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    Sabbia's Avatar Banned
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    Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Recently i was looking through the forum and i saw a post "enchant scam". My curiosity got the better of me. As i clicked the link i noticed someone flaming "blah blah blah scammers are gay blah blah blah your all nerds you have no life blah blah blah (insert 10 year old insert)".

    Well you get the picture. Anywho that got me thinking back to the days when i was a grade "A" scammer. Well anywho this is why i scammed back in the day and probably others are in this world.

    There are 3 types of people in the wow community. We'll classify them as below average, average ,and above average people. In other words:

    Above Average: Scammers
    Average: Non-Traders
    Below Average: Traders (Well the majority)

    See the scammers are above average intelligence because they devise a plan to put the trader in a false sense of security and uses it to their advantage. Another method is using JavaScript/Add-ons to your advantage. If you fall for a scam, then you technically deserve to lose your WoW account.

    Scammers also scam because its much easier to take then make. We'll use growing corn as an example. It takes around 4 months to grow corn. But it will only take 4 hours to steal about all the corn the farmer grew. Its a mind game is all it is. Once the scammer knows your next move, thats it.

    People who say scammers are stupid are usually the ones who got scammed in the first place. Therefore its their stupidity for falling for one of the scams. So next time one of you goody to-shoes come on here and say "ZOMFGZORS SCAMMERS ARE TEH DUMBZOR" think again. Because if their so stupid to outwit you... then what does that make you?

    ~ Sabbia

    Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)
  2. #2
    Mike3667's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Hehe good explaination. But when they say they are stupid, it mostly means they are Butt-plugs so..They may have not know when they got scammed it really does not make them stupid back.

  3. #3
    Herleybob's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Nice nice, i think it is all true, Gah g2g soon, Teacher comming.

    Nom Nom Nom :P

  4. #4
    Loveshock's Avatar Whip it whip it real hard
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Originally Posted by Sabbia View Post
    People who say scammers are stupid are usually the ones who got scammed in the first place.
    Soooo true

  5. #5
    Acespades's Avatar Site Donator
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Originally Posted by herleybob View Post
    Nice nice, i think it is all true, Gah g2g soon, Teacher comming.

    My school has mmowned blocked


    Current Record Holder: Most times banned on MMOwned

  6. #6
    nupsig's Avatar Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    That was the most inaccurate and generalized post I have ever read. To start off I'd like to say I love scamming, cheating, exploiting, and exploring (mainly WoW) in games...Diablo II comes to mind.

    The first problem that I have with your post is how you classify people. I'd say the majority of the scammers I've ran into are really sloppy and bad because they probably just read a thread halfway through and then rush to go try it. Just look at how most of the people on here type and I'm sure you can imagine that. Not to say that there aren't really good scammers, because they are definitely out there (not uncommon either). Also, if most scammers are so above average, they wouldn't be doing the scams in WoW in the first place because they're so easily suspendable / bannable.

    As far as the average and below average people you have listed, it doesn't even make sense. Trading makes you richer in this game (and any game), especially if you are good at it. Why would you rank people that trade below people that don't trade...?

    Also, very very few scammers make Javascript programs or Addons to help them out with their scam. Those that do are obviously intelligent, but they are few and far between.

    "If you fall for a scam, then you technically deserve to lose your WoW account." Lol, what the hell are you talking about?

    Your analogy about stealing corn doesn't really fit your definition of coming up with a well devised plan to scam. I'd say that scamming involves some social engineering, trickery, manipulation, etc. However, I won't get on you that much for the example though because it is just an example.

    Finally, most people who got scammed probably do hate scammers (rightfully so) and insult them. But, I'm a scammer and I think that a lot of scammers are stupid because they really are, just look at some of the scams that have been posted on these forums, they suck.

    Please respond, I'm not really trying to flame you even though I kind of did, just my opinion on the subject.

  7. #7
    Merc's Avatar Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Originally Posted by Acespades View Post

    My school has mmowned blocked

    yea my teacher caught me too :P i think she blocked it i havent checked

    TO OP

    Well most of us are just lazy for short and why not do something that takes about 2 to 4 hours than about 6 - 8 months *casual gamer or im just slow :P* to get what we want even if there is a risk, but its true

  8. #8
    Epic Sheep's Avatar Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Originally Posted by Acespades View Post

    My school has mmowned blocked

    School with Blocked Websites Suck(like mine)
    But if they Have the Nerve to Block MMOwned
    then well i think we should all band together and
    Do somethings from Anarchist Cookbook.

    anyway Back on Topic.
    i think this is True and good.
    Nice Post.

  9. #9
    Varu's Avatar Knight-Captain
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    This is all so true, people always hate scammers because they got scammed in the first place, they should just go and QQ in there baby beds for falling for it to be honest


  10. #10
    Epic Sheep's Avatar Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Originally Posted by Diminished View Post
    This is all so true, people always hate scammers because they got scammed in the first place, they should just go and QQ in there baby beds for falling for it to be honest

    ''If its too good to be True. Then it Probably isn't (True that is)''

    Edit: Post 200! Woohoo

    Last edited by Epic Sheep; 10-11-2007 at 11:17 AM. Reason: 200 yay me

  11. #11
    Shizmaster's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    I am unsure how I entirely feel about your "view" on scamming vs. getting scammed. Honestly, you have a biased disposition on the subject. You have scammed, and you have no morality towards the subject. I on the other hand have both scammed and been scammed. I scam on a low scale, and take money form people that are stupid enough to do so. I have also however been key logged, and had my account nearly destroyed, and by someone on this forum none the less. Needless to say I was furious. No one "deserves" to get their account stolen. People shouldn't have to worry about pricks like us that sit their and come up with clever ways to take their accounts. The fact is, you are stealing, but not only are your stealing money, or items, but time. A lot of people work hard to have their characters all epic'd out.

    So what I am really interested in (since you really didn't explain it) is what compels a scammer to scam on a grand level (stealing account, sharding epic, etc.)? Why is it funny to scammer's to utterly devastate an account? Ruling out the whole "getting revenge" scenario, please explain this to me.
    Last edited by Shizmaster; 10-11-2007 at 12:14 PM.
    I like you. That being said; when I take over the world, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless.

  12. #12
    Sabbia's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    Personally me as a scammer i do it for the challenge. Once you do scam you have a couple options.

    1: If you know they cant recall it i usually just play it until it gets banned etc.

    2: If i know its going to be recalled i usually don't "shard their purples" i just take the gold and transfer it to a differ char on my main account. Very rarely i sell all their stuff then transfer their gold off.

    3: (I have never done this) Sell the account.

    4: If you are a good scammer you would have all the info (excluding CD keys). Then i would go to Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart, etc. and buy Wow and TBC plus 2 game cards. I would then make a new account with the same last name and transfer the scammed char off. Thus having your own unretrievable account. BTW also ban the one that you scammed otherwise he can trace what happened.

    5: Take the scammed account and trade it. Dont get scammed during the process. Only 15% of the people on MD are the rightful owners. So therefore 85% dont have all they need to recall it.

    Everyone scams for a different reason. Me i do it for the challenge and when i run out of game time :P Whatever a scammer may be doing they all have 1 purpose. Making the victim have 1 less account and the scammer gain an account. And to all you who criticize me about saying "If you fall for a scam, then you technically deserve to lose your WoW account." most scams can easily be avoided. Always use the "Account Retrieve" function on WorldofWarcraft.com, Always be in control of whats going on. If you can get his phone number and address. Statistics show that most scammers are between the ages of 13 - 17.

    Its true most scammers are stupid. But some aren't and those are the ones you have to be careful about.

    I will do my impression on the victim another day since im about to go play some football Good day to you all

    ~ Sabbia

  13. #13
    tumadre's Avatar Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    I couldn't agree with you less, just because someone CAN get scammed doesn't mean they deserve to. Besides scammers are not always above average. Take for example, one time a person was selling a turtle mount in Trade. I recognized this scam immediatly, and decided to scam the scammer, i bought it, went, tried the code, (It didn't work) instantly reported him, and got my gold back, plus a banned scammer. No offense to all you scammers here, I just don't believe in scamming innocent people.twocents

  14. #14
    keithek2000's Avatar Member
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    scamers are ok becouse they show people how stupid they are...

  15. #15
    Frogzilla's Avatar Knight-Champion Authenticator enabled
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    Re: Why scammers scam. (Worth the read)

    I scam because I want something.

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