Your Name: Buahbleah
Server: EU
Reason: Contributed a nice gold-guide for the community / never gotten an account / and gratzis on the 100th post
Looking forward to anything you have to offer.
EDIT: I'm currently switching my phishers to another website as I fear it has most likely been compromised, please feel free to continue to post, it just might take me a bit longer to get back to you.
I'm currently giving away accounts for all your needs, whether they be to make some gold, or just for fun. I'm giving away mostly Username / Password only, but I will also be randomly giving out full info's as well. To get an account, just follow the rules below. Once my gamecard phisher is up and running I shall be giving those out too.
Current Status: See above edit.
- You must have a minimum of 40 Reputation, it's a reasonable requirement, do not post if you don't meet the requirement. Requirement can change at anytime.
- Do not ask for a specific account. You may request EU or US but I cannot completely guarantee you will get one, although I will try my best.
NO SECOND ACCOUNTS. I check all accounts before I give them to you, and there is no reason for them to suddenly stop working between the time I pm it to you, and the time you log on. I've already been ripped off once by a certain someone, and it's not going to happen again. If your intentions are completely legit, disregard the last part of this, and go ahead and post.
Post in this format if you want an account:
Your Name: Should be obvious enough
Server: EU or US
Reason: Not required, but giving a reason why you deserve / want the account, may increase your chances of getting a full info. (does not guarantee)
Last edited by Dr. Horrible; 03-17-2009 at 06:14 PM.
I'm a doctor, I've got a PHD in horribleness!
Your Name: Buahbleah
Server: EU
Reason: Contributed a nice gold-guide for the community / never gotten an account / and gratzis on the 100th post
Looking forward to anything you have to offer.
Last edited by buahbleah; 03-15-2009 at 09:45 PM.
Name: Cimslunt
Server: EU
Reason: Because we have the same intrest in books and im pushy and you like that
Oh also, the one you gave me last time was a US account
PS: Yes i know i dont have 40 Rep
Name: Andrew
Server: US
Reason: Because i had to sell my very geared mage for $200 and my Ps3 for $175 last week
in order to pay for my student loans, was jobless at the time, now im back on my week, got a
new job, not as good as pay as before but it gets me buy, and i really wanna play with my
WoW friends again, been on same server for 4 years, yes i can scam a account, but the risk
of getting it recalled wouldn't be worth it if say i get him geared, also i contribuated 3
accounts already and put a exploit trick in wsg that i have yet to see a repost of
Also i know i dont have 40 rep, but i have 2 rep power somehow, so that should count for something
Last edited by firefighterwow; 03-15-2009 at 11:45 PM. Reason: I wanted to
Im the Lord of the Horde, Slayer of the Alliance
Your Name: Holysymbol
Server: US
Reason: I've been playing World of Warcraft since December 2004. I had my priest, called Holysymbol for two years. I had to end up selling it because I needed to pay some debts. I have since then (about a year) been playing on 10 day free trials and a few 100% blizzlike private servers. But it's just not as fun when it's not retail. I want an account to start again. Make friends and raid! Well, thanks if you do decide to give me something! I will forever be thankful. I really want a new account to play on. IT would make a fine birthday present! March 16th (today) Is my B-day.
Also, firefighterwow you should read the rules. A minimum of 40 rep is needed to ask . Good luck!
Last edited by Holysymbol; 03-16-2009 at 02:56 PM.
BRB After I get 1 more repz
Your Name: Fredrik
Server: EU
Reason: I love playing World of Warcraft, and always help the community. Nothing more, nothing less
Your Name: Victor
Server: EU
Reason: I would like one to scam on (:
Your Name: Ulv (Means Wolf in norwgian in case you were wondering :-D)
Server: EU
Reason: I'd like to startup wow again, so it would be nice with an account to do so
Thanks to Narudan for the sweet sig
Your Name: Matthew
Server: EU
Reason: because im a contributor, i contribute phishin programs and i may put one up that you like :P
Your Name: XatoA
Server: US
Reason: Because i contribute
Account given to everyone who met the reputation requirement. Hope you guys enjoy them and still have quite a few to give, I've got alot more of US but if you're willing to wait a bit as I dig through the logs / have someone send me one (which doesn't normally take long) , I can gladly get you an EU as well, you'll just have to be a bit more patient.
I'm a doctor, I've got a PHD in horribleness!
Your Name: dalllas
Server: US
Reason: My paladin (80) just recently was banned for good, and I'm looking for really any opportunity to get back into the 2200+ arena bracket as it is the only fun I have in the game any more.
thanks for all the account giveaways, it's real cool.
Your Name: Krip
Server: US
Reason: I would like to play WoW but do not have the money to purchase an account nor the time to level one.