If you meet the requirements below and are the first person to post I will send you a PM with the USER/PW.
All I request is a confirmation that you did receive the account, please post after receiving one.
NOTICE: Closed indefinitely, I don't feel people are grateful and this feels like a waste of my time, my apologize to those who weren't!
Alright, Unfortunately my phisher was shut down so I need to make a new one!
Also some of the information has been changed between now and last night so I updated the list. I got one PM that was complaining that the info didn't work. Please keep in mind at the time I send you the message it was working (I verify it before sending it to you). You need to use it quickly, it's ideal for scamming, spamming, exploiting, and short term enjoyment, but if your looking for an account you can play and call your own you'll need to buy one because you'll need full info on it.
Going to give away what I have left then it'll probably be about a week before I bother making a new phisher so please be patient. Make sure you ask for something that's on the list or your request will be ignored, I won't be saving old requests for when I make a new phisher!
Best of Luck - Hope you all had fun,
Trials (5+ Rep):
16 (kinda worthless but w/e)
Active Trial (5+ Rep):
Banned (5+ Rep)
Frozen (10+ Rep):
Temp Ban (10+ Rep)
Active (20+ Rep):
Trials (5+ Rep):
7 (kinda worthless but w/e)
Active Trial (5+ Rep):
Banned (5+ Rep)
Frozen (10+ Rep):
Temp Ban (10+ Rep)
Active (20+ Rep):
Accounts Given Away:
Trial: 1
Temp Ban: 2
Banned: 0
Frozen: 5
Active: 10