Hey me me 1st post (:
YouWill get more than happiness u will get OVERLOAD OF HAPPNESS AND REP
Whats Michael Jacksons Registration Plate? :ru12 (i dont think u will get it from words)
Your mum is like an oven every knob turns her on
Your mum is like a bowling ball she gets picked up fingered then thrown in the gutter
What do u get when michael Jackson and Arnold Swazz***** cross? :Michaelwaza******
what does Michael Jackson and a ps3 have in common? :they're both made of plastic and like to play with little children
What do u call a feild filled with black people buired up to their necks? : Afro Turf
Most of these wont be funny coz they are wrote down better when u tell in person
Hope to get PM im desprate by thanks for this thread too