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    Dr. Doom's Avatar Elite User

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    Dr. Dooms Bot Comparison *Heavy Pics w/ Video*

    Hey MMOwned Community,

    Dr. Doom coming at you with another little installment with my personal comparison of the two main stream bots, Honorbuddy and Lazybot. I personally use Honorbuddy, but tried to setup Lazybot, and had no success but I loved some of the features it had. This thread will be cramped with 2 different videos, and many pictures of each bot.

    I am going to keep this thread short and sweet, with lots of detail in a short amount of time. I wanted to start with Honorbuddy and work my way down to Lazybot, I didn't want to do a comparison for Sgather because I have been hearing some shady stuff about them, not trying to slander, but just keeping my wits about me.


    **I'll be adding a video when 2d gets home from vacation or what not on Saturday, hang tight!**

    Honorbuddy Pictures

    Here's the login for Honorbuddy, all in one box, very neat, includes their logo, I like the little touch it adds.

    Here is a picture of the "Status" of the bot, has a great info panel integrated. Your targets/loot list, simple but crucial info.

    Here is a picture of Honorbuddy's General Tab, pretty important information here, and what to and what not to check off for whatever duty your doing. A recent addition to Honorbuddy was the "Logout if Inactive" very nice to have if your sleeping and don't know if you wanna chance looking like a bot. Very cool addition!

    Here is where you put the plugins and stuff, you don't need to quit the program if you update and put another plugin in your Honorbuddy folder, all you have to do is click "recompile" which is a great addition to the bot. I have used it on numerous occasions.

    This picture is the homepage for Honorbuddy, kind of shoddy but that's my opinion. Basically tells you where everything is, but feels more cluttered than Lazybots.

    And here is a picture of the forum, very cool that they have popular threads, and what has the most recent comments on them. You can usually find the most recent Honorbuddy version within the threads shown.

    Now that I've flooded you with images, let's begin with a video on a little setup with Lazybot, it's very quick but gives you some input on the bot itself.


    Lazybot Video

    This is my video I made of Lazybot's awesome setup. The Lazybot developers made a nice little wizard setup, with pictures included and steps. They basically made it so it's fail proof, and I really liked that they have an auto updater when you try to start the program. I am going to include a couple pictures on what I thought was really neat with Lazybot.

    Lazybot Pictures

    First image I wanted to post was what I thought was the most impressive, the way the bot moves, rather than how Honorbuddy moves with CTM, which looks rather bottish to me.

    This is a screenshot of the website, it looks awesome! I love the minimalistic mentality to it, it's very clean and subtle on your eyes and very easy to navigate, what most people want out of a website. They get a 10/10 for me on the webpage.

    This image is the forum they have, again it's very minimal and it gets to the point! Very easy to navigate and they even have "new" icons for when there's new profiles, love it!

    Another cool addition they have to the website is, you can get a wikipedia type manual for the setup. That impressed me for this being a free bot.

    A really cool addition they have to the bot itself is a "condensed" window, and you can see all the crucial details needed, but it makes it into a smaller window and is still legible. A pretty cool addition to the bot, again, it's free.

    I wanted to point out that it shows you what character to choose from, if suppose you're running 2 instances of wow, you can choose which char that is being currently ran, and you make your choice. Simple, but effective.

    Very simple part, but I thought the login for Lazybot was very clean looking.

    Here's a picture of the main window, nothing much to say here.

    Heres a picture of the updater, it asked me to update as soon as I opened up the Lazybot client, very impressive!

    Last picture I have for you guys is what was included in the video, the wizard setup.

    My overall opinion on Lazybot is, "you get what you pay for" doesn't apply to this bot. There are things in this world that can be free, and be good, and they are one of those exceptions. I give a huge thumbs up to the developers of this bot, because they aren't profiting off of it unless they take donations or something. This bot has some features I like that Honorbuddy doesn't, but Honorbuddy has features that Lazybot doesn't, so it basically evens itself out.

    The Comparison

    Well, if I had to set these two programs next to each other and make a choice it would definitely be Honorbuddy, even though I really love Lazybot. I wish they'd team up or something and put each others ideas down on paper and get something working. I personally don't like CTM, as you've heard this numerous times from me. I really liked the new look to Lazybot, it wasn't just a simple grey and few tabs, it actually had some color to it, and the profile setup was a lot easier in comparison to creating grinding profiles. Each side has their own uniquness to it, so at this point it is primarily your personal preference, there is no clear cut winner here. You have my opinion, hopefully I helped you make up yours!

    My Conclusion

    My conclusion is that if I hadn't already learned how to work Honorbuddy and hadn't paid for it already, I honestly would have went along with Lazybot. I hadn't heard of Lazybot until someone mentioned it to me, so that's what I plan to use after this year subscription runs out. Hopefully this thread was a little shorter than the last, that's prob. why I haven't been getting as many comments as I was hoping for. Thanks for the support for those that have been leaving comments and actually read my threads. Thanks a ton!

    Dr. Doom

    Last edited by Dr. Doom; 04-21-2011 at 08:15 PM.

    Dr. Dooms Bot Comparison *Heavy Pics w/ Video*
  2. #2
    sed-'s Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Yea the pics is of lazybots new direction thats in beta testing ;p. They have a more stable version out but the one in beta is going to be really killer once it goes threw more fixes. tbh after usen lazy bot i havent really thought bout any other bot cuz it had everything i wanted with a really low ban chance and custom features also plugin system. ^.^ very good comparison and none biest its hard to read some now a days cuz they always make 1 bot sound better than the other but yours was honest and felt more like the person that reads this can go eather way.

  3. #3
    Traxex84's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    +rep.too short

  4. #4
    Dr. Doom's Avatar Elite User

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    thanks for the comments! I was just trying to go for an unbiased opinion. I definitely plan to use lazybot once my subscription ends

  5. #5
    rchy's Avatar Active Member
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    Very nice thread! Read it all. I have also used both of the bots you spoke about in your thread, and I have the same opinions. I deleted LazyBot off my computer because it kept d/cing, but I am going to give it another try now that I have just read your thread. Excellent!
    The meaning of life is..?

  6. #6
    Dr. Doom's Avatar Elite User

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    Thanks rchy

  7. #7
    Pancrazio6689's Avatar Banned
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    i can't understand what you wanna express

  8. #8
    Rayz's Avatar Legendary

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    Very nice post. I registered with LazyBot and went to the Ban forums. There seem to be a lot of 3 day suspensions and permabans doing around. Scared me away.

  9. #9
    Flowerpwr's Avatar Member
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    LazyBot's not being updated anymore now :\
    I've been using it for awhile now and it's really nice, but next patch and it's out of the question sadly.

  10. #10
    packoes's Avatar Private
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    I am using an updated version of LazyBot now accually. u just have to go in and click update on the lazy bot icon :P

  11. #11
    Flowerpwr's Avatar Member
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    I mean it won't work when the next patch (4.2 or whatever minor patches they feel like tossing out) comes out. It still works for now yea

  12. #12
    ~Jagris's Avatar Contributor
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    That isn't very many bots for a bot comparison. You should through in AIO and shadow bot, though they do cost money.

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