If you get his char name, you could recover the password.
Alright, i started working on getting this account i saw up for sale on realpoor.com
Its a full S3/T6 Warlock with Merc Glad Rank
so far i've talked this guy into me buying it, and i told him its going to take 2-3 days for paypal to verify my new bank account. to pay him the 1500 he wants xD
but heres the problem
i convinced him to spit out some information (some i got sneakily)
he wanted to chat on the fone, so we did and i got his number and blocked mine when i called him..
but my main problem is what can i do with the info i have right now
i have
- Account Name
- Email was changed to mine
- First Name on account is peter
- Lives in Georgia.
anything i can do to progress and scam it right now
If you get his char name, you could recover the password.
Good job on the e-mail change. The things you're gonna need is:but my main problem is what can i do with the info i have right now
i have
- Account Name
- Email was changed to mine
- First Name on account is peter
- Lives in Georgia.
anything i can do to progress and scam it right now
- Last Name
- Password
- SQ/A
Once you have this information try and delay the sale till Friday 20.00 gametime. Then change his password and you bought yourself a whole weekend to buy and create another account with the same last name. After that you transfer his character to your new account and get his account banned permanently.
You can try and recall his password by guessing (or finding out) the SQ/A and have the new password mailed to your email.
You might find out his last name by calling him at random hours and see if he or his family answers with his last name. Otherwise just ask for it to make sure he wont scam you. You have to be really sure the last name is correct though.
Its gonna be hard m8...wouldn't want to be in your position on this one ;-)
Good luck!