Greetings Wwnedcore! New method here for farming guild exp.
For this new method you will need:
- Toon around level 70
- Some gold if you don't feel like farming
You can choose to run AC or other BC dungeons to farm these marks if you don't wish to buy them.
The old methods have been patched, as they have made the old NPC's non interactable. This new method hasn't been patched.
In Shattrath, on the Aldor rise, there's an NPC to turn in either Mark of Sargeras - Item - World of Warcraft or Mark of Kil'jaeden - Item - World of Warcraft. You can turn in 1 at a time, and for each one you will receive 60k guild exp. Enjoy.
Links to the quests: Single Mark of Kil'jaeden - Quest - World of Warcraft Single Mark of Sargeras - Quest - World of Warcraft
You must have started the quest to become friendly with Aldor, you can start this by speaking to
You can do the same thing with the Scyrers, with the items changed respectively.
Macro you can use to speed up the process: Change the (2) on the first line accordingly to what rank it is on the list.
/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(2)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()