PM'd ya ;>
PM'd ya ;>
Aldun, not sure ul get it yet. :P many requests, Let them flow for 10 more mins, and tell me waht you want the acc for when you PM! so i can fairly give it away
Engvall - The one and only
:O amagad i sense drama! :O
WTT wtlk acc, 70 ele shammie/ 19 epic huntard x2 39 good geared twinks for goldies on trollbane, know all info + SQ/A an can change acc to ur email it a EU acc an perfect for scamming. priv message me. :wave:
I'd love the acc!!
Why fill up a signature?
Would like the 80 char pretty please :>
Ah crap not enuff rep. Could you consider nonetheless?
stickman08 had the acc, theard will be closed within 20mins, just want people to see who had it
Engvall - The one and only