You need Acount name, Email and Secret Question to recover you Password.I see you dont got Secret answer.
You need Acount name, Email and Secret Question to recover you Password.I see you dont got Secret answer.
Its not EU =P I know that, thats why I asked. I thought i had read somewhere that you could simply say that your email was compromised and you needed to change the password.
if its not eu should be us. And us work same as EU !
yes i know that -.- i was simply replying to the link to the EU servers thing =P but anyways... damn that sucks that yall dont think there is any way to do it because i could have made like 500 off that account...
Go to and say forgot password, put in your email and SQA and they reset it. Or if its not your email call Blizz and ask em to change it for you, thats what I do they will ask your name, SQA, phone (that you are calling from not the one registered to the account) if you blocked it. Then they will change it for you. Then reset password and your done. Thats what I do.
You know you've lost all hope when Gripen provides the correct and useful information (he linked the EU site, but you get my point) in response to a question and every single other poster gave incorrect information or otherwise did not fully read the original post. This is not an insult to you, Gripen, but an insult to all the other posters in this thread, and pretty much 85% of MMOwned total.
Gripen, you're really getting somewhere and you're actually helping people. I'm really happy I talked to you earlier today.
This is why my usergroup was formed; to help correct scam information reach the public.
Keep it up, Gripen, and you'll be a scam master in no time. on your English. ><
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.