kk i want it
Account Name: Chpreston Account Password: zj5pgnqq
Email: [email protected] Secret question: 2 Secret answer: bains First Name: sam Last Name: Heyes Phone Number: 07974980258 Address 1: weaver house Address 2: morris lane City: halsall State: Lancashire ZIP: L398sx Country: GBR
kk i want it
Damn it, did a leecher take it?! If so, that sucks =(
Last edited by Dr. Doom; 10-08-2008 at 05:22 PM.
just a quick question - why post it like this and not in as a pm?
He just does a giveaway every so often, full info, so its not like one of us couldnt call up and recall. All the info is there
Next time PM it... So no leecher take it!
Well its a giveaway, i don't really care who gets it.
Im not going to waste my time asking people to pick stupid numbers or ask them to guess something. The whole point of a giveaway is to give something away without them wasting their time. If they are going to be guessing numbers, then it isn't a giveaway but a raffle. And im not biased about who deserves it or who doesn't. I'm also not going to waste my own time picking someone out of hundreds of posts begging for this char. FIrst COME FIRST SERVE
Last edited by Indigoextend; 10-08-2008 at 06:31 PM.
Well put, no more trolling =)