can i have account 3
Account 1:
70 Dwarf Disc Priest, gladiator gear and about 100g. No alts.
Playtime: Expires August 27
RP-PVP Server, PCT Ready.
Information: Have password/SQ/Accname
Chance of getting recalled: 0%
Given To Moffeman
Account 2:
70 Troll BM Hunter, gladiator gear and about 200g. Also a 68 undead rogue.
Playtime: Expired!
PVP Server, PCT Ready.
Information: Have password/SQ/Accname
Chance of getting recalled: 0%
Given To ToR
Account 3:
70 Gnome Warlock, PvP gear= Gladiator, PvE gear= about 1000 spelldmg. Also a 19 hunter twink.
Playtime: Expired!
PVP Server, PCT Ready.
Information: Have password/SQ/Accname
Chance of getting recalled: 0%
I wont have a competition or something, just tell me why you should get the account. I have kept theese accounts for more than 5 months, but i cant play on them all, so i give them away.
I can also trade them for: EU Gamecards, gold, or maybe other accounts. Kkthxbye
Last edited by Easyrase; 07-01-2008 at 11:56 AM.
can i have account 3
You got a Pm
shot you a pm for the last one.
whatsup mdawg how u been?
I would like 1 NO matter witch 1 it is just want something to play if i can choose account 2 will be perfect
Last edited by Chrommie; 06-30-2008 at 05:55 PM.
Hello, i would like either of them, but i prefer the third one, but not realy a matter of fact, if i get the 3rd one i am gonna use it to have some fun, and a bit scamming, and any of the others its just harccore scamming, i would like the third account because i used to play paladin which got scammed when i tried to sell, and i always got pwned by warlocks in pvp if i get any of them, thanks alot - if not. gl
Best regards, tha shammy
EDIT: I am sorry, seems like i didnt read it all, i actually prefer account 1 with play time on as i am not gonna pay for an account to scam on it ( And i dont have anything to offer sadly )
Last edited by Shadowbreath; 06-30-2008 at 05:54 PM.
Umm Could I have Account 2?
NoT A ZomBie~BuT iLL~EaTuRBrainS
PM'ed you, and could i have acc 1 ?
+Rep x2
Why fill up a signature?
I would love any of them for playing EU wow again
I would love you for a long time for it
can I please have account 1, 2, or 3? I really need an account because mine got banned. I can put this list of funny stuff if it would help my chances
These are some really funny things
Too much fun with legos
The moring after O.o
That snake is horny O.o
Cat Slang
That is a scary bunny
I would be scared of that woman
Stiff Nipples air conditioning O.o
Tresspassers will be shot... lol
People pay money to see this guy scream?
Instructions: How to Wear a Hat
Chicks with guns :mwink:
You might be a Redneck O.o
Well I hope you like my list im just hnoes: biting my nails and praying that you like it
Certs: CCNA, CCNA Sec, Security+, A+, Network+
Willing to help with networking problems, just send me a PM.
Professional software developer/machine learning engineer, please PM me if you have any questions about either of the two.
Can I have account #2? I would like an account because I am horrible at leveling and desperate for an account so I can do end-game instances. I also want it so I can have an EU account since I can't get one in my area.
Remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people!
I would love to get account #3!
The reason I'm giving is that I can finally start making my new episode of Mark-Exploration. It has been dead for a year since I was banned and stopped playing. I'm aiming for a comeback at exploration/exploitation. Maybe you recall the name Marklund? That's me.
Mark-Exploration Episode 1
[ame=]Mark-Exploration Episode 1[/ame]
Mark-Exploration Episode 2
[ame=]Mark-Exploration Episode 2[/ame]
I can't wait to start with the third episode. Only problem is, it takes so darn long time to level up due to work IRL and so on.
can i get any of the accounts please - i would just enjoy to play with any of them, my main account got banned so im looking for a new one. Kkthxbai
Rofl'omg I love Smileys: :throwup:
Account #3 Left! Gz to Moffeman and ToR for the other ones.