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Thread: Scamming 101

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  1. #1
    Aima's Avatar Member
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    Scamming 101

    Scamming 101
    I've only been a member for a week, and I wish I didn't have to make this my first contribution. But it seems of of the leechers here can't use common sense.

    Here are a few things you need to do to help your scam get by with the best possible results.

    In the case of the guild bank scam (the alt+bankname method)
    1. Research your target. Go to the realm forums of multiple (High Population, PvE) servers. Find a server that has at least 2-5 guilds in BT (not as easy as it sounds).

    2. Get on the target guilds website and register. See who they are clearing, make sure your time is worth your while.

    3. Be bold. When you impersonate someone. Make it the GM. (Here is the risky part. Most GMs have alts, but your run this risk when you impersonate anyone really. So if you have to take the risk. Go big. No one questions the GM when he asks to be promoted.

    *Homework is your key to making any decent scam work*

    After two recent conversations with GMs about the Nuetral AH swooping, I know that this scam if done right isn't against the TOS. Do not tell people in /g who you are pretending to be. Keep it to tells and only say it once. If the original person that reports doesnt say that you told him you were xxxx person in his complaint then you can not be banned. If he does report to the GM that you said you were xxxx person you are at the mercy of the GM. The two I talked to won't ban you. but the first GM said he knows a few that would because you were invited under false pretense and you obviously had malicious intent to ruin the game play of another player.

    its a moral judgement of the GM. and it up to them how they interpret the TOS and EULA.

    Read the EULA and the TOS if you are going to scam. Know how to manipulate the words in the EULA/TOS. this gives you the ability to argue a point with a GM that confronts you.

    Lastly. If you are going to maxamize this scam. Do two or three guilds worth of Homework all before you start this scam. Clear the entire server in 1 night so that word of mouth has as little time to spred as possible. (otherwise wait two weeks inbetween guilds) mail yourself the goods to one toon and put everything in the bank. Spend 25 dollars on a server transfer and start with ______ amount of loot and level yourself in whatever way you see fit.

    Scamming 101
  2. #2
    Drakee's Avatar Active Member
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    "After two recent conversations with GMs about the Nuetral AH swooping, I know that this scam if done right isn't against the TOS. Do not tell people in /g who you are pretending to be. Keep it to tells and only say it once. If the original person that reports doesnt say that you told him you were xxxx person in his complaint then you can not be banned."

    You CAN be banned for ANYTHING so yor atm lieing about those "scams" that i highly dont see working...

  3. #3
    Quafe's Avatar Contributor

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    yes, blizzard can ban you for anything, even just for saying "hi" in the trade channel... that doesn't mean they do it.
    even though this is a repost, it helps people not to get banned, and it explains the scam in detail. so +rep

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