PvP Scripts for WOTLK - 3.3.5 menu

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    scriptseller's Avatar Banned
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    PvP Scripts for WOTLK - 3.3.5

    Hi everyone, we're selling a whole bunch of scripts working for ALL 3.3.5a/WOTLK servers including Arena Tournament, Molten WoW, WoW Sulvus, Zhyper-Pwnage,WoW Circle,Eternal WoW etc.

    Here's a list of scripts that we currently have available:

    D E A T H K N I G H T Class

    - "Mind Freeze" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells

    * CC Spells

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Mind Freeze" not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - "Horn of Winter": Being used if it's not up anymore.

    - "Anti-Magic: Shell" on "Death Coil".

    - "Lichborne": Being canceled if "Anti-Magic Shell" is not up and a Paladin is in range to "Turn Evil".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    D E A T H K N I G H T - U D K _ R O T A T I O N

    - "Mind Freeze" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells

    * CC Spells

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Mind Freeze" not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - "Horn of Winter": Being used if it's not up anymore.

    - "Anti-Magic: Shell" on "Death Coil".

    - "Lichborne": Being canceled if "Anti-Magic Shell" is not up and a Paladin is in range to "Turn Evil".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Auto-Rotation:

    * Refreshing: "Chains of Ice"

    * Dmg-Rotation

    D R U I D Class :

    - Stopcasting "Cyclone", if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Fearie Fire" it.

    - "Instant Cyclone" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. is up.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    D R U I D - F E R A L_R O T A T I O N:

    - Stopcasting "Cyclone", if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Fearie Fire" it.

    - "Instant Cyclone" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. is up.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - 'Remove Curse" being used to dispel "Hex" on Party1/2.

    - AutoRotation:

    * DMG-Rotation

    * "Cyclone" being used to counter Heal- and CC-Spells

    * "Maim" being used to counter Heal-Spells

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    H U N T E R Class :

    - "Silencing Shot" in Last Second for Arena1-3, if Party1-2 is CC'd. Interrupted Spells:

    * "Hex"/"Polymorph".

    - "Aimed Shot": Being used if "Divine Shield"/"Hand of Protection"/"Ice Block"/etc. disappears.

    - "Growl": Being used if "Grounding Totem" is up on Arena1-3.

    - "Feign Death" on "Shadowstep".

    - Pet:

    * "Cower"(45% Damage-Reduction): Being used if Your Pet is below 40% HP;

    * "Last Stand": Being used if Your Pet is below 15% HP.

    M A G E Class :

    - "Counterspell" Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph".

    - "Counterspell" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.

    - "Deep Freeze" not Usable if: "Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.

    - Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Ice Lance" it.

    - Stopcasting "Polymorph", if "Shadow Word: Death" is Casted on You or any friendly ArenaTarget.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - "Ice Barrier": Being used if it's not up anymore and Arena1-3 can't Dispel it.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    P A L A D I N Class :

    - "Turn Evil"/"Holy Wrath" on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) "Seduction"-Cast, if it's casted on You.

    - "Hammer of Justice": Not Usable into /"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Bladestorm"/"Spell Reflection"/etc.

    - "Turn Evil": Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with "Lichborne" up.

    - "Turn Evil": Not Usable into "Grounding Totem".

    - "Divine Sacrifice" on "Scatter Shot".

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Auto "Divine Plea". (Protection)

    - Unstealth "Vanish" with "Divine Storm". (Retribution)

    P A L A D I N - R E T R I B U T I O N _ R O T A T I O N :

    - "Turn Evil"/"Holy Wrath" on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) "Seduction"-Cast, if it's casted on You.

    - "Hammer of Justice": Not Usable into /"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Bladestorm"/"Spell Reflection"/etc.

    - "Turn Evil": Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with "Lichborne" up.

    - "Turn Evil": Not Usable into "Grounding Totem".

    - "Divine Sacrifice" on "Scatter Shot".

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Unstealth "Vanish" with "Divine Storm".

    - Auto-Rotation:

    * Dmg-Rotation

    * Off-Healing

    * Auto-Buffing

    P A L A D I N - H O L Y _ B O T

    - "Turn Evil"/"Holy Wrath" on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) "Seduction"-Cast, if it's casted on You.

    - "Hammer of Justice": Not Usable into /"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Bladestorm"/"Spell Reflection"/etc.

    - "Turn Evil": Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with "Lichborne" up.

    - "Turn Evil": Not Usable into "Grounding Totem".

    - "Divine Sacrifice" on "Scatter Shot".

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - HealBot automatically uses:

    * Healing-Spells: "Holy Shock","Flash of Light"

    * Buffing-Spells:"Blessing of Kings","Seal of Light","Righteous Fury"

    * "Cleanse","Freedom","Sacred Shield","Divine Shield";

    * "Hand of Protection","Hammer of Justice","Divine Plea";

    * "Every Man for Himself"/"Medaillon of the Alliance/Horde";

    * "Judgement of Light","Judgement of Justice",

    * "Bauble of True Blood","Divine Sacrifice".

    * Repopping

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    P R I E S T Class

    - "Shadow Word: Death" (Including StopCast) for: "Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Scatter Shot"/"Blind".

    - "Inner Fire": Being used if PlayerHP is 80%+. Else PartyMessage: "Missing: Inner Fire".

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    * "Vampiric Touch" on "Spell Reflection".

    - Pet:

    * "Shadowcrawl": Being used on PetTarget as soon as it's off Cooldown;

    * "Fear Ward": Being used on Pet if Arena1-3 Warrior exists.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    R O G U E Class :

    - "Vanish" on "Death Coil".

    - "Dismantle" on "Bladestorm".

    - "Kick" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Kick" not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    R O G U E - RvR (Rogue vs. Rogue) :

    - "Vanish" on "Death Coil".

    - "Dismantle" on "Bladestorm".

    - "Kick" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Kick" not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - RvR scripts:

    * "Vanish" on: "Blind","Cheap Shot","Deep Freeze","Psychic Scream","Psychic Horror","Kidney";

    * "Blind" on: "Trinket";

    * "Shadowstep" on: "Feral Charge","Charge","Blink","Intercept".

    R O G U E - M U T I L A T E _ R O T A T I O N :

    - "Vanish" on "Death Coil".

    - "Dismantle" on "Bladestorm".

    - "Kick" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Kick" not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - Auto-Rotation:

    * Dmg-Rotation ("Kidney Shot", if "Kick" is not ready)

    S H A M A N Class :

    - "Grounding Totem" on "Hex".

    - "Tremor Totem": Being used if a ranged Party1-2 Member is under any "Fear"-Spell.

    - Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Purge" it.

    - "Cleanse Spirit": Being used to Dispel "Hex"/"Curse of Tongues" off a ranged Party1-2 Member.

    - "Water Shield"/"Lightning Shield": Being used if it's not up anymore and (NoCast).

    - "Wind Shear" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * CC Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Fear"/"Cyclone";

    * Healing Spells: Just if Arena1-3 is not a Warlock/Shaman/Druid or Mage.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    W A R L O C K _ S O F T Class :

    - Stopcasting, if Target has "Spell Reflection" up and PlayerCast < 0,3 then "Curse of the Elements" it.

    - If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:

    * "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%).

    - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells.

    - "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up.

    - Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead.

    - Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead.

    - "Death Coil": Not Usable into:

    * "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc;

    * In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it.

    W A R L O C K _ N O R M A L :

    - If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:

    * "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%).

    - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells.

    - "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up.

    - Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead.

    - Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead.

    - "Death Coil": Not Usable into:

    * "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc;

    * In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it.

    W A R L O C K _ H A R D :

    - Stopcasting, if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up then "Curse of the Elements" it.

    - If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:

    * "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%).

    - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells.

    - "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up.

    - Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead.

    - Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead.

    - "Death Coil": Not Usable into:

    * "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc;

    * In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it.

    W A R L O C K _ U L T R A :

    - Stopcasting, if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up then "Curse of the Elements" it.

    - If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:

    * "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%).

    - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells.

    - "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up.

    - Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead.

    - Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead.

    - Seduction-FakeCast: If Succubus getting SWD'd it will stop the "Seduction"-Cast.

    - "Death Coil": Not Usable into:

    * "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc;

    * In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it.

    W A R L O C K _ C S :

    - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells.

    W A R R I O R Class - A R M S :

    - "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel.

    - "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available.

    - "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.

    - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

    - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

    - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

    * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

    * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

    * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

    - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

    - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

    - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

    * "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

    * "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target.

    * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    W A R R I O R - P R O T E C T I O N :

    - "Shield Bash" Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - "Spell Reflection", if "Shield Bash" is not in Range on:

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Heroic Throw" Silence if:

    * "Spell Reflection" not Usable

    * "Shield Bash" not Usable

    - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

    - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

    - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

    * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

    * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

    * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

    - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

    - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

    - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

    * "Intercept" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

    * "Charge" back to Your Main-Target.

    * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    W A R R I O R - A R M S _ R O T A T I O N:

    - "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel.

    - "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available.

    - "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.

    - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

    - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

    - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

    * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

    * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

    * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

    - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

    - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

    - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

    * "Intercept" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

    * "Charge" back to Your Main-Target.

    * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Auto-Rotation:

    * Refreshing: "Rend","Hamstring","Mortal Strike";

    * Dmg-Rotation ("Overpower" included on non-Healers);

    * Buffing ("Recklessness"/"Bloodrage" included);

    * Auto "Berserker Rage", if needed.

    R A C I A L - S P E L L S :

    - Nightelf: "Shadowmeld" on "Death Coil";

    - Bloodelf: "Arcane Torrent" will be used instead of Your Interrupt, if Your Interrupt is on Cooldown;

    - Tauren: "War Stomp" will be used instead of Your Interrupt, if Your Interrupt-Spell is on Cooldown;

    - Undead: 1 Buttom for "Medallion of the Horde" + "Will of the Forsaken". Correct one will be used.

    R A N G E - H A C K :

    - Arena Tournament: +2 Yards Range = 7 Yards. - For Every Meele-Spell

    - Any Other Server: +7 Yards Range = 12 Yards. - For Every Meele-Spell

    Interrupt Script/Focus Interrupt Script: £7.32 / €10 / $11.34 per script
    › Range Patch: £10.60 / €15 / $16.31

    › Everything else: £21.21 / €30 / $32.62 per script
    — Buy 2x scripts for: £38.89 / €55 / $59.81 (save £3.67 / €5 / $5.70)
    — Buy 3x scripts for: £56.56 / €80 / $87.01 (save £7.07 / €10 / $10.89)
    — Buy 4x scripts for: £67.16 / €95 / $103.32 (save £10.60 / €15 / $16.31)
    — Buy 5x scripts for: £81.31 / €115 / $125.08 + 1 free script

    If you are interested in making a purchase feel free to add tom.scriptx on Skype.

    We only accept PayPal.

    Additional Note: We are able to get a hold of all types of scripts for any class/spec; if you would like one in particular that isn't on our list, let us know and we'll see if we can get it for you.
    Last edited by scriptseller; 05-27-2015 at 07:20 AM.

    PvP Scripts for WOTLK - 3.3.5
  2. #2
    scriptseller's Avatar Banned
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    New scripts have been added for the D R U I D Class

    D R U I D - F E R A L_R O T A T I O N: NEW*

    - Stopcasting "Cyclone", if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Fearie Fire" it.

    - "Instant Cyclone" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. is up.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - 'Remove Curse" being used to dispel "Hex" on Party1/2.

    - AutoRotation:

    * DMG-Rotation

    * "Cyclone" being used to counter Heal- and CC-Spells

    * "Maim" being used to counter Heal-Spells

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
    - Cat Form" being used on Slow-Effects.
    Last edited by scriptseller; 05-27-2015 at 07:40 AM.

  3. #3
    supern1ger's Avatar Member
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    I can vouch for this guy, he's legit.
    The fakecast scripts are awesome dude! Thanks.

  4. #4
    scriptseller's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by supern1ger View Post
    I can vouch for this guy, he's legit.
    The fakecast scripts are awesome dude! Thanks.
    You're welcome. Thanks for the positive feedback.

  5. #5
    Spydre's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by scriptseller View Post
    You're welcome. Thanks for the positive feedback.
    What do you mean Scripts for WOTLK? Do they work in WOD or only on WOTLK private servers?

  6. #6
    scriptseller's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Spydre View Post
    What do you mean Scripts for WOTLK? Do they work in WOD or only on WOTLK private servers?
    These scripts are made only for WOTLK server.

  7. #7
    donts's Avatar Member
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    Last edited by donts; 06-04-2015 at 12:17 PM.

  8. #8
    maispurkemxm's Avatar Member
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    Status: Trade
    Hello, I have a hunter script in version 3.3.5a, I need help! PQR VERSION 1.1.1
    Hello, I have a hunter script in version 3.3.5a, I need help! PQR VERSION 1.1.1

    Feign Death: It uses the death of the feigno when the spells are released on me, but the problem is that this script simulates death
    work only at the beginning of the cast in 0.1 second and in all cast, including cures, mounts any cast whatsoever,
    which makes it irrelevant!

    I'd like to know of a fake death script that activates only in the middle of the cast and spells specific spells by me.

    Basically I want to use feign death in the middle of the cast of certain spells that I add.

    could you send me PQR files to hunter? WOW 3.3.5a.

    This is the SCRIP I currently use, however he uses feign death in almost any cast including casting heals, mounts, and even when the target is not me.

    The PQR file I would like was one that Feign Death only activated during the cast of my target Target and Focus.

    I would also like some of the trinkets

    if UnitCastingInfo("target")
    and GetSpellCooldown(57994) < 1 then
    return true enda

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