I'll take it
I got this account that has playtime till Feb, 2010.
****loads of chars, on multiple servers. Sadly it's wearing the PvP gear so I cant get a screen of the PvE gear. Account was played since 2007.
Demo screen: Yfrog - account
Got secret q answer too
Will give it for free, but could use some Eu gamecards
The person I like most gets the account.
PS: No authenticator attached.
I'll take it
removed by Unholy
I'll have it I really want a account, because I want to play wow. Maybe I can get some gold with it too, I can share it with you
Character Level: 63
Goal: 80
I always wanted to play a shaman and a lock. Would love this account ^.^ wont use it to scam..
Dang dude, it would be an honor to that warlock off of your hands.
Either way, thank you for being so generous.
Give me it.. Im not a suckup.. I just want this shit
^Trollin' has aids.
I would love the account if you decide to give it away and I would be very thankful to you.
I will take that account for sure if you want
Take Care
Have a nice day
I will leave the thread open till tomorrow when I come home from work.
I will decide then.
Good luck!
Ouu, Can I haz it? I'll give you some rep cookies and maybe a steak sandwich!
*Um quick think something of something witty and funny!* DAMN its a no go! stupid brain, can't even think of a single one-liner joke
^ am I trying to hard?
I hate it when people mention +Rep in their signatures...oh wait...fail
hopefully i could get it. my acc has ran out of time, i have no money(i am 14) and i never had a lvl higher than 40 lol. hopefully you choose me.
Dear Tassadaru,
In the many years (hours) that I've known you, you've shown me an unbelievable amount of love and care for anyone and everything. I would like the account. From the way you eat, to the way you walk with your feet, its a sight that gods would wish to see. Oh dearest Tassadaru, the way you say the word "the" is like a thousand angelic harps playing Stairway to Heaven. I would like the account. You truly are a gift from heaven, and I wish that you would bless me with an account such as the one in your possession. Dearest Tassadaru, grant me the account, and I promise that you will not be disappointed.
Hey mate, I'd like this account as I'd love to experience a warlock at level 80. I don't have time to level one up myself, as I am full on in studies at the moment. However I would treat it with respect, not get it banned, probably PvE gear it up too.
Cheers, Damare0.