How to setup AC-web 3.0.9 server
......A Pieterkii presentation........................
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first download MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
1. Open your Internet Browser. (Firefox. Internet Explorer.)
2. Go to no-ip
3. Log In, and find create host
4 make a hostname with a free domain....(this will be your realmlist)
5. Click on Create Host.
6. then
7. Click add host, and your done with part one.
Part Two:
1. Go to Start. Then Run.
2. Type. C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\
3. This will open a folder, Click on Host.file and open it with Notepad/Wordpad.
4. At the end of the file add the following.
Code: (no-ip host you made)
(Internal IP) (no-ip host you made)
(External IP) (no-ip host you made)
no-ip host you made = the name followed by the domain you [email protected]
Internal IP = Your IP of the computer you are running the Antrix server on,
This can be found by going to Start, then Run. Typing in CMD,
once the Windows command Prompt opens type in "ipconfig".
You will get a readout the one you are looking for is "Ip Address" it normally starts with 192.
or if you have windows vista it will be the ipv4....or something like that
External IP = You outbound ip assigned by your ISP. You can find this by visiting Http://
5. Save and Quit.
Part Three:
1. Open your (Repack or what ever) folder which is saved in your C:\.
2. Open the ArcEmu folder.
3. Open your Realms.CONF file with Notepad/Wordpad.
4. Change these to the appropriate name as eplained you should below
RealmCount ="2"> It should say 2, not 1.
<Realm1 Name = "YOUR REALM NAME"
Address = "your no-ip hostname you made:8129"
Icon = "PVP"
Colour = "1"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "1">
<Realm2 Name = "YOUR REALM NAME - Local"
Address = ""
Icon = "PVP"
Colour = "1"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "1">
That's what it should look like. You should have two realms.
6. Save and Exit. Your done with part three.
Part Four:
*Note: I know this part confuses A LOT of people..
1. Find out what the IP Address is, which allows you to connect to your router. I know Netgear is and is telkom...
2. Once you connect, it should ask for a Username & Password. The username is Admin. The password is either admin, or password.
3. Forward the following ports. If you don't know how.. Ask. a guide on port forwarding is at - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall
*Note: Don't use DMZ! It doesn't work. Period.*
3724 - 3724
80 - 80
3306 - 3306
8129 - 8129
8093 -8093
6112 - 6112
3036 - 3036
8050 -8050
4. If your router has a built in firewall, disable it. Along with any windows firewall you have. Unless you know how to set an exception.
Part Five:
Connecting to your ArcEmu server.
1. Open your World of Warcraft directory.
2. Open your in Notepad/Wordpad.
3. Delete everything, and add "set realmlist"
4. Save and Exit. Move on to part six.
Part Six:
Getting your friends to connect to your ArcEmu server.
1. Have them open their World of Warcraft directory.
2. Have them open in Notepad/Wordpad.
3. Have them delete everything, and add "set realmlist (Your no-ip hostname, which you created in part one/or you internal ip if
you are having a lan party...).
also if you are doing it as a lan part you must make
<Realm1 Name = "YOUR REALM NAME"
Address = "your internal ip:8129"
Icon = "PVP"
Colour = "1"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "1">
4. Have them Save, Exit & Connect.
If you did everything correctly. Your server is now public. No Hamachi. Your friends can connect and you can all do whatever you want.
originaly posted by ardicsoul ..but modified by me
My other Guides to make account creation page
Hope that helped