Quest item, that can be exploited during WPvP combat.
During Night Fae covenant campaign you can get to the quest: On De Other Side - Quest - World of Warcraft (ON DE OTHER SIDE)
You can stop at this point and do not give the quest in. Thus resulting you to save bugged item: Deathstone - Item - World of Warcraft (DEATHSTONE)
For a fresh character - this take about ~30-40 minutes to complete. So no big deal.
What's the point of this item? It can be used as a form of escape during World PvP. You can use it to escape death. Or... If you need a TP to Ardenweald somehow.
This item TP's you into the dungeon "De other side", there you can talk to Bwonsamdi to leave the dungeon (Be ware of not giving the quest in).
Item can be used during forms of CC that do not force you to move. (Coil/Fear/Disorientation) It has a very fast cast time (1.5 sec that scales with Haste stat), no Cooldown. Only downfall is it being interrupted by direct damage taken. (But sometimes cast-time is so low that you can do this during the fight). Can be used during bubble/any absorb or shield-like effect. On mount (while standing still in the air). Has no visual cast-time. So if you manage to finish the cast for the other player this will look like a BG/Arena proc.
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KuRIoS (2 members gave Thanks to BaJIePa_CnuPuDoH for this useful post)