I'm currently on a LAN party, so i'm in need of an acct to play on :P
Also, i got some scammed Gamecards that i can add for the acct. That's my reason :P
I'm currently on a LAN party, so i'm in need of an acct to play on :P
Also, i got some scammed Gamecards that i can add for the acct. That's my reason :P
I don't intend on using it as a scam mule or getting it banned.
And the parrot said "Durotar! They have them all over the place."
my reason is that i have become more or less poor broke, i have nothing to do apart work a 45 hour/week night shift in an internet cafe , and i dont have a wow account, would be nice to have one something to do because it just gets so boring and lonley, but if someone else gets it i guess thats cool , can't win em' all =]
I'll be honest,
I want it because I'm greedy. Better than some lame ass sob story. (No offense to anybody with a lame ass sob story.)
Thanks to BreakDown for the above signature
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dude it aint a sob story,its saying how i'd benefit,
I Would like the account because I honestly have played WoW For 3 Years and I got my accoun't hacked which really sucked and I miss my friend's on my realm and in deperate need of a US account to play on again.
I could use it because I am the real deal.
I would like the account because i want to test some stuff out on it (scams etc) and im too much of a wuss to do it on my main account.
I would like the account because i need it for my friends, as they want to start playing, and/or try scamming for the first time![]()
i would like the acc because i love u O.o
I would like this account for my friend, and also because he is too ****ing lazy/cheap to make his own account so I need to get him one with some things on it.
I need it to continue develop my bot. I got banned using CE
I want it simply because I have absolutely nothing to play atm -_-