Level 70???
Okey this is my problem, hacked an account dont know who it is dont know secret question just ACC pass he doesn't know i got it.
Sended his mail to another of his char on his account.
Sended from that char to my char now.
Should i delete his char and make another on another hacked account with same name?
And then let him get banned, i dont want him to get banned just wanted his gold
But if that's the ONLY way to not get caught i will do that. Fast help pleae he could come back
Level 70???
I do this all the time. All I do is steal all there gold, never by mail though. Either in game trade or by AH.
But, then I delete the character (all of the items) just to be a dick :P. Then I delete the character and change the password to the account.
Never been banned and have scammed over 20K in gold! :-D