Nope, there's pretty much nothing you can do with only the username...
Hey everyone,
I'm new to this site and have been looking at a few threads to see if I can find an answer to my question so I don't have to make another but I can't...
Anyway, is there any way you can get an Account without knowing anything but the Username?
I've recently got 2 Accounts by protending to trade but once I'd change password, they'd get it back in a few hours or a day.
If their is a way, can someone please tell me?
Remember, I'm new to this Scamming stuff!
Thanks very much for replies and your time,
Nope, there's pretty much nothing you can do with only the username...
you can try the AccountDictionizer tool but i dont think u gona find the pass anyway :P
Nope sorry man lol
i dont think that will ever be possible
Ohh ok, duh - stupid me :P
Thanks for your time anyway!