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    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    [BETA] WRadar - Windows Radar (for WoW)

    2011-07-10 13:02 - Updated for patch
    2011-05-07 13:29 - Updated for patch
    2011-02-19 19:50 - First persistence release.
    2011-02-13 15:50 - Updated for patch
    2011-02-09 22:50 - Updated for patch
    2011-02-02 00:10 - Fixed Windows XP icon crash.  Fixed map transition bug.
    2011-01-26 20:31 - Added keyboard shortcuts.  Pictures for the thread.
    2011-01-23 22:55 - Threaded drawing. Updated BlackRain. Window name randomizer.
    2011-01-19 00:45 - Added Exclusive feature.  Made huge improvement on optimization.
    2011-01-17 02:11 - Added GitHub information to the post.
    2011-01-16 ~22:00 - Re-submitted binaries.  Fixed a few bugs dealing with unhandled exceptions from BlackRain.  Changed the graphics to be more like maclone's radar.
    2011-01-16 ~20:00 - Initial post.  Still in beta.

    Hey peeps!

    Well, this has been a very long and arduous project. Still is, actually, what with it not being finished. But what the hell. Close enough.

    So, before I start, I would like to thank a few people here.

    • Gamer - The original writer of the WoW ObjectDumper / Radar. And...
    • maclone - Public heir of objectdumper / radar. Their app was the inspiration for this. I loved their radar and was pretty much the only app I consistantly used.
    • xochi - Radar and Object Manager Tester
    • Seifer - BlackRain
    • Shynd - BlackMagic
    • jbrauman - Radar Example. Ok, these four are to be thanked for the framework on which this radar was originally based. There are still a LOT of changes that I need to do for the framework to act how I want it, but if I had to thank someone for a concrete place where this radar started, then xochi's framework was it.
    • Memory Editing forum peeps - Because, really, there's no radar without you guys.

    NOW! Onto the less important stuff. How to use it.

    VirusTotal Results

    WRadar - (Windows Radar) v0.2.6.22170
    Supports WoW v4.2.0.14333
    So named because this currently uses windows forms and controls for the advanced features of this radar. Also because W is 1 less than X, which is the name for the Radar I hope to release in the future (XRadar) which will use DirectX (read: Direct2D) to draw everything instead.

    Link is at the bottom. AFTER you read the instructions and disclaimers.

    • Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for you getting banned. It may not be likely, but if it happens, don't blame me. Using it is a personal choice.
    • This is a BETA! I'm very aware of how shitty it is for a "final" product. It will get better soon.
    • The BlackRain framework being used here is way out of date (even by BlackRain standards). I will be updating it soon.
    • The graphics suck. Yes. I know. Thanks.
    • Not user-intuitive. I'll add an in-app help system.
    • Some of the data looks wrong. First time working with such a large WoW projet. I'll get the kinks out soon.
    • Slow / choppy. Well, I'll admit it's not the smoothest, but for the most part, it's as good as it's going to get. I had to leverage between fast release, functionality and efficiency. Unfortunately, it went in that order. There is a plan (in the distant future) to release a version of this written in DirectX so that the response is a lot faster. Also, I KNOW that it lags in cities. It has to deal with a lot of memory. Deal with it.
    • Not configurable. Most of the framework is there for configuration, but I just need to flesh it out. Coming soon.

    • Default tracking lists now saves and loads. You can even modify the XML file.
    • Colors can be edited. This persists.

    • Radar for each WoW instance.
    • Track name patterns (greedy '*' and character '?' wildcards accepted)
    • HUD Mode (invisible background)
    • Track name directly from object
    • Sonar sounds
    • WoW Radar / ObjectDumper-style graphics - They're a lot better than what I had before, that's for sure!
    • Exclusive Mode - Right-click on your (black) blip and select Exclusive. This will make it so only tracked blips will show up on your radar. The Me-blip will not be affected.
    • Open Source
    • Persisting Tracking list.
    • NEW
    • Keyboard Shortcuts (Please see the shortcut keys in the How to use it section)

    • Create, maintain, enable and disable multiple Tracking Lists (one for mining, one for herbalism, one for rare mobs, etc).
    • Settings persistance (you won't actually have to do anything).
    • Update patchable offsets. I'm currently working on a wrapper framework for BlackRain where all changing offsets will be updateable via an xsd-controlled xml document. I also plan to allow apps that use the framework to "register" the offsets they use, and then dynamically create a window that will allow users to modify those offsets without messing with XML. This is a long-term project.
    • Different sounds. You will be able to add your own. The framework is already in place.
    • Sound for each Tracking List. Again, framework already in place.
    • Colors. Set the colors for just about anything. This will persist, of course.
    • Zoom. This will not change the size of the blips, but determine how far/close they are. What you're seeing now will probably be our max. Will persist.
    • Track by anything. I'm trying to modify the BlackRain framework (will be looking into BlackWeather as well for this) in order to make our blips trackable by anything from their name, type, subtype, display, race, skinnable, etc. This will be a longer-term project than regular fixes, but I think it's liable to be released in a few months.
    • Mute mode. (Best if used with Exclusive Mode.

    I'm sure there's more, but I'll get to that farther down the road. Of course, you, the user, will determine where this goes more than I will.

    Screen shots

    HUD Mode

    Tracking List Editor

    Tracking Pattern

    Blip Details


    Shortcut Keys
    Main screen
    • H : Toggle HUD Mode
    • T : Open Tracking List Editor
    • X : Toggle Exclusive Mode
    • Ctrl + Q : Quit

    Tracking List Editor
    • Ctrl + N : New Tracking Pattern
    • Enter : Edit selected Tracking Pattern
    • Delete : Delete selected Tracking Patterns

    Tracking Pattern Editor
    • Enter : Save / close current tracking pattern (Validates).
    • Esc : Cancel creationg / edit of the current tracking pattern.

    Attach to wow:
    1. Load WRadar.
    2. Right-click on the circle background.
    3. Click WoW Instances -> Choose a PID.

    Move the radar:
    1. Left-click and hold onto the ME blip. (DEFAULT: black blip @ the center)
    2. Drag the screen.
    3. Release the left mouse button.

    Enter HUD Mode:
    1. Right-click on the ME blip (DEFAULT: black blip @ the center)
    2. Click the HUD Mode option in the drop-down.

    Exit HUD Mode:
    1. Right-click on the ME blip (DEFAULT: black blip @ the center)
    2. Click the checked HUD Mode option in the drop-down.

    Enter Exclusive Tracking Mode:
    1. Right-click on the ME blip (DEFAULT: black blip @ the center)
    2. Click the Exclusive Mode option in the drop-down.

    Exit Exclusive Tracking Mode:
    1. Right-click on the ME blip (DEFAULT: black blip @ the center)
    2. Click the checked Exclusive Mode option in the drop-down.

    Track a name:
    1. Right-click on the blip that was a name you want to track.
    2. Click Track this name. (This will save to Default tracking list)

    Get to Tracking Menu:
    1. Right-click any blip (player is a good choice).
    2. Click Tracking Menu

    Remove a tracked name:
    1. Get to Tracking Menu
    2. Select the Tracking List containing your the tracking info you want to delete. (NOT IMPLIMENTED)
    3. Click the Tracking info you want to delete in the list box.
    4. Click the Delete button.

    Edit a tracked name:
    1. Get to Tracking Menu
    2. Select the Tracking List containing the tracking info you want to edit. (NOT IMPLIMENTED)
    3. Click the Tracking info you want to edit in the list box.
    4. Click the Edit button.

    Make a new Tracking pattern:
    1. Get to Tracking Menu
    2. Select the Tracking List to which you want the new tracking info to belong. (NOT IMPLIMENTED)
    3. Click the New button.
    4. Name the tracking pattern.

    Change Blip colors.:
    1. Right-click on the ME blip (DEFAULT: black blip @ the center)
    2. Select 'Colors...'
    3. Pick your colors in the new screen and close.
    4. NOTE!! The screen MIGHT pop up a little under the radar screen. Will fix this.

    And without further ado:


    Source Code GitHub Page: https://github.com/LaoArchAngel/WRadar

    Git Read-Only Repo:

    If you're interested in joining the project, send me a message and I'll provide access.

    Last edited by LaoArchAngel; 07-10-2011 at 02:03 PM. Reason: Update

    [BETA] WRadar - Windows Radar (for WoW)
  2. #2
    theparadoxx's Avatar Member
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    Seeing as WoW ObjectDumper / Radar was my favorite proggie of all time, I was elated to see a new one.

    Very, VERY buggy... but a good start. No where near as usable or as polished as the original yet though

  3. #3
    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    Thanks. If you find any specific bugs, let me know and I'll flesh them out ASAP. I've already squashed the bug where get_Name() throws an exception. It's not the best fix, but it'll keep the radar from locking.

  4. #4
    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    Hey peeps. Sorry for the double post. Just wanted to give a small update.

    • I've replaced the graphics some that more closely resemble WoW ObjectDumper / Radar.
    • I've added some exception handlers to the BlackRain methods. These are causing the majority of the crashes. More on this in a bit.
    • I've changed some of the functions to determine if a blip already exists. It's not as good, but it'll keep from crashing when there's duplicates as well as attempt to not create more duplicates.

    Now, for the cause and what you as a user should know: currently the radar is not liking "teleports". Whenever you teleport (read: change maps), the radar crashes due to GUIDs zeroing out and what not. I'm working on a solution. Bare with me!

    And I'll have a git repo up asap!

    NOTE! The download link has been updated. Or rather, the file to which the link was pointing to has been updated.


    (Ps. please leave your thoughts on what I should fix/update first. I will do my best to do as you ask.)

  5. #5
    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    • Exclusive Tracking Mode
    • Fixed optimization bugs. Runs a lot smoother!
    • Changed graphics to ObjectDumper / Radar shapes. Looks a LOT cleaner. Easier to follow.

    Please leave your suggestions! Don't care about praise or comments, but please help me improve this app.

    Also, note that the Github is up. If you'd like full access to push, please let me know.

  6. #6
    Chuck12345's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for this mate ! +REP!

  7. #7
    Horneyyy's Avatar Member
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    Looks like you put a lot of effort into this, so i'm going to give you a +rep and i can't wait to see this finished.


  8. #8
    inj's Avatar Corporal
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    I've never really used a radar but can this detect say a stealthed rogue that you normally couldnt see? For example in the arena

  9. #9
    Goldfire's Avatar Active Member
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    Wondering that aswell, if it can see a rogue

  10. #10
    DragoHorse's Avatar Contributor
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    Yeah, was my question too, for it detecting a stealthed mob.

  11. #11
    maclone's Avatar / Authenticator enabled
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    WoW memory basics, lesson 1:
    Stealthed/Invisible NPCs/players aren't stored in the WoW objectmanager as the blizzard server doesn't deliver any information about them until they are in your reach, thus they 'simply aren't there' and can not be displayed.
    That's also the reason why you see ****tard stealthed rogues/druids lagging around you.
    Zomfg. And no, don't ask. - Dombo did it.

  12. #12
    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    Thanks for the support guys.

    As Maclone mentioned, stealthed units cannot possibly be detected client-side.

    Just to give you all an update on what's going on (assuming you're not following the github repo). I currently have 2 branches out that I'm working on. fix-UpdateBlackRain and fix-ThreadedDrawing. fix-ThreadedDrawing is meant to make the app work a little more smoothly. It will make the shapes hopefully all draw at the same time (or appear to). fix-UpdateBlackRain is meant to fix a lot of the bugs caused when reading memory and changing locations. I'll be making a release as soon as I've merged both of these into the master branch.

    Again, if there's anything you guys find or what added/changed, please let me know and I'll do my best to accomplish.

  13. #13
    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    All right! Update!

    We're currently in version v0.2.4040.40809.

    As always, the download is available from the same link. However, if you can and know how, I recommend that you download the source and compile yourself. More security that way.

    Changes this version:
    * Multithreaded drawing - This should make the radar smoother. It still lags (quite a bit) in cities when the population is high, but apart from that, it's smooth as can be.
    * Updated memory reading - I moved away from BlackMagic and updated some of the files in the version of BlackRain I was working with. I might return to BlackMagic in the future, but what I'm using now is pretty good. Most of the new memory reading code comes from GameHacking.com forums and Apoc's QuickTrack app.
    * Static paths for controls - This should reduce the amount of time it takes for each blip to draw itself. Since each blip is its own object, it takes a lot more to draw and maintain it that just drawing another blip to a static image.
    * Random window name - The app will now have a random window name every time it loads. Just rename the .exe for even more security.

    In short: it should just be faster and safer. I'll be focusing on data persistance and tracking lists for my next update.

  14. #14
    xolieo's Avatar Member
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    Lets say i wanted to use this to track TLPD Aeonaxx or Camel Figs. How would i set it up for that?

  15. #15
    LaoArchAngel's Avatar Active Member
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    1. Right-click on your blip (or any blip)
    2. In the new dialog box, click the "New" button next to the listbox (the big one, not the long dropdown).
    3. In the new dialog box, fill the top textbox with a descriptive name for your tracking pattern. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT WHAT THE PATTERN TRACKS!
    4. In the 2nd textbox, fill in a pattern using wildcards. (eg, * Aeonaxx or Camel F?g). If you do not use wildcards, it will only look for an exact match.
    5. Close the top dialog box. In the first dialog box, you should now see a new item with your descriptive name.
    6. Repeat from step 2 until tracking all desired blips.
    7. Close the 2nd dialog box. You are now tracking your desired objects

    Let me know if you need more help.

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