I was BGing it up on my 29 twink and landed a game against a pretty good team. They had a noob hunter who tried to solo carry the flag alot though, I went after him well he had flag one time (remember its just me and him) killed him, it gave me my KB and honor, then I started madly clicking flag, what do you know he self rezes in the midddle of the field, full health, and runs off with the flag. Now I'm not a noob to 29 or hunters (my main is a hunter) and I have no freaking clue how he did this??? Hes 29 so he dosnt have feign death, theres no trinkets i have ever seen at 29 that res you to full health, HOW WAS THIS POSSIBLE!?! And no it was not lag, my KB anouncer even said I killed him, saw him die, just cant figure it out. SOME ONE PLEASE MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A NOOB!![]()