Nope. They just want the money desperately. I wouldn't worry about it.
I recently sold a wow account to a person over paypal and they paid 175, I spent that money on gold the neex tday and then the person who bought the account cancelled it and now im 54 dollars in the hole with paypal, the thing is its not registered to a card so I can't pay it back and now the gold company says they will indict me, can they do this?
Nope. They just want the money desperately. I wouldn't worry about it.
It's a bluff, no worries.
Paypal man If they try top charge back and file a dispute and everything Say these words to paypal "It was on virtual goods" paypal then wont do shit and basically says sucks to be you to the guy who wants his money
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same as if you sell an account for 400$ and then recall the account you be like it was virtual goods and they got there account use to do this to or w.e they were like We will take you to court and i just say uh okay so i "Ripped you off 375$ come down here and do something! keep in mind its going to be over 500$ for a plane ticket" and then they leave you alone and besides them selling/buying accounts is against Blizzards ToS so there pretty much boned
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The only way a gold company can sue you is if they come out in the open and actually say "We sell gold (something we agreed not to do, under Blizzard's LA)" and they have to have tangible proof that you got your gold from them (which in most cases can be obtained from Blizzard only). Do you catch my drift? Trying to sue you is the same as knocking on Blizzard's door and saying "Hey, sue us, because we are breaking your LA in so many ways, you can't even imagine"...
Ridges sums it up really well, its the same way with account trading. Your breaking Blizzards ToS so the scammers can't get in trouble scamming the accounts to begin with.