99.99% Working Guide To ArcEmu WoTLK Server + Public menu

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    sting231's Avatar Member
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    99.99% Working Guide To ArcEmu WoTLK Server + Public

    Hey Everyone
    The following guide is step by step easy to follow directions on how to get an ArcEmu 3.0.9 WoW Server up and running with directions to getting it public. Leave any questions you have, i check the forums daily and will respond as quick as I can.

    First Off, Getting The Server Running
    I would first off like to give thanks to Opast for providing the links to the sites where these downloads can be found.

    The first thing you need to do is download the ArcEmu repac. Which you do need to sign up to the website first. No worries, all these downloads ARE completly virus free. I was sketchy at first but went with my will for a server and trusted.
    Johved's Private Server Talk • Login

    When you go to pick a Folder Install Destanation, I along with alot, prefer the Idea of installing it to the Desktop, and finish the download.

    You will also need .NET Framework 3.5 which enables your server to work.
    Download details: .NET Framework 3.5

    The ArcEmu folder that you installed (the one that may be on your desktop), Inside is a folder labled "TOOLS", Copy and paste the "Ad.exe" file into your actuall World Of Warcraft Programs Folder and run it. What this file does is copies all the maps from the wow folder.
    When its done, which may take a few minutes, recopy that "Ad.exe" file and repaste it into the "TOOLS" folder, replacing the former one.

    Inside the ArcEmu folder, is a file "Johved UserControlPanel.exe" this will be your new best friend with the private server. You will use this file alot so I recomend makeing a shortcut of it onto your desktop. But with that to the side, Run it. This allows you to start all the programs for your private server.
    To now start it:
    You will first need to create an Account for yourself. This would be the account Username and Password you would use to loging into Wow.
    Click the big button that says "Account Management"
    Click "Create Account"
    Pick A Username/ Password
    Considering your are most likely the Innitial creater of your server its only right to choose Admin as your level.
    GM's are like management with your server. They have commands as well but some are not available.
    Player's would be your regular people who play on your server.
    The last part would be which version you of WoW you have. When creating other peoples accounts, you would choose what Expansion of WoW they have.
    The Finally click "Create Account"
    Press the ok for the confirmation screen and the click the button that says "Back", the one more time.
    You should be at the Main Screen of the Control Panel
    I will explain the "Realms Config" and "World Settings" a little bit later...

    Click "Start MySQL" then "Start World" followed by "Start LogonServer"

    Now for a little modifing and Backing Up.
    Find the "realmlist.wtf" file in your WorldOfWarcraft Directory.
    For Me its C:\Program Files\World Of Warcraft\Data\enUS.
    On your desktop make a folder named "WoW Servers" or whatever you want. But inside make two separate folders. One With "WoW Backup" and the second... I used the name of my server. But copy and paste the "realmlist.wtf" into both folders. The one in the WoW Backup would be to use when you play retail. And the second would be the one you would copy into the world of warcraft...enus folder to play on your Private Server.
    (I'm sorry that last part got confuzing. It you want me to re-explain just leave a comment)

    KK, now to set up the realmlist for your server.
    Go into the folder you set up for your realmlist.wtf for your server. Right click it, and open with Notepad or any other word documents you use. you may see...

    set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
    set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com
    set realmlistbn ""
    set portal us

    you need to change the first line to...
    set realmlist

    and the second line to....
    set patchlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com

    Ive seen different people with different things on line 3 and 4 so i recomend not messing with those.
    and save it. (making sure this is the realmlist.wtf inside YOUR SERVER FOLDER. and not the backup)

    You should now have...

    set realmlist
    set patchlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
    set realmlistbn ""
    set portal us

    Now copy the realmlist.wtf and paste it into the worldofwarcraft...enUS folder, replacing the former one. Start WoW as if you were playing retail, but Use your new account username and password and there you go. YOUR SERVER!!!


    Download "HeidiSQL" this is the database that your server will run on.
    Look under the spot that says "Download HeidiSQL" and select the Installer for the recommended one.
    Run the file and download. I havn't read any other "Oh this is something you should do" but i did also download this file to my desktop to keep it in the same area with ArcEmu.
    This programs gives you all the data for your server. Such as ID Numbers of weapons and items, account info, which you can modify to you can modify to your enjoyment (such as setting your char level to 255 =) )

    You now need a program that can connect your server to your friends computers so that they can play on your Private Server. Hamachi (so ive read and expierenced) is one of the best and simplest.
    Make sure to note when it ask you what kind of server you want to setup, want to have a commercial license, just choose the free option. It really is all you need.
    Before installing it, I made a folder on the desktop labled "Hamachi" and used that as the download destination
    When Running for the first time it gives you step by step directions on how to set up.

    This is where I explain about the "Realms Config" button
    Now go to the Johved UserControlPanel.exe
    Click "Realms Config"
    A notepad window should pop up.
    Take note that the info inside the #-#-#- are info about the different variables.
    That to the side at the moment, Scroll all the way down to where it starts with
    <Realm1 Name....
    I dont have the default but ill use my info to guide you.
    You should have something similar to

    <Realm1 Name = "Top Flight XXXL"
    Address = ""
    Icon = "PVP"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

    Change ("Top Flight XXXL") to your server name, keeping the parenthesis
    and change ("") to the IP that Hamachi gives you, keeping :8129
    Keep the info at the top the way it is.
    Save it and exit

    Now open up HeidiSQL
    It will try to connect. Click the "New" button and make connection Name, what ever you want. I used the server name.
    HOSTNAME/IP: localhost
    USER: root
    PASSWORD: root
    PORT 3306
    And click "Save+Connect"

    Now at the menu on the left.
    Click the + on Characters, the click accounts. Look at the page to the right and look under the "NAME" tab for "FLAGS", follow it to the "DEFAULT" section and change the variable (double click the number) and change the DEFAULT to 24 and Click Update Field

    After this, close everything (such as your logonserver and world) and be sure to "Stop MySQL" from the UserControlPanel. Then Exit, Run Your UserControlPanel, Start MySQL, Start World, Start Logonserver.
    And your PUBLIC!

    NOTES FOR YOUR FRIENDS. They will also need to download Hamachi. Where you created a network, they need to join yours.
    On their realmlist.wtf, it needs to have YOUR hamachi IP rather than the and make sure they changed the word version on the second line, to logon.
    Create their account and password (From the Account Management Button in the UserControlPanel)
    And everything is up to go!
    I will post Extra Side Info on the next post.
    Ive put alot of thought into this guide and did alot of messing around to makeing sure it'll work. I Really Hope This Helps :wave:
    Last edited by sting231; 03-18-2009 at 11:51 AM. Reason: New Title

    99.99% Working Guide To ArcEmu WoTLK Server + Public
  2. #2
    Phygar's Avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    Let's take a poll and see if only one in Ten thousand people get any part of this wrong, or it doesn't work for them.

  3. #3
    sting231's Avatar Member
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    When it came to this information, I've.... for lack of a better word "discovered" how to change little details with the server. I looked around the forums and couldnt find what I was looking for, Such as options for:
    Instant 80, How to get lv 255, GM Commands, ext...

    I know a little about computer information, and something dont doubt many people aready know is that when it comes to configurating programs, the files tend to be in the same folder. And lucky for me and everyone else, Thanks again whoever made ArcEmu programs ect... It is all in plain sight, you just need to know how to use it. So where others failed (or just that i couldnt find) here is a guide to some of those options.

    In the ArcEmu Folder...
    Go to the "Configs" folder.
    The extension to the following files is what threw me off. But come to find out you can open the following files just using Notepad...
    Just right click on any of them and click "Open With" and choose notepad.

    I havn't done too much messing around with the logonserver.conf. If you know detailed info on what you can do with it plz comment for others, and myself, but if I find anything else i'll be sure to post.
    The optional.conf is one that I was happy to find. This is the file that contains options for...
    Instant 80 (Where people create a char and... Instant 80)
    Wether you need a LV 55 on a realm before you can use a Death Knight (or you can change it to where you can immediatly make one)
    But again, with all these files the info for the variables are inside the #-#-#- boxes.

    The ArcEmu-Realms.conf and ArcEmu-World.conf are the exact same files as if you were to click them in the UserControlPanel.

    Again, If you need ANY help at all, please just post a comment, Id be more than happy to help if I Can!!!

    Originally Posted by Phygar View Post
    Let's take a poll and see if only one in Ten thousand people get any part of this wrong, or it doesn't work for them.
    lol I'm really hoping they get it, I used this same way, and just hoping i didnt forget anything important. If you notice something I'd greatly appreciate it

    Another thing I keep meaning to post. The GM commands were the first things I was wanting to play with when I started a server, I mean, Who doesnt. A "Full guild to being a great GM" can be found in the "ArcEmu\TOOLS\GM Tutorials" in a file Called Ultimate GM Knowledge.txt

    the command
    .char additem XXXX
    and any other command looking for an item number can be found on thottbot.com, wowhead.com ect. Just put your mouse over a particular item, and look to the bottom left of the screen, In the status bar it gives you come kind of webpage address with a set of numbers at the end. Those numbers are that items "ID Numbers"

    Along with a number of other Variables, Objects such as weapons and armor have two different important info.
    Display ID and Item ID
    The Item ID is what is used to...define that particular Item
    The Display ID is what is used to define what that Item Looks like.

    When creating Items (Using Wow-v.com or making the from scratch inside the HeidiSQL database), things to remember, Item ID's need to be unique, make sure no other item has that ID, and make sure to use the DISPLAY ID for picking what an item looks like. I had this problem, I would use the Item ID for what the item looked like because i didnt know the difference at the time. So HeidiSQL is a good program to have running when creating items.
    Look up an Item ID for picking out what items look like (Looking Under the DISPLAY ID Tab) and look up Potential Item ID's making sure the one you want to use isnt already assigned to something.
    Last edited by 2dgreengiant; 09-30-2009 at 01:44 AM. Reason: quad post, merged

  4. #4
    Phygar's Avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    Originally Posted by sting231 View Post
    lol I'm really hoping they get it, I used this same way, and just hoping i didnt forget anything important. If you notice something I'd greatly appreciate it
    Yeah, for most people it's stupidity on their part, so I think that your may be right on that percentage.

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    sting231's Avatar Member
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    I've noticed a few Views but no post. If this guide helps at all, post a comment. Let me know if it helped or how I can fix it =)

  6. #6
    yitsunari's Avatar Member
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    thanks the guide help me alot

  7. #7
    sting231's Avatar Member
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    300+ views, I hope this guide is helping people. If so, keep me from bein a leech and let me know. Leave a comment if any questions =)

  8. #8
    Warlock in Space's Avatar Contributor
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    This is my first time actually trying to make a server so I'm sure there's something I'm doing wrong, but every time I try to make an account it says

    Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

    I get the same error message when I click Start World and Start Logonserver (after skipping the account creation).
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    sting231's Avatar Member
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    when you create an account, use the User Controll Panel from the ArcEmu program. When your connecting to HeidiSQL, use this info to connect
    Hostname/IP: localhost
    User: Root
    Pass: Root
    Port: 3306

    While in the User Control Panel, To to "Realms Config"
    The first part to look at, "Logon Server Addres..."
    Needs to read:

    <LogonServer Address = ""
    Port = "8093"
    Name = "Default Logon"
    RealmCount = "1">

    The bottom section "Realm1 Name..."
    Needs to read:

    <Realm1 Name = "Your Server Name"
    Address = ""
    Icon = "PVP"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

    Make sure you have the :8129" and the parenthesis. would be your hamachi ip if you decide to go public.

    Now save and close, go back to the Control Panel and click "World Settings"
    Look for the two spots
    They should read:

    Hostname = "localhost"
    Username = "root"
    Password = "root"
    Name = "World"
    Port = "3306"
    Type = "1">

    Hostname = "localhost"
    Username = "root"
    Password = "root"
    Name = "characters"
    Port = "3306" Type = "1">

    save and exit. Close out of all the programs and try to restart everything.
    The problem with the Access Denied may be the fact that the usernames, passwords, ip address arnt the same between the two different configs. Which could cause problems with connecting. If this doesnt work please comment back and ill do what i can to solve the problem for you. =)

  10. #10
    Hairen862's Avatar Member
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    Thanks so much! I finally got a server up because of this guide! never used HeidiSQL but it's cool! Time to get some people on my server ^.^ Thanks mate!

  11. #11
    sting231's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Hairen862 View Post
    Thanks so much! I finally got a server up because of this guide! never used HeidiSQL but it's cool! Time to get some people on my server ^.^ Thanks mate!
    I'm truely glad it worked for you. Just make sure they download hamachi, and join your network. And their realmlist.wtf, rather than the they will need to have it set as your Hamachi Ip

    Plz feel free to leave any comments or questions =) +Rep

  12. #12
    spintecatorul1's Avatar Member
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    It works perfectly +rep but just one thing i entered the code .cheat triggerpass but when i want to enter for example in black temple or naxx it says this instance is not available?! What am i to do?

  13. #13
    Deathisfear's Avatar Active Member
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    =.= Posar, Jk. But I looked at it and was like "AMG!" *Wall of Text* *Crits for 1000000* Lol.

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    sting231's Avatar Member
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    lol this is a good code, ive used it a few times but my GF's brother is the one that told me about it. if anything, try .cheat trigger pass, i cant remember if it has a space in it or not. He's asleep though, as soon as he gets up, ill check with him about and make that post as quick as i can. Also, try it with another instance that requires a raid, and try those, check to see if its just the instance or the way the code is being put in.

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    Warlock in Space's Avatar Contributor
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    Thanks a ton! I managed to get it working. It didn't have anything to do with your guide that made the error pop up, it was something with my computer. Anyway I fixed it and this is the first guide that I actually got to work, +Rep for sure!
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