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  1. #1
    Midalee's Avatar Member
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    New bot infinite card packs?

    Hi guys, I've watch at some sites that there exist a exploit (or bot idk) that it gives u a lot of packs. I mean, that exploit can multiply packs somehow. But those "hackers" doesnt wanna release that tool or that exploit cause they want to make money selling accounts.

    Here's a link New bot infinite card packs?-ibddpybqd6d17r-jpg

    New bot infinite card packs?-fc261bfb24-jpg

    Do u know about this? Is this even possible?

    Sorry for my english I know its pretty bad ;x

    New bot infinite card packs?
  2. #2
    darkchaos89's Avatar Sergeant
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    The "Ultimate Store" states "the method we use des not breach any of Blizzard's terms of services" which would make it sound as if they weren't using an exploit. They want payments in BTC which means no real chance of chargebacks. I would assume they're either botting accounts or using stolen credit cards to fund them.

    As for the alleged exploit, keep dreaming.

  3. #3
    Midalee's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by darkchaos89 View Post
    The "Ultimate Store" states "the method we use des not breach any of Blizzard's terms of services" which would make it sound as if they weren't using an exploit. They want payments in BTC which means no real chance of chargebacks. I would assume they're either botting accounts or using stolen credit cards to fund them.

    As for the alleged exploit, keep dreaming.
    I think that they're botting somehow. I mean, may be there is an exploit that when u lose a game it gives u money anyway. Or may be as u said, they are using stolen credit cards which is pretty bad. I think the most probably situation there is that they're using some bot with VM's (I read this too).

  4. #4
    darkchaos89's Avatar Sergeant
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    I was just thinking about how long it'd take to reach 120 packs too. There are some easy quests to complete that give a total of 3 packs, 700g as well as the free arena entry, so you have at least 11+ packs reasonably quick. From there, you're capped at 100g a day from wins and your daily quests which are 40-100g.

    109 packs at 200g/day is 54.5 days to 77.8 days at 140g/day.

    Pretty slow, but if the VM farm is big enough, it could be worthwhile as it's basically $1/day per account.

  5. #5
    Bippy's Avatar I'm Back Baby Laykith's Master CoreCoins Purchaser
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    I personally don't trust that site. I would advise everyone to stay away from it, especially since you can't chargeback if it's a scam. Their methods are unclear and they say it's "legal" yet, we all know, it isn't if you're getting a "2 for 1" pack.

  6. #6
    rr2109's Avatar Active Member
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    People are currently exploiting paypal in hearthstone by buying packs and then just doing a chargeback, blizzard does not respond to the chargeback so the money is returned but blizzard as of now has no system in place for taking back the cards you got unlike it wow where they suspend the account and put it in a negative balance. This is fraud and carries legal risks and if blizzard is just recording the people who do this its entirely possible that one day you will log on to find every card gone from a system they may have planned for the future so I highly advise paying or just doing the quests/30 wins a day to get your cards.

  7. #7
    Midalee's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by rr2109 View Post
    People are currently exploiting paypal in hearthstone by buying packs and then just doing a chargeback, blizzard does not respond to the chargeback so the money is returned but blizzard as of now has no system in place for taking back the cards you got unlike it wow where they suspend the account and put it in a negative balance. This is fraud and carries legal risks and if blizzard is just recording the people who do this its entirely possible that one day you will log on to find every card gone from a system they may have planned for the future so I highly advise paying or just doing the quests/30 wins a day to get your cards.
    that makes sense then. But I think paypal takes longer if u do a chargeback like 20 o 30 days (at least in my country).

  8. #8
    lordimac's Avatar Member
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    Google for "UltimateStore" is leading me to a Scammer Profile.

  9. #9
    chaosrain34's Avatar Sergeant
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    I don't know where I read this but I read this a long time ago on a blog which I can't seem to find anymore. You basically just buy a new copy of D3 RoS and if you do that you'll get a free HS pack. Then you just cancel the RoS order (you didn't pay anything yet since Blizzard doesn't immediately charge you for your purchase) and redo this. I haven't tried this since I've reached the maximum amount of accounts on my but I can imagine this working and doesn't count as a chargeback since you canceled the order on blizzards website.

  10. #10
    brennholzz's Avatar Contributor
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    Someone here willing to buy one Account and tell us if it worked?

  11. #11
    berryman13's Avatar Contributor
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    Can anybody say scam faster than I do?

    Seriously, I call it. It's a bloody scam and you're not going to gain a damn thing.

    The fact that "Blizzard does not respond to chargebacks" is NOT TRUE AT ALL as I have had my account LOCKED for SIX WEEKS because of a credit card payment through paypal that was reversed 1.5mo later. It came out of the blue, but I got an email saying I had an outstanding balance of (6mo recurring gametime, like $80) - only way to pay it is by cash or money order so gl. From the day I mailed it, I had to wait 42 days and submit 7 tickets to get my account back and ultimately I got it back a week or two "early" because my last ticket really hit a nerve and the GM on the other side realized I was told it would take 10 days max and it's been over 40, he just bit the bullet and unlocked my account and said "I'll check back in a week to see if we get any new activity, the USPS tracking says it arrived but it is handled in another department"

    Point is, they pursue chargebacks. Even $75 chargebacks. And if these guys really have the ****in' gonads to attach a credit card to a paypal and ssn, verify it, spend money on cards on different people's accounts and then chargeback all of it, you better expect all your customers to charge you back too, because they're going to be met with a screen saying they have a debt owed to blizzard all because they thought they could cheat the system by commmitting fraud dude. THIS IS NOT SENDING A FAKE ID TO GET YOUR ACC UNLOCKED BECAUSE OF A TRADE GONE SOUR. THIS IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE THAT WILL BE PURSUED BY BLIZZARD IF IT IS FOUND TO BE TAKING PLACE; AS IT DEALS WITH THOUSANDS OF LOCKED ACCOUNTS WITH DEBT, HUNDREDS OF STOLEN CREDIT CARD NUMBERS SLOWLY TAKING BACK THE MONEY THEY LOST, AND WHO ARE THEY LOOKING FOR? The people who bought the packs from the shady site? no. The people who bought the cards and then charged back? yes.

    Blizzard has put a SUBSTANTIAL amount of effort into ensuring that their online transactions are one way, as in, you don't reverse it. Believe me, reverse $75 and your credit company will argue with Blizzard for MONTHS. You think people didn't think of this before hearthstone? What about WoW microtransactions? Discounted blizzard store only items? Let me give you some truth that may hurt; no matter how much you like that guy who was able to get you that $25 mount for $5, someone is still paying $25 and if it doesn't catch up with you once they get their monthly statement (especially if you're the OO, then you're really chopped and screwed because they know exactly where to go knocking) it will when the attorneys show up.

    This is not a dispute over $20, over $75, or $1,000. Blizzard would pursue any of the cases if there was IDENTITY THEFT and CREDIT CARD FRAUD involved, and they will go through the fullest extent of the law in order to do so. We're not talking cease and desist letters once every month because of a bot dev, we're talking about a planned transaction with undercovers who will rip you a new one once they confirm the credit card isn't in fact your's.

    So is it worth the risk to buy from this really shady website? Hell no. Not unless you only plan on playing with those cards for a few weeks and then having to pay Blizz $300 to get it back. Meanwhile the guy who scammed your ass through a stolen card is making more and more money off of suckers who think they can cheat the system. The most ironic part is that the scammer isn't the one cheating the system, they're just milking it and the current cow just happens to be hearthstone packs. People have been laundering money via the internet for as long as they have been able to.

    But is this what the website even does? I don't want to find out. It's either a flat out scam or exactly what I described. Or it could be some troll who just waits to get your account info, steals all your shit in WoW and dusts every single decent card you have, leaving you with jack shit and a paypal transaction to dispute. (which oh, by the way, you just lost for good because you sent it as a gift! And even if you can attach as many PDF's as paypal's resolution center allows, as many chatlogs and screenshots you provide, it doesn't make a difference. First of all, if this scam was done through a credit card company, Paypal is not able to cover ANYBODY's ass! Bank of America for example can reverse a payment I made a week ago because I changed my mind (read: "I found it suspicious because I was never given a tracking number" -- simply the opposing party saying that you got what you ordered and were unhappy with it is enough for YOU AND PAYPAL TO BE OUT OF MONEY, AND PAYPAL IS NOT GOING TO FORGIVE YOU. OH NO. YOU OWE THEM THAT MONEY BECAUSE YOU'RE THE CLOSEST THING THEY HAVE TO THE ORIGINAL TRANSACTION THAT WENT SOUR.

    This is why you should never keep a card or bank acc on a paypal for prolonged periods of time. I throw my debit card on if I need to for online purchases OK. But then I delete it. Paypal claims I owe them $200 on a secondary account because they believe an international company selling seedboxes over my word (duh, even though they sell seedboxes they can just come off as VPS hosts and seem like a very professional business, through some social engineering they'll even convince your credit card company that you don't deserve the money back)

    Point is? Don't get involved. Don't buy or sell in this fashion because there's a loser every time and it will come back to you every time, whether it takes a day or a few months..And one more thought - WE DO NOT KNOW HOW BLIZZARD TAKES DISCIPLINARY ACTION IN HEARTHSTONE AS I HAVE NEVER SEEN ON HEARTHCRAWLER OR HEARTHBUDDY FORUMS PEOPLE GETTING BANNED FOR BOTTING, HOWEVER THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T HAVE THE CAPACITY TO SCREW YOU SIDEWAYS.


    Originally Posted by Blizzard's Lawyers
    5. No Ownership Rights in Account,

    NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY HEREIN [regardless of anything else we said before or will say after this statement, this holds true - You. Are. Our. Bitch,],
    YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE [by scrolling and pressing accept. bnet launcher, WoW, Hearthstone, they all have one at the first launch]

    THAT YOU SHALL HAVE NO OWNERSHIP OR OTHER PROPERTY INTEREST IN ANY ACCOUNT STORED OR HOSTED ON A BLIZZARD SYSTEM [key part right here. you're paying your $15/mo to rent your WoW account and take a slot in blizzard's system and that is it. by playing you agree that you have no power over the account, what's on it, or what happens to it],

    INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT, [Oh, you play World of Warcraft AND Hearthstone? What makes your WoW account any different than your hearthstone account? What they own is your Battle.NET ACCOUNT]

    AND YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ALL RIGHTS IN AND TO SUCH ACCOUNTS ARE AND SHALL [Now hold on real quick, this is just getting silly. By participating in the game you acknowledge and agree to any new rules regarding ownership or accessibility that could ever be created in the next freakin' eternity]

    What the heck does that mean? It means you're paying them for access to data on their server and thus "your" account can be manipulated however they please.
    On the flip side, that said account is FOREVER OWNED BY AND TO BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF BLIZZARD.

    That's probably why there are so many botters, WoW's sub numbers would be probably in the 2,000,0000-4,000,000 range if it wasn't for people like me with 6 accounts ballin' off their pixels and shit
    Last edited by berryman13; 06-09-2014 at 05:19 PM.
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  12. #12
    malulululu's Avatar Member
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    Its fake guys

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