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Hello mmowned, recently i thought up a twist to the 'free powerlevel' scam. Basically, you have to target someone who you know has bought gold. In my case, it was a guildie (i know im evil :P) who bought 1000g from www.eing.com.
I made a character called eingadmin and then whispered him, saying that he was the first person on the realm to buygold from us andthat he can have a free overnight powerlevel (dont make it seem too good to be true). He then proceded to give me his account details, but it gets better :P
I then asked him to pick a friend who would also recieve a free overnight powerlevel, so he gave me the name of the person who was his friend, then i contacted him, got the account details.
Warning : I may have been lucky as the people who i targeted were english teenage chavs (if your not from the UK you wontknow what im talking about ) and lets just say, they wernt 'computer smart'
gg, have fun