No, it's permanent.
So I had sold an account along time ago like 4 months after retail release.
I actually sold it legit back then for an account from a different game. I gave them CDkey ect but didn't give them my Secret Q/A.
Well they ended up like 5 months later recalling the account I got from them for the game Asheron's Call.
Anyway I finally decided sinec WotLK is coming out I'd like my original account back.
Went through process of calling Blizz earlier getting all the info changed ect.
Well the guy I traded to had me on AIM still tells me yadda yadda the account is getting hacked do I have the Secret Q/A i told him know I don't remember it.
Well he called blizz and they let him use the CDkeys to retrieve the account and told him the answer to the SeCret Q afterwards....
So now he knows the answer to that. So even if I recall it agian he will be able to do the same.
So if there anyway to get it changed? like faxing Blizz legal ID ect and having it changed?
No, it's permanent.
I shocking love loveshock! ... and Saaen!
If you are the OO of the account. You have to prove you're the owner. You can do this by sending in a drivers license that shows that you actually ARE the original owner.
If I send in my Drivers License is there anything they can change to make it so the other person can't ever recall it again from me? I am the original owner so sending/faxing my ID wouldn't be an issue at all.
Calling them now
Called Blizz let them know what's going on.
They are resetting the info AGAIN.
And also sending this to the account admins ect for further research.
They also told me once I put my Blizz Authenticator on the account they if you call in you will need the Secret Q/A and the Serial # off that Authenticator to get the info reset. So once i get my authenticator in a day or 2 here the account should hopefully be fully secure again.
For WoW US accounts:
The SQA can never be changed. Getting an authenticator is your best bet.
Technically, the authenticator can be removed if he sends in a fake ID, pretending to be you, but I doubt that would happen.
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
id probably Xfer the char's to a new account just to be safe, then u wont have to worry about it,
Insert Sig Here