I'm a noob at wow scamming and in need of tips.
However, I am quite crafty in other ways and recently "gained access" to a pretty big power leveling services administration interface. I get a couple of wow accounts each hour. Both US and EU.
Now, I can log in to them and do whatever. However, I do not know what to do with them. People usually change password before handing them out to the chinese, so I can't really change the password and just steal it because they will probably just try and get them back from Blizzards helpdesk.
Any tips what I should do with the massive pile of wow accounts I am gathering from the site?
give me an account and i will tell u what to do
contact me at todie4afi that is my aim
Can I have a gamecard please?
Damn this 10 post limit before being able to send PMs.
I've received some nice messages in my inbox but I dare not add anyone to anything related to IM. Sorry for not being very trusting, but the situation is somewhat precarious. Anyone could be a Blizzard employee or one of them darned chinese farmers.
I promise I will get back to people who helps out once I'm able to send PM:s.
I just logged in to a guild master with a guild bank. He also had some warlord stuff in his private bank.Poor bastard.
Note to all:
The administration interface (in chinese, got to love Babelfish) is apparently only for keeping track of power leveling purchases. Therefore I am only able to get their usernames and passwords.
Thus, no gamecards, no CD-keys or anything like that. Only accounts.
lol simply create a ebay account use a name from a person you hate6): and create email too than a paypal account put some accounts in ebay for only a couple of hours so that they run out after one day start with 1€ let some frieds do some bids. Make the account not so expansive that the guy who wants too buy thinks ist nice account for low cost. Give him username and pass say that u change email after money comes in to your paypal acc... make this with a couple off accounts delete ebay acc and paypal acc and of course email
with some luck u are a rich person ^^
p.s. sry 4 bad english![]()
How did you do that? Well nice work thought. I would like an account but if you wanna give me one i wont mindWell nice job and i guess i ll be the first one to +Rep you
psh ill plus rep you any ways it takes a hell of alot of skill to do that, ive gotten only one or 2 with my smoothe talking, but which site did yo ugo to for it?
Hey give me a lvl 70 char please? dosnt matter with gear.. please give me 1 account with a lvl 70 please !!
Thanks for the reputation!
It's not very hard. I googled for power leveling sites and checked if they had some kind of administration, like www.superduperfarmers.com/admin, /admin.php (just examples), etc. Then I tried with SQL injection, weak logins etc and quickly moved on to the next. Doesn't take that much skill, really, and I did not put lots of time into it. I just got lucky with one.
I bet if one tries a little harder, there are many more vulnerable sites. Most of them are very poorly built by chinese students who wants to make a quick buck.
Maybe this could turn into some kind of evil account farming industry?6):
VERY impressive +Rep
now if u see any accounts in EU for Emeriss PVP let me know please?
rofl check all lazy leecher is asking for account. we arent even sure if its true what je said. he didnt tell the site so ...
It's true, but I can't PM anyone yet. I'll give people with reputation a couple of accounts once I'm able to send private messages.
The reason I don't want to say which site it is is quite obvious... I still want it for myself and I still have access to it. Anyone who knows a little about basic security will be able to hack it in a couple of minutes and I don't want an invasion there.![]()