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  1. #1
    corn674's Avatar Member
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    account hacked and need help

    Oki was wondering if some one could help me well lets start off i got off of work at 9:30pm walked home and got here at 9:45pm opened wow and enternd my screen name ok then i enter my pass. so it tryes to log and pass changed and wow support go to blaw blaw so i was like aww it happens alot my sp3iling :P so i retipe it aging and saiys same thing so i was like damn im bad tonigt then i try it one more time this time i chicken pecked.. for safty of getting it right and i did it just right im shure of it so dot work then i go to account manage ment and try to recover but i forgot the questions answer but i know the other 2 like the email and phone. but if i was to call and ask them do you think they would let that fly? or they would need it for shure. or does any one know if they send you your account security questions in email when you creat at the account??? this would be a good help peeps lol i need it my warrior 43 depends on it. but im shure all my crap ws sold and some one racked in good 100g or 200g at most. so the son of bee otch that hacked my accounts gona get his ass kicked.

    p.s. if you could loggin on a charicter in the realm (shadowsong) and add smsruler as freinds and see if he is logged on and if so bitch the **** out of him to get off my ****in account plz or ask tell him you a gm and your banned or something lol. i dont know i want my warrior back :***(

    account hacked and need help
  2. #2
    Shingles's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    ... Dude.

    Stop looking at the dirty porn with all the keyloggers.

    You're going to have to call them, give them credit card details etc.
    You'll most likely get it back.

  3. #3
    corn674's Avatar Member
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    ya i know im gona have to call them man but when you recover a accounts password you have to have 3 things the answer to the question Phone # and email i dont remember the answer to the secret question. and it sais they need that.

  4. #4
    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    cant read that. So sorry. My eyes started bleeding 2 seconds into it.

    (Call them. You'll be fine)

  5. #5
    Demonicmaster's Avatar Member
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    Originally Posted by corn674
    Oki was wondering if some one could help me well lets start off i got off of work at 9:30pm walked home and got here at 9:45pm opened wow and enternd my screen name ok then i enter my pass. so it tryes to log and pass changed and wow support go to blaw blaw so i was like aww it happens alot my sp3iling :P so i retipe it aging and saiys same thing so i was like damn im bad tonigt then i try it one more time this time i chicken pecked.. for safty of getting it right and i did it just right im shure of it so dot work then i go to account manage ment and try to recover but i forgot the questions answer but i know the other 2 like the email and phone. but if i was to call and ask them do you think they would let that fly? or they would need it for shure. or does any one know if they send you your account security questions in email when you creat at the account??? this would be a good help peeps lol i need it my warrior 43 depends on it. but im shure all my crap ws sold and some one racked in good 100g or 200g at most. so the son of bee otch that hacked my accounts gona get his ass kicked.

    p.s. if you could loggin on a charicter in the realm (shadowsong) and add smsruler as freinds and see if he is logged on and if so bitch the **** out of him to get off my ****in account plz or ask tell him you a gm and your banned or something lol. i dont know i want my warrior back :***(
    Telling a GM will do not good. They need the original account holder to contact them that your account has been compromised. I had a friend that got his account hacked and we caught the guy selling his gear. Everyone in my guild put in a ticket and the GM told all of us that the original person had to levy the complaint. But riddle me this, how can the person contact a GM if his account has been hacked?
    Honestly though I always prefer talking to a real life person over the phone than any type of email correspondence. So I would also suggest calling.

  6. #6
    Innit's Avatar W͈̮̝̉͌̀ͩÅ̻̗̗̼̩̣͉̽Î͙̳ ͚̑ ̌͌ͯ
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    Actaully, to the guy who said stop looking at all the pr0n, there was a exploit that allowed keyloggers or something,( I don't know much about it) in IE that forced IE explorer company, to release a hotfix a day before a major patch, so stfu plz.

    My adivce would be to delete all your ui's update your IE or change to Mozilla <3<3<3, then re-download them all.
    Last edited by Innit; 12-11-2006 at 03:11 PM.

  7. #7
    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    He dosent need help learning how not to get hacked. He was asking for help and advice on how to get it back. The issue has been resolved.

  8. #8
    Shingles's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    Yeah, it was through .jpg images. I know.

  9. #9
    corn674's Avatar Member
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    Re: account hacked and need help

    ok thanks go yall all helped out except for the porno guy (witch he knows he looks at it too.) know they need to quit being so beisy so i can talk to some one.

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