    Why I may deserve an account: I think I deserve this service because my account just got scammed recently. (4 epicced out chars. Shaman, rogue, ret pallie and hunter) and my mother recently passed away and I really need something to try to take my mind off it. Will not be used for scamming. Thanks you in advance.
    Last edited by Aradroth; 04-01-2008 at 03:05 PM.

  13. #13
    kasualhustler's Avatar Member
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    Gender does not matter
    Any race
    I prefer a druid or a shaman but any class would work
    Greymane/Kirin Tor Realm If Alliance / Icecrown if horde please
    Any 2 professions maxed
    Full S3/Bt/Hyjal/Gladiator

    The reason why I want this character:
    3 years since I had an account of my own...
    I play on my friend's account all the time but in return, he asks me (more like demands me) to farm, grind honor, and all the other stuff.
    Yesterday I asked one of my friend to give me his account and I made sure he wouldn't play WoW anymore. After a day, my friend who gave me the account came back saying "I want the account back" I asked why of course. He said he's other friend convinced him to change his mind because he said he would help him level on a new realm, and we willl have fun together....
    Basically my friend got jealous that I got a lvl 70 for doing nothing.
    I have no choice but to give the account back to him...
    While I was depressed and stressed about the whole thing, I found this thread
    If i get this character, I will not hack/scam with it.
    I have never scammed/hacked with any of my friend's and my accounts. I usually just geared it up, and pvped
    Well thank you for doing this, I really appreciate it. I admire the people who has free time, and they use their time for other people. I try and try, but I end up using the free time for myself.
    Well thank you for reading this, once again I really appreciate you doing this.

    Last edited by kasualhustler; 04-01-2008 at 05:06 PM. Reason: forgot something

  14. #14
    svlax4life08's Avatar Member
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    This will NOT be used for scamming....or renting, this will be used as my main account to actually play a lot and things like that, and I can assure I won't do any kind of hacks on it...

    Horde/Alliance = Horde, but alliance is fine too, I don't really care.
    Female/Male = Male please :P
    Races = If horde, any except troll or orc. If alliance, any except dwarf
    Classes = Mage or pally (if pally please NOT a tanking pally :P)

    Server = If you can get on Moonrunner, , but otherwise i don't care, but it would be completely awesome if you could get on there, but you probably wont be able to.
    Proffessions = Hmmmm, mining is a plus, but besides that, dosnt really matter that much to me
    Gear = If you can get a character with some BT or hyjal gear, that would be completely awesome, or a character with some s3, that would be awesome too

    I think that I deserve this character because my main account got banned a while back becasue I gave out the info to 4 RL friends and they were all using it, and blizzard said that obviously I was sharing the account =(. I want to make this account my new main account, and will never use it to scam gold or other accounts. I really really want to finally have a new account to use for myself, as I am not that great at scamming. I don't want to make money with this account, or anything, I simply want to use it to be able to enjoy WoW again, like it is supposed to be, which I have not been able to do since my warlock got banned. If you can pull this off for me, and get me this account, I would be so unbelieveablly greatfull, like, you can't even comprehend how much I would love to finally be able to play WoW again on a character that I didn't scam, and will only be using for WoW....Thanks man, for doing this, even if I don't win, its probably the coolest thing I've seen someone do on this forum since I started reading here a few months ago!

  15. #15
    Imakepigsfly's Avatar Active Member
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    Faction- Horde
    Gender- male preferably
    Race- dont care
    Class- mage
    Server- "The Forgotten Coast-PVP-US"
    Professions- Preferably Alchemy/Herbalism or Enchanting past 350
    Gear- great for PVP (epic flyer would be awsome too)

    I dont have a lvl 70 yet, my highest character is Burritoboy, which ive had since september (look on the armory same realm pally) and i would use it to help myself and friends level and to enjoy PVP with-out getting mauled. I, absolutely would never do anything to comprimise my first 70. Thank you for reading.
    Last edited by Imakepigsfly; 03-31-2008 at 10:57 PM.

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