pm'd,, hope get one
I got about 10, the first 10 people to PM me will be guaranteed one. But i may have more coming in shortly. No less than level 70.
I dont have full info for any of them and i dont know if there's time on any of them.
pm'd,, hope get one
Last edited by InternetExplorer; 07-03-2009 at 04:12 PM.
Lol Pm'd hoping
Same here!
*crosses fingers*
"As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place will no more exist."
Sent a PM
I got one! +Rep
PMED Thank you so much
Character Level: 63
Goal: 80
hey wats up i cant wait
got 1. thanks
Last edited by vvvat; 06-26-2009 at 10:45 PM.
I haven't gotten one, so I'm wondering if he counts me as a leecher even though I'm a site donor...
Pm'ed (Filler)
pm'ed too. hopefully i'm not too late
pm has been sent
I'm gonna try for one...still trying to give my neighbor a taste of wow...
PM Sent.