Will be posting more as they come.
Remember, I just log into them and check if they have gold.
If they don't I post em here.
You might get lucky you might not.
Will be posting Scammed US accs here.
I will be looting all gold they might have before posting em here, and they will only be good for scamming.
If they don't work, too bad, but don't whine because of that.
You were getting it FREE, and just cause you ****ed up and OO got it back, I don't want your flames.
Second acc - top lvl char is 35 sdometyhing, some low levels...
950g on "xxixxi"
pm me for it
Last edited by Mathmech; 06-14-2009 at 04:38 PM.
Will be posting more as they come.
Remember, I just log into them and check if they have gold.
If they don't I post em here.
You might get lucky you might not.
Update ^^ (fillah)
Good stuff
pmed fillah
Trading Blackcats Games Invite for 60day WoW Gametime Card PM me
wtb teh accz pm me :P
If I don't reply, the acc is gone.
Now it is.