I just trade it face-to-face, most of the gold sellers do this too atm, seems to be safe, but I think trading over the AH is also ok, aslong as you dont use mail system you should be fine..
Lets say I scammed about 5000 gold on a seperate account, but with the same IP. Would it be bad if transfered the gold face to face. Like lets say I pull up one window with my own wow account and another with my scamming wow account. Will I get banned on both accounts? Or just the one I scammed with.
If you don't really get it I'll kinda point it out
I scammed a buncha gold with Account A
I transfer the gold by dual boxing windows to my current account B (not by mail box, but by trade window)
Would I get both account A and B banned or Just account A?
Or is it possible to transfer gold through the auction house using the same IP. Like lets say I put an Item up on the auction house with account B and buy it with Account A so that the money gets transfered to account B. Would both get banned or just Account A?
Kinda confusing I know but I guess it's the best way I can explain it heh.
I just trade it face-to-face, most of the gold sellers do this too atm, seems to be safe, but I think trading over the AH is also ok, aslong as you dont use mail system you should be fine..