just go to www.worldofwarcraft.com/account
login using the info
then go to change password and change it
I scammed an account and changed the e-mail, fortunately the guy accepted the link in the mail he recieved for changing the mail. However I forgot to change the pass, I don't know his secret answer but the account e-mail is linked to my e-mail so is there not a way to do something with that e-mail? Or do I've to do a ''dictionary'' attack or how it's called....?
just go to www.worldofwarcraft.com/account
login using the info
then go to change password and change it
but I don't know the pass anymore it's changed already.. and the answer to the secret question I don't know either, that's why I asked if I need to use a ''dictionary'' attack
You can try brute force, but chances are you will never see that account again.