Help mwe wtih scammed money
Hey i want help if i scam some ppls i have money on paypal but if i want buy something buyers will call money back and i cant buy anything or i have limit on money can some1 help me? my msn is [email protected] or write it here:wave:
1 tip from me, i would stay out of it, especially if you went between 2 paypal accounts, need to transfer it through around 4 before it gets a bit safe. IPhider is a good thing, the thing you have to keep in mind is that paypal not that long ago got recognised as an official bank? (Might be wrong, just remember seeing something like that). It is not safe, and if you want to play scamming RL money safe you need to read up a lot and be very careful, because you will get prosecuted officially if you get caught.
Dangerous game, scamming real life money... Be careful, best to keep out if you already have a question like this...
But if you really want to do it safe / limited:
1. Open a paypal account with bogus information, unverified, let ppl transfer money to the paypal account, buy something quickly (keys, or gold, or something from some other site that uses paypal), anything that does not need your real information (f.e. shipping address).
2. After this Paypal will spam your (bogus / new) e-mail address with mails your in minus and need to repay because other ppl called back their money. Ignore this, close down the e-mail account, whatever.
3. ???
4. Profit!
But all information your after is easily found by searching (this forum / google).
/Edit: p.s. Anybody feels that im wrong, please correct me need to learn as well
IMPORTANT: Use IP Hider (google it) with a confirmed working proxy.
Last edited by darkhon; 12-03-2008 at 06:00 AM.
Reason: see /edit