Have you tried going on his myspace and asking his friends "Hey, remember I had that pet it was my first pet i just can't remember its name, can you"
Spam that to alot of his friends and you should get your answer.
Ok, here is my situation. A long time ago I hacked a guy and I've been sitting on his info for a LOOONG time I got access to his email/myspace. He doesn't play WoW anymore (no time on his account) And his password is one I set. (reset to email then deleted the message and emptied the trash ) All I got left to do is change his email to mine while I wait to get the cash to buy Bc+wrath on a second account to Xfer too. I just need to find out either the last six characters of his CD key or the Name of his First Pet. Please post some creative ideas on how to find either of these, I have already checked all his email/myspace.
Would I be able to call them asking to change my SQ/A or aks them to change my email if I don't know the SQ/A?
Last edited by swankboss; 07-26-2009 at 05:31 AM.
Have you tried going on his myspace and asking his friends "Hey, remember I had that pet it was my first pet i just can't remember its name, can you"
Spam that to alot of his friends and you should get your answer.
Just look up a list of the most popular dog names. It's gotta be there somewhere. Patience my friend. Or you could trick him into filling out a survey with that question on it.
Get a fake id in his name and call bliz, and they will give u the SQA.
thanks you man