Hmm, contact blizzard and say somebody scammed you after you were selling your account ? Just an idiot reason which totally violates blizzard rules will get it very fast banned ^^
It has no time on it. Someone or everyone try to do whatever they can to get it banned. Put time on, get it banned w/e. Put fake CC info for time, w/e.
Will give rep
contact @ [email protected]
Hmm, contact blizzard and say somebody scammed you after you were selling your account ? Just an idiot reason which totally violates blizzard rules will get it very fast banned ^^
Don't want blizzard to have my phone number.
Im 13. *fil
i can ban this for ya, contacting u
if you do that, the first question blizzard ask you is "maybe i have the number you are calling from?"
if you really wanna get it locked, just called in twice or three times and ask for email reset, and they will locked it on the third try
i used that method and it works for me, but i only needed to do that 4times
just a suggestion xD