Getting my main account banned
Just stole my first account, and I was curious as to how much getting in trouble on that account will affect my main account. I intend on asking his friends' list hoping that some of them are RL friends and i'll be able to get their info, but if there's a potential for me becoming IP banned I don't think i'll go through with this.
So I was wondering, will messing around with his account in game get my entire IP banned?? Especially if he calls blizzard and tells them his account has been 'hacked', and they see all the account changes coming from my IP.
Any insight is welcomed.
Blizzard does not ban by IP as far as I know as IP's can change quite frequently. However they can ban by credit card, but unless you did some In-game scamming with you main account, i would say your main account is quite safe
IP bans are very ... hard to get. The only possible scenario where you would get IP banned is if you are a hardcore botter and spend your life gliding 55 accounts at the same time. Ive been scamming for a while now, and I know that Blizzard will always prefer to lock an account that has been having problems instead of doing IP bans.
Why? Blizzard is never sure of what is happening, it would be unfair to ban many accounts via an IP ban, resulting in a loss of money for them. They will only ban individual accounts that are being a pain in the ass for them.
Thanks a bunch for the quick explanations, it'll be nice to see whether or not I can pull off a steal from his higher level friends 
No you wont get ur ip banned
No chance m8, you don't have anything to worry about.