1.12.1 CTM prematurely stopping issue menu

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    klee946's Avatar Member
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    1.12.1 CTM prematurely stopping issue

    I'm writing a bot targeting version 1.12.1, specifically the server Elysium. When I enable CTM on the client and manually move my character, sometimes movement stops before reaching the target destination. This seems to occur more frequently when moving on uneven geometric surfaces such as a hill. This CTM issue happens both when I do it manually and when I have my bot invoke the function on the client. I read that this is a known issue and most botting programs fix it by patching a set of bytes here: Click-to-move not working (1.12.1) - Other issues - Elysium Project. My question is what this "set of bytes" is and what I can patch it with to get CTM working correctly.

    1.12.1 CTM prematurely stopping issue
  2. #2
    danwins's Avatar Contributor
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    I think they are referring to this:

    Originally Posted by DarkLinux View Post
    Found a quick fix! If you go to 0x0060FC30 you will see,

    mov [00C4D888],0000000C
    If you NOP it out or change it to 0x4 click to move will not go away, even when you are on top of your target. But you can click on any location / surface, no more stutter! But you then need to add your own distance check, but I think thats better then it stuttering. Or you could just leave it on, have not tested.

    mov [00C4D888],0000000C
    mov [00C4D888],00000004


    Just tested it with it on all the time, works just fine! No more stutter
    I'm curious tho, one of the args for click to move should be the distance threshold, what are you setting it to? and if you set it lower what happens?

  3. #3
    DarkLinux's Avatar Former Staff
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    This is a little better of a fix, no .text changes only .data

    [WoW] Info Dump Thread

    Originally Posted by DarkLinux View Post
    Found a better fix sometime back for click to move, just set 860A90 to 0. No more stutter and no more animation stutter.

    The game also sets that value to 0, so they can't ban for it. Just update it every frame and you should be good.

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    danwins's Avatar Contributor
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    What exactly does that value even do? warden related? nothing in the game binary even references the function that sets it.

  5. #5
    klee946's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by danwins View Post
    I think they are referring to this:

    I'm curious tho, one of the args for click to move should be the distance threshold, what are you setting it to? and if you set it lower what happens?
    I'm setting the distance threshold / precision? to 0. I've hooked EndScene and am calling CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove (0x00611130) to move to an x,y point (I'm setting z equal to 0) every 100 ms. Maybe this is the wrong approach for CTM movement, since both of the fixes in this thread didn't work for me.


    It turns out that the technique I was using to move my character to waypoints was flawed and was actually the cause of the stutter movement I think. What I was doing before was constantly calling CTM every 100 ms to move to a fixed coordinate. The problem with this is when the distance between the player and waypoint becomes very small, CTM can begin to stutter, although I'm not sure if this is exactly what was happening, particularly when stuttering on uneven surfaces like a hill. I changed my character to always move like 5 units forward towards the waypoint, and this seems to work. I'm don't see much stuttering anymore, with or without the two "fixes" mentioned above.
    Last edited by klee946; 05-07-2017 at 01:29 PM.

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