Yeah, but Karisuk. What are odds off them banning the account if the old owner has already rang in saying its been hacked?
I asked for a name change about 4 times. Give me some advice. What should I say when I call them?
aaron, the account is NOT banned
I really need this name changed.!!
you cannot get a name on the account changed unless you have the cd keys for the original WoW and WoW TBC
I have both of the cd keys. I have every bit of info.
Idk thaught you couldnt change the name that the account is registered unless you get married and legally get your name changed. Not sure though.
Any ideas people!!!!!!!!
xfer it off, i did it last night. cost me $130 but then again it did have t6 pally and 4 other 70's, 4k gold.
Well, I already racked up 200 dollahz.
Just write to blizzard customers service an email