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    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    exmap: Maphack, Packet Logger, etc.

    Status: Detected as of August 3rd, 2018

    This is detected and no longer supported.

    exmap: Maphack, Packet Logger, etc.

    What is this?

    This is a patchless maphack (formerly "glass") as well as a fully featured packet logger for logging both inbound and outbound traffic after decryption. My ambition for this project is to analyze the game's network protocol and see what can be accomplished with packet-focused development.

    I wanted to provide the packet-logging features to other developers as well so that they can explore the protocol, too. I'll also be providing some notes on how the packet handlers are found, how they work, and some small scripts that can get you an in-console packet logger in WinDbg.


    • Does not modify any game memory and is resistant to detection.
    • Full mini-map and big-map revealed.
    • Fully functioning inbound and outbound packet logger.
    • Fully functioning exception and debug event logger.
    • Multiple logging modes.
    • Packet-based event handling.
    • 64-bit client only.

    Packet-based Features

    Currently, I've reversed enough of the protocol for:

    • Detecting login events.
    • Detecting character screen details.
    • Detecting area and instance transition.

    I will be expanding this list as time goes on and hopefully adding useful features based on the packet protocol.


    This is designed to evade the current anti-cheat; however, the anti-cheat could be changed to detect this. I will continue to work on making this more resistant to detection. It does not modify the game memory in any way, and evades the anti-cheat's current capabilities. There is always a risk.

    How To Use

    1. Start the game.
    2. Right-click on exmap.exe and select Run As Administrator.
    3. The maphack will be automatically activated. Do not close the exmap window while attached.
    4. To detach from the game so that you can close the exmap window, press Shift + F6.
    5. To change between different exception and event logging modes, press Shift + F7.
    6. To change between different packet logging modes, press Shift + F8.

    Remember, when exmap is attached to the game you can not close the exmap window. If you wish to close exmap, you must first press Shift + F6 to detach it from the game. Not doing this will cause your game to crash.



    Version 1.11 - July 26, 2018

    • Improved the anti-detection functionality.
    • Improved performance. Packet hooks are now only applied if required.
    • Updated recv hook signature to be compatible with 3.3.1b.

    Version 1.10 - June 1, 2018

    • Updated maphack pattern to be compatible with 3.3.0.

    Version 1.9 - March 5, 2018

    • Updated maphack pattern to be compatible with 3.2.0.

    Version 1.8 - January 7, 2018

    • Added outbound and inbound packet loggers.
    • Added the ability to detach the hack from the game with Shift + F6.
    • Added multiple event logging levels with Shift + F7.
    • Added multiple packet logging levels with Shift + F8.
    • Added quick usage reference guide in-hack.
    • Fixed hotkey handler to support key combinations and better performance.
    • Fixed area change methodology to be packet-based.
    • Updated logo and startup information.


    The following are people who gave me helpful information at some point.

    • zaafar
    • ankorman
    • TehCheat


    See attachment for the latest version.

    If you like the maphack and want to show your appreciation, give me some +thanks or +rep!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by maper; 08-03-2018 at 02:04 AM.

    exmap: Maphack, Packet Logger, etc.
  2. #2
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Developer Notes

    Basically a dumping ground for random notes that may be useful.

    Packet IDs

    #define POE_C2S_HEARTBEAT 0x0d
    #define POE_S2C_LOGIN 0x02
    #define POE_S2C_CHARACTERS 0x04
    #define POE_S2C_TRANSITION 0x05
    #define POE_S2C_HEARTBEAT 0x22

    ws2_32!send Hook Notes

    Code analysis notes:
    POE v3.1.1e Packet Sending Function:
    base @ 00007ff7`2faa0000
    00007ff7`2fff11df 4881ecc0040000  sub     rsp,4C0h
    00007ff7`2fff11e6 48c745a0feffffff mov     qword ptr [rbp-60h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh
    00007ff7`2fff11ee 48899c24f8040000 mov     qword ptr [rsp+4F8h],rbx
    00007ff7`2fff11f6 488bd9          mov     rbx,rcx
    00007ff7`2fff11f9 33f6            xor     esi,esi
    00007ff7`2fff11fb 89b5e0030000    mov     dword ptr [rbp+3E0h],esi
    00007ff7`2fff1201 488b9188010000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rcx+188h]
    00007ff7`2fff1208 4c8b8180010000  mov     r8,qword ptr [rcx+180h]
    00007ff7`2fff120f 4c2bc2          sub     r8,rdx
    00007ff7`2fff1212 488b89f0000000  mov     rcx,qword ptr [rcx+0F0h]
    00007ff7`2fff1219 4885c9          test    rcx,rcx
    00007ff7`2fff121c 7413            je      PathOfExile_x64+0x551231 (00007ff7`2fff1231)
    00007ff7`2fff121e 4d85c0          test    r8,r8
    00007ff7`2fff1221 740e            je      PathOfExile_x64+0x551231 (00007ff7`2fff1231)
    00007ff7`2fff1223 4c8b09          mov     r9,qword ptr [rcx]
    00007ff7`2fff1226 480393a8010000  add     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1A8h]
    00007ff7`2fff122d 41ff5108        call    qword ptr [r9+8] <- Encryption function
    00007ff7`2fff1231 488b8380010000  mov     rax,qword ptr [rbx+180h]
    00007ff7`2fff1238 48898388010000  mov     qword ptr [rbx+188h],rax
    00007ff7`2fff123f 488bfe          mov     rdi,rsi
    00007ff7`2fff1242 4885c0          test    rax,rax
    00007ff7`2fff1245 0f84ad040000    je      PathOfExile_x64+0x5516f8 (00007ff7`2fff16f8)
    00007ff7`2fff124b 0f1f440000      nop     dword ptr [rax+rax]
    00007ff7`2fff1250 488b93a8010000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1A8h]
    00007ff7`2fff1257 448b8380010000  mov     r8d,dword ptr [rbx+180h]
    00007ff7`2fff125e 442bc7          sub     r8d,edi
    00007ff7`2fff1261 4803d7          add     rdx,rdi
    00007ff7`2fff1264 4533c9          xor     r9d,r9d
    00007ff7`2fff1267 488b0b          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbx]
    00007ff7`2fff126a ff1518099000    call    qword ptr [PathOfExile_x64+0xe51b88 (00007ff7`308f1b88)] <- Call to ws2_32!send
    00007ff7`2fff1270 83f8ff          cmp     eax,0FFFFFFFFh
    00007ff7`2fff1273 741d            je      PathOfExile_x64+0x551292 (00007ff7`2fff1292)
    00007ff7`2fff1275 4863c8          movsxd  rcx,eax
    POE v3.1.1e Packet Encryption Function
    rdx = buffer, r8 = length
    base @ 00007ff7`2faa0000
    00007ff7`302f9b70 488b4110        mov     rax, qword ptr[rcx + 10h] ds:0000022b`12f9fab0=00007ff730b03980
    00007ff7`302f9b74 4883c110        add     rcx, 10h <- Hook location
    00007ff7`302f9b78 4d8bc8          mov     r9, r8
    00007ff7`302f9b7b 4c8bc2          mov     r8, rdx
    00007ff7`302f9b7e 48ff6038        jmp     qword ptr[rax + 38h]
    Signature: 48 8b 41 10 48 83 c1 10 4d 8b c8
    WinDbg script exmaples:
    In-debugger send hook:
    bp 00007ff7`302f9b74 "db @rdx L8; r r8; g"

    ws2_32!recv Hook Notes

    The recv function only seems to be called during instance transition, likely with connection transition details although I haven't fully reversed it. These packets do not appear to be encrypted.

    Code analysis notes:
    POE v3.1.1e Packet Recv Function
    r9 = buffer, rax = length
    base @ 00007ff7`2faa0000
    00007ff7`2fff0d09 4889b42490000000 mov     qword ptr [rsp+90h],rsi
    00007ff7`2fff0d11 488bb3c8010000  mov     rsi,qword ptr [rbx+1C8h]
    00007ff7`2fff0d18 482bb3c0010000  sub     rsi,qword ptr [rbx+1C0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0d1f 482bf2          sub     rsi,rdx
    00007ff7`2fff0d22 48897c2468      mov     qword ptr [rsp+68h],rdi
    00007ff7`2fff0d27 488b93c0010000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1C0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0d2e 483bce          cmp     rcx,rsi
    00007ff7`2fff0d31 7716            ja      PathOfExile_x64+0x550d49 (00007ff7`2fff0d49)
    00007ff7`2fff0d33 448bc1          mov     r8d,ecx
    00007ff7`2fff0d36 4903d6          add     rdx,r14
    00007ff7`2fff0d39 488b0b          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbx]
    00007ff7`2fff0d3c 4533c9          xor     r9d,r9d
    00007ff7`2fff0d3f ff15630e9000    call    qword ptr [PathOfExile_x64+0xe51ba8 (00007ff7`308f1ba8)] <- Call to ws2_32!recv
    00007ff7`2fff0d45 8bf8            mov     edi,eax <- Hook location
    00007ff7`2fff0d47 eb78            jmp     PathOfExile_x64+0x550dc1 (00007ff7`2fff0dc1)
    00007ff7`2fff0d49 4a8d0432        lea     rax,[rdx+r14]
    00007ff7`2fff0d4d 4889542458      mov     qword ptr [rsp+58h],rdx
    00007ff7`2fff0d52 4889442448      mov     qword ptr [rsp+48h],rax
    00007ff7`2fff0d57 4c8d8c2480000000 lea     r9,[rsp+80h]
    00007ff7`2fff0d5f 33c0            xor     eax,eax
    00007ff7`2fff0d61 89742440        mov     dword ptr [rsp+40h],esi
    00007ff7`2fff0d65 4889442430      mov     qword ptr [rsp+30h],rax
    00007ff7`2fff0d6a 488d542440      lea     rdx,[rsp+40h]
    00007ff7`2fff0d6f 482bce          sub     rcx,rsi
    00007ff7`2fff0d72 4889442428      mov     qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax
    00007ff7`2fff0d77 89842488000000  mov     dword ptr [rsp+88h],eax
    00007ff7`2fff0d7e 41b802000000    mov     r8d,2
    Signature: 8b f8 eb 78 4a 8d 04 32
    WinDbg script examples:
    bp 00007ff7`2fff122d "db @r9 L@rax; g"

    ws2_32!WSARecv Hook Notes

    This is the juicy one, where most of the interesting game traffic is received. It's also unfortunately the most complicated, because it allows for scatter-gather data transfer over multiple buffers. I've made some notes in the code to make it a bit more clear. It's worth looking up how WSARecv works online, too.

    Code analysis notes:
    POE v3.1.1e Packet WSARecv Function
    base @ 00007ff7`2faa0000
    00007ff7`2fff0e01 488b93c0010000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1C0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e08 4c8b09          mov     r9,qword ptr [rcx]
    00007ff7`2fff0e0b 4903d6          add     rdx,r14
    00007ff7`2fff0e0e 8bc7            mov     eax,edi
    00007ff7`2fff0e10 483bc6          cmp     rax,rsi
    00007ff7`2fff0e13 7709            ja      PathOfExile_x64+0x550e1e (00007ff7`2fff0e1e)
    00007ff7`2fff0e15 4c63c7          movsxd  r8,edi
    00007ff7`2fff0e18 41ff5110        call    qword ptr [r9+10h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e1c eb21            jmp     PathOfExile_x64+0x550e3f (00007ff7`2fff0e3f)
    00007ff7`2fff0e1e 4c8bc6          mov     r8,rsi
    00007ff7`2fff0e21 41ff5110        call    qword ptr [r9+10h] <- Decryption function
    00007ff7`2fff0e25 488b8bf0000000  mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbx+0F0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e2c 488b93c0010000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1C0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e33 4c63c7          movsxd  r8,edi
    00007ff7`2fff0e36 4c2bc6          sub     r8,rsi
    00007ff7`2fff0e39 488b01          mov     rax,qword ptr [rcx]
    00007ff7`2fff0e3c ff5010          call    qword ptr [rax+10h] <- Decryption function
    00007ff7`2fff0e3f 4863c7          movsxd  rax,edi <- Hook location
    00007ff7`2fff0e42 48018398010000  add     qword ptr [rbx+198h],rax
    00007ff7`2fff0e49 488b83e8000000  mov     rax,qword ptr [rbx+0E8h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e50 017804          add     dword ptr [rax+4],edi
    00007ff7`2fff0e53 488b83c8010000  mov     rax,qword ptr [rbx+1C8h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e5a 482b83c0010000  sub     rax,qword ptr [rbx+1C0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e61 48398398010000  cmp     qword ptr [rbx+198h],rax
    00007ff7`2fff0e68 7519            jne     PathOfExile_x64+0x550e83 (00007ff7`2fff0e83)
    00007ff7`2fff0e6a 488b93c8010000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1C8h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e71 488bcb          mov     rcx,rbx
    00007ff7`2fff0e74 482b93c0010000  sub     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1C0h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e7b 4803d2          add     rdx,rdx
    00007ff7`2fff0e7e e88d0a0000      call    PathOfExile_x64+0x551910 (00007ff7`2fff1910)
    00007ff7`2fff0e83 488b7c2468      mov     rdi,qword ptr [rsp+68h]
    00007ff7`2fff0e88 488bb42490000000 mov     rsi,qword ptr [rsp+90h]
    - At hook location for a 2-buffer setup, example stack looks as follows:
    000000d3`5a8feee0  00000233`00000040 00000000`00000000
    000000d3`5a8feef0  00000000`00000742 00000000`00000009
    000000d3`5a8fef00  000000d3`5a8fef68 00000000`00000000
    000000d3`5a8fef10  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001
    000000d3`5a8fef20  00000000`00000742 00000233`ab004f7e <- Buffer 1 size, buffer 1 pointer
    000000d3`5a8fef30  00000000`000000be 00000233`ab004ec0 <- Buffer 2 size, buffer 2 pointer
    000000d3`5a8fef40  ffffffff`ffffffff 00000233`406c5bf0
    000000d3`5a8fef50  00000000`0e8f55af 00007ff7`3031fea4
    - At hook location, RDI contains actual bytes received.
    - Can reach first buffer size at RSP+0x40, buffer location at RSP+0x48.
    - Can keep reading QWORDS until 0xffffffff`ffffffff.
    - If RDI is greater than the size of buffer 1, must also read from buffer 2, etc.
    Signature: 48 63 c7 48 01 83 98 01 00 00
    WinDbg script examples:
    Can be used at return address of ws2_32!WSARecv to get details about buffer count and first buffer.
    r @r9; dd @r9; r @rdx; r @r8; dq @rdx; db poi(@rdx+0x8); db poi(@rdx+0x18)
    Last edited by maper; 01-08-2018 at 01:40 AM. Reason: Adding details.

  3. Thanks GameHelper, Jadd, Sychotix, Valois, toadskin, Stridemann, TehCheat, sketax, thereturn_ (9 members gave Thanks to maper for this useful post)
  4. #3
    Jadd's Avatar 🐸 Premium Seller
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    Looks safe at first glance. Doesn't seem to do anything it hasn't said it does.

    Although I'm unfamiliar with PoE I'm not sure attaching a debugger is particularly safe in regards to detection so be careful.

  5. Thanks kingzero, Sychotix (2 members gave Thanks to Jadd for this useful post)
  6. #4
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by Jadd View Post
    Although I'm unfamiliar with PoE I'm not sure attaching a debugger is particularly safe in regards to detection so be careful.
    It's definitely noisy, in the general sense. That said, it's easy to plug a lot of the user-mode holes that reveal that a debugger is attached, which I plan to do. The current incarnation of the anti-cheat also does not check or action based on a debugger being attached.

  7. #5
    bymedi's Avatar Member
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    Well, this works. Kudos!

    GGG doesn't have the ability to push a silent anticheat update without a general game patch (i.e. like Warden or VAC can do), right?

  8. #6
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by bymedi View Post
    GGG doesn't have the ability to push a silent anticheat update without a general game patch (i.e. like Warden or VAC can do), right?
    They could probably push out a detection without issuing a game patch, if I'm being honest.

    But, the risk is even higher for tools that directly edit memory, since those detections already exist.
    Last edited by DvASystems; 01-09-2018 at 02:58 AM.

  9. #7
    Valois's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for the contribution. Gonna try it out.

  10. #8
    amarat100's Avatar Member
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    Most valuable information at the moment is vendor crafting. If we can manage to understand how craft input/preview works, we probably (if they are not additionaly validating it) can spam-check all recipes in game. Im not C++ dev, don't know assembler either, but if given the api can pretty much do everything in C#

    If you can hook into it and provide Send/Callback Receive methods (just straight byte[] will be enough) as external API - it will be very useful.

    Can you write config file with basic regex matcher on packets (so i can filter heartbeat and everything else)?

    Found so far:
    0x0a - seems to be message in chat (just looked at hex values - it represented recent message from user in chat). Other information is probably chat related: global/local/etc, length, additionaly serialized identifiers of loot entity and so on.
    0xd5 - seems like packet with clickable entity id (chest, workbench, person), id is probably located at index 2-3-4-5, the rest (0xe5) received packages is probably information related to movement of character to this concrete entity as I see it when I simply move around or just stumble into wall (what especially interesting is that game not send movement package if you stumble into wall, so, if send and not validated at server - can result in wallhack).
    0xe5 - movement callback
    0x0e - skill continuous usage (while channelling it is send constantly, probably for heartbeat at server end), also send movement as skill
    0x62 - input into craft menu by Ctrl+left mouse click on item
    0x64 - output of craft menu (what will be aquired after accepting barter). Also if sent back - it is accept, and nothing else will be retrieved (so, content is drawed by information calculated in previous 0x64 message)
    Last edited by amarat100; 01-09-2018 at 06:58 PM.

  11. #9
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by amarat100 View Post
    Most valuable information at the moment is vendor crafting. If we can manage to understand how craft input/preview works, we probably (if they are not additionaly validating it) can spam-check all recipes in game. Im not C++ dev, don't know assembler either, but if given the api can pretty much do everything in C#

    If you can hook into it and provide Send/Receive methods (just straight byte[] will be enough) as external API - it will be very useful.
    I can do this, yeah. How about a C++ DLL that your C# application can import from and register callbacks for sending and receiving? Something like:

    delegate void ExmapPacketReceiveCallback(byte PacketId, byte[] PacketData);
    public static extern void RegisterPacketReceiveCallback([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] ExmapPacketReceiveCallback Callback);
    ExmapPacketReceiveCallback callback =
       (PacketID, PacketData) =>
          // Do some stuff.
    I can make that happen.

  12. Thanks amarat100 (1 members gave Thanks to maper for this useful post)
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    amarat100's Avatar Member
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    Thank you, I will appreciate it. Also, create unregister for callback.

    If you don't mind we can create private repo somewhere (github, bitbucket, or whatever). I will post my research in there (so GGG will not monitor it), packet deserialization too (which I will be able to distinguish from rubbish). You can rewrite it later for C++, for security through obscurity.
    Last edited by amarat100; 01-09-2018 at 07:16 PM.

  14. #11
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    +1 I wanna do this packet analysis too.
    If u folks make a repo invite me too.

  15. #12
    Jaladhjin's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by amarat100 View Post
    (so GGG will not monitor it)
    Paranoid but only so Paranoid huh ;-)

    Kinda like a post on GrassCity saying (Incase the DEA is reading this) :-D

    Nah but really y'all have fun.. just made me chuckle :-)

  16. #13
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Okay, I'm in on this. I should be able to get it going over the weekend.

  17. #14
    amarat100's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Jaladhjin View Post
    Paranoid but only so Paranoid huh ;-)

    Kinda like a post on GrassCity saying (Incase the DEA is reading this) :-D

    Nah but really y'all have fun.. just made me chuckle :-)
    Well, old habbit. Been hacking (Java/C#) minecraft clients too long to trust public forums when it comes to anti-hacking =)

  18. #15
    everknown's Avatar Active Member
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    Hey Maper, For some weird reason when i started using Mercury Trading tool along with Exmap, it randomly crashes Exmap then followed by the game. Is it possible for you to look into this?

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