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    Vindicated's Avatar Contributor
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    How to Compile Hearthstone Core

    How to Compile Hearthstone Core
    By Vindicated

    Hey guys! I'm back with another one of my guides. However, this time I have taken some input from others and decided to add more pictures . I will also add a video later on, but for now I'm really busy with exams and all.

    Anyways, what is Hearthstone? Hearthstone is a branch of the AspireCore (now integrated into the trunk of AspireCore) that was created in late November. It is based off of the Summit leak a while back. Yes, it does have
    3.1.3 support! It is a really good, stable core that is usually the first major emulator to receive support for the new patch. I may also interchange the words AspireCore & Hearthstone throughout the guide. I will also explain how to setup Hearthstone.

    Note - Please note that the "trunk" is 3.0.9, not 3.1.3. For 3.1.3, you must browse to the "branches/3_1_0" folder and follow the exact same instructions as you would for 3.0.9, just in that folder. Thanks!

    Table of Contents:
    I. Downloads
    II. Getting the Repository
    III. Setting up Dependencies
    IV. Compiling Hearthstone
    V. Compiling Scripts
    VI. Setting up the Database
    VII. Setting up the Configuration Files
    VIII. Extracting DBC/Map Files
    IX. Running Hearthstone
    X. Links

    I. Downloads

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 - Downloads
    TortoiseSVN - TortoiseSVN downloads | TortoiseSVN
    Navicat Lite - Navicat - Download Center - Download the World's Best Oracle Manager, MySQL Front End & PostgreSQL GUI for Windows, Linux & Mac OS X - Download Now! Support Access to MySQL, Excel to MySQL, MySQL editor, MySQL administrator, MySQL frontend, MySQL man
    MySQL 5 - MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Downloads
    Extractors -
    Filebeam - Free Fast File Hosting

    II. Getting the Repository
    Alright, well in order to compile Hearthstone we need the files on our computer first right? First, create a folder on your desktop and call it "Hearthstone". Right-click the folder and click "SVN Checkout...". Then fill out the first field so that it reads:
    svn:// Then click ok. Refer to the picture of you have any questions.

    The files will start downloading. This can take anywhere from five minutes to an hour, so go do something in real life that actually matters during this time.

    Note - To update your repository (do this once or twice a day), right click the folder and choose "SVN Update...".

    Setting up Dependencies
    In my opinion, this is the hardest part of compiling. However, it only has to be done once per compiler (unless you uninstall Visual Studio), so don't get too caught up on this; just make sure you get it one time and then you will be done with it.

    First, I want you to open up your Heartstone folder that you "checked out" the repository from. Browse to the "trunk/extras/dependencies" folder. Open up another folder and browse to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC". Go back to the dependencies folder and browse to "dependencies\VC\include". Copy these files into "Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include". Copy the files in
    "dependencies\VC\lib" to "Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib".

    Now browse to "dependencies\Sources". Double click the VC-90 solution file. If you are on a 64 bit computer (most are not), go to the top of the window and change the "Win32" to "x64" by clicking the dropdown box. Click the drop-down arrow next to the word "Debug" and change it to release. Now you need to use the keyboard shortcut F7. Refer to the picture if you have further questions.

    Now browse to the "dependencies\Output_Debug" and the "dependencies\Output_Release" and copy the .lib files (zlib & pcre) into the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib" folder. Finally, copy the two DLL files into "C:\Windows\System32". You are now on your way to becoming a daily compiler!

    Compiling Hearthstone
    This part is very simple. Browse to the "trunk\win" folder. You should "compile" this the same way that you did when compiling your dependencies. First, if you are x64 remember to change "Win32" at the top to "x64". Second, remember to change "Debug" to "Release". Finally, you need to use the keyboard shortcut F7 to compile.

    When it is done compiling, go to the "bin" folder. This is under either the "aspirecore\trunk" directory. Open up the Release folder and you will see your .exe files . Create a folder on your desktop called "Compiled HS". Copy/paste the .exe files only into this folder. You do NOT need to copy the other files.

    Note - To update your Hearthstone core, you first need to update your SVN. Then you need to recompile BOTH the core (what we just did) and the scripts (what we are about to do)

    V. Compiling Scripts
    This part is easy. It is just doing what we have done in the previous sections. Browse to the "src\scripts" folder and double-click the "scripts2008" solution file. Set the build to "Release" and hit F7 (and change to x64 if you are 64 bit). Browse to your "bin" folder again, and copy/paste the script bin folder into your "Compiled HS" folder. Again, you only need the .DLL files, so you can delete the rest of the files in the script_bin folder.

    VI. Setting up the Database
    There are many ways you can setup your database. I am just going to tell you the way you that you can keep it up-to-date. To actually add content, you need a Hearthstone database. There really is no good one available at the moment, so I will just show you how do this with a blank database. I assume you have already installed the MySQL & Navicat files at the beginning of this guide.

    First, open up Navicat Lite. Click on the green "Connection" button in the top left corner. For the connection name, put "Hearthstone". For the "Password" field, put your MySQL password that you created when you installed MySQL. Leave the rest as they are and click "Ok".

    Now you should see a connection in the window pane on the left-hand side of the program. Double click it and then right click it. Choose "New Database...". Enter the name of "Hearthstone_World" and choose ok.
    Next, double click then right click our database name (Hearthstone_World) and choose "Execute Batch File...". Click the "..." button and browse to "Hearthstone/trunk/sql/" and choose the "WorldTemplate" file. Click ok and the sql file will "execute". Click ok when it is done.

    Now open up the "Execute Batch File..." window again. Go to the folder
    "sql\world updates". Notice the prefix on the "WorldTemplate" SQL file we just executed. We are going to want to choose EVERY query past that number. Do this one at a time until all the updates are applied. Please note that this is just the TEMPLATE for the world database, and does not actually contain data. For data (Like items, NPCs, and spawns), follow this guide on installing RivalDB:

    Now create another database (by right-clicking the connection name) and name this one "Hearthstone_Logon". Execute the account & character templates and execute all the updates past the number on the template. You now have an up-to-date database!

    Go into the "accounts" table in your "Hearthstone_Logon" database. Fill out logon/password fields, GM field (put "az" for administrator and "a" for GM), and flags (put 24 for WotLK). Click the little check mark at the bottom to save!

    Note - To update this, you just need to apply the updates you have NOT already applied and are not before the prefix number. Just watch the SVN Checkout to see if new SQL updates are added that will need to be applied.

    VII. Setting up the Configuration Files
    This is where, most of the time, people screw up. I will NOT show you how to make it public, but I will show you how to set the configuration files (.conf) up for a localhost server, or a server just for you. I suggest you refer to this guide for getting your server public:

    First, you need to copy the configuration files from the "src" folder, the folder you go through to get to your scripts folder. Copy/paste the four configuration files into your "Compiled Hearthstone" folder. Follow the pictures for setup.


    Picture #1: Notice that every field on these lines changed exept the "Port" field.

    Picture #2: The first box is for changing your server rates and your Message of the Day. The second line of information you just delete completely.

    Picture #3: Make sure you spell this right!

    Picture #4: Change the "0" to "1" to enable lua scripts!

    Picture #5: Delete this portion as you did in Picture #2.

    Save this file and exit out.


    Picture #1: Remember to make sure you spell things correctly.

    Picture #2: This number is the number in the bottom-left hand corner of WoW.exe when started up. Change both numbers to that number to restrict the patches in which users need and/or don't need.

    Picture #3: The RemotePassword needs to be the same as the one in the Hearthstone-World.conf file.

    Save the file and exit out.

    You can also edit the Hearthstone-Realms.conf, but that is very self-expanitory. Don't worry about Hearthstone-Voicechat.conf file.

    Once again, these only need to be filled out once unless Hearthstone updates a configuration file, then you need to redo that .conf file.

    VIII. Extracting DBC/Map Files
    This only needs to be done once per patch. This is very simple and easy to do. I assume you downloaded the extractors at the beginning of this guide.

    First, copy the ad.exe file to the folder with WoW.exe in it. Create a folder called "maps". If you are on Vista, run this file as Administrator. Otherwise, just double-click it as normal; the maps will start to extract. This can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Again, I STRESS that you go outside and get some sunshine. Now copy the maps folder to your "Compiled HS" folder.

    Second, copy the files in the DBC folder to the "World of Warcraft\Data\enUS (or enGB or whatever). Run the .bat file provided, this will only take a few seconds. You should have gotten some sunshine when I told you too!!! Now open up the "MPQOUT/DBFilesClient" folder and copy the .DBC files into the "Compiled HS/dbc" folder (which you will have to make yourself). You are now done with extracting the necessicary client files (For vmaps and collsion support, I will write another guide later).

    Alternative - You can download the 3.1.3 Aspire DBCs from here: Filebeam - Free Fast File Hosting.

    IX. Running Hearthstone
    To run Hearthstone:
    1.) Start MySQL (If it doesn't start automatically)
    2.) Start Hearthstone-World.exe
    3.) Start Hearthstone-Logon.exe
    4.) Change your realmlist to "set realmlist"
    5.) Start WoW.exe
    6.) Enjoy!

    X. Links
    AspireDev -
    AspireCore Forums - AspireDev Forums - Powered by vBulletin
    AspireCore SVN - svn://
    AspireCore Trac -
    AspireCore Irc - irc://
    Rival Database - Rival Database » #1 World of Warcraft Database

    Once again, my guide is NOT perfect and I am open to suggestions. Expect a video to be up within the next two weeks. If you need support, please reply to this thread! If you used it, please comment!

    Thanks again,
    Vindicated aka SectorSeven

    Last edited by Vindicated; 08-07-2009 at 03:31 PM.

    How to Compile Hearthstone Core
  2. #2
    lesone's Avatar Member
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    Same as ArcEmu but with a different SVN

  3. #3
    sasoritail's Avatar Contributor
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    Epic guide m8. +Rep
    It's been a while

  4. #4
    Fuynuns93's Avatar Active Member
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    Nice guide, It's easy to understand and very well organized. +Repx2

  5. #5
    Fuynuns93's Avatar Active Member
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    I got a problem. When I go to Execute the WorldTemplate it says.

    [Err] 1065 - Query was empty
    [Err] ;
    [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

  6. #6
    ShiverMeTim's Avatar Member
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    Having a problem...

    When I try to compile it 'Skips' compiling...

    I'm running 64 but when I compile as 64 I get the output:

    1>------ Skipped Build: Project: pcre ------
    2>------ Skipped Build: Project: zlib ------
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 2 skipped ==========
    Compiled 32 I get:

    ========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
    Only the .lib files are generated however, and not the .dll files...

    Do you mean the OTHER supplied DLL files? (libeay32.dll / libmysql.dll) ?

    Edit: Yeah, I don't think it will compile under x64 unless I'm doing it wrong. But the 32bit compile works perfectly.

    Edit2: Also MPQE (Extractors) doesn't work on x64 and it's known. Have to use WinMPQ instead...
    Last edited by ShiverMeTim; 05-13-2009 at 01:56 PM.

  7. #7
    ShiverMeTim's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Fuynuns93 View Post
    I got a problem. When I go to Execute the WorldTemplate it says.

    [Err] 1065 - Query was empty
    [Err] ;
    [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
    You can tell it to skip errors and it seems to continue the query on errors (checkbox). Not sure if it's the right thing to do though...

  8. #8
    Dr. Livingstone's Avatar Member
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    Very nice guide once again Vindicated. +Rep if I can.

  9. #9
    Vindicated's Avatar Contributor
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    When it skips, just go over to the panel on the right-hand side and right click the "project name" (pcre & zlib) and choose build.

    And thanks for all the responses (:

  10. #10
    HunterTure's Avatar Member
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    I am getting a major problem here.

    [Err] 1050 - Table 'achievement_rewards' already exists
    [Err] -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for achievement_rewards
    -- ----------------------------
    CREATE TABLE `achievement_rewards`(
    `achievementid` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
    `title_alliance` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
    `title_horde` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
    `itemid` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
    PRIMARY KEY (`achievementid`)
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Achievement System';
    [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
    it looks similar to the problem that Fuynuns93 is getting, any ideas?
    Last edited by HunterTure; 05-16-2009 at 09:22 AM.

  11. #11
    Vindicated's Avatar Contributor
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    If you get errors, which you will, just move on to the next query . And you should execute the templates into a BLANK database.

  12. #12
    AzolexX's Avatar Contributor
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    Smart people use repacks....Full Blizzlike 3.0.9 fully scripted with arcscript...

    Find about scripting, programming and music! My blog:!

  13. #13
    Clain's Avatar Banned
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    Smart people use repacks....Full Blizzlike 3.0.9 fully scripted with arcscript...

  14. #14
    Net_Creator's Avatar Member
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    Mmmm, Vind? I have no playercreateinfo when I extract from the SQL. Know what I can do to populate the playercreateinfo, or should I take it from my ArcEmu? (Not sure if ArcEmu and Hearthstone handle the playercreateinfo the same way)

  15. #15
    funnydk's Avatar Member
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    Am i supposed to have a MySQL.exe or something like that?
    Cuz i don't.. >_>
    Last edited by funnydk; 05-21-2009 at 04:53 PM.

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