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  1. #31
    Radian's Avatar Member
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    Radian's Critical Hit In-Depth Review: July 3, 2019

    Aimbot: 9.8/10 This is what you are spending your hard earned cash on. The aimbot is excellent, it has simple X/Y smoothing options for you to tinker with, and is extremely accurate, as it should be with a memory bot. The default settings are super rage, so be careful. This aimbot works especially well for tracer and other similar hitscan heroes (sombra, soldier, zarya). This aimbot is not a great option for hanzo prediction. This is because this bot's hanzo prediction, while extremely accurate, is also extremely obvious. I'll go over this in the flickbot section. This would be a 10/10 if there were options for X/Y variance instead of always hard-locking onto the x-axis, but with the given smoothing options, you can hardly tell. For the price, this is a superb aimbot.

    Flickbot: 8.5/10 Without a doubt, this is the most accurate flick bot I have ever used. When you press the key, it will always land a kill for you on Widowmaker. (I have only used flick on widow and hanzo, so I can't speak for heroes like McCree.) The reason why this isn't a 10/10 is because there are no smoothing options for the flickbot. You will always go from your actual reticles location to your target's head/chest in one frame, no questions asked. This is the same case for the Ana bot. This is the case for Hanzo as well, and why I would advise not going with this bot if Hanzo is what you're looking for. Again, I will restate, that unless you are extremely careful, you will get called out very easily with this cheat when using the flickbot (not the aimbot). If you don't care about your account, then this is the perfect option for you if you're just looking for some fun.

    Support: 9.7/10 MercyWithFear, Critical Hit's reseller, is a very friendly and polite person. He is really chill and will always try to get you your key as fast as possible. Try and buy whenever he's on Discord, and you'll have it within a few minutes, otherwise, you will probably have to wait until he is back online. This was my experience at least. This review would be a 10/10 if there was more communication between the customers and the primary developer(s). The devs are disconnected from their customers by two levels. There is a manager that Mercy reports to/speaks with, and then there is Mercy who communicates with the customers. Nobody knows who the dev is, and even Mercy can't speak with the dev directly. There is no communication from the devs when there is downtime, but Mercy does provide updates when necessary.

    Overall Experience/Value: 9.3/10 I rate my overall experience and value a 9.3 for a few reasons. The aimbot (remember, there's a difference between the aimbot and flickbot) is superb for the price, no questions asked. The flickbot is average. You will be called out with this unless you are extremely careful. There is no smoothing for the flickbot at all, it just goes from your aim to the target's head/chest in one frame. For raging, this is your go-to. If you're looking to be a closet hacking Widow/McCree/Hanzo player, this is not for you. The support is the best I've ever seen from a cheat developer. This is a small community so users will feel welcomed here. I worry that if it becomes too large, that Mercy and others may get overwhelmed/agitated, as is usually the case with other large cheats (Xeraph, for example). This cheat blows Xeraph out of the water in terms of value, support, and precision, and they charge 3-4 times the price.

    Thank you for reading my in-depth review of Critical Hit. I hope you were able to use this and help decide whether this cheat is right for you!

    🔥Critical Hit🔥|BIG SALE |🌟 |Day- Week- Month-0 | 🌟
  2. #32
    IwannatrollOW's Avatar Member
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    I've been looking for something like this to troll/make people rage. So if I get banned I guess ill be the first and wont care. Dont really care about the game anymore. Will be messaging you on discord

  3. #33
    Al3xm3rc3r's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by IwannatrollOW View Post
    I've been looking for something like this to troll/make people rage. So if I get banned I guess ill be the first and wont care. Dont really care about the game anymore. Will be messaging you on discord

    Hack is been UD since so long you wont get banned but if you wanna make people rage you are in right place add me in discord waiting for you

  4. #34
    Al3xm3rc3r's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Radian View Post
    Radian's Critical Hit In-Depth Review: July 3, 2019

    Aimbot: 9.8/10 This is what you are spending your hard earned cash on. The aimbot is excellent, it has simple X/Y smoothing options for you to tinker with, and is extremely accurate, as it should be with a memory bot. The default settings are super rage, so be careful. This aimbot works especially well for tracer and other similar hitscan heroes (sombra, soldier, zarya). This aimbot is not a great option for hanzo prediction. This is because this bot's hanzo prediction, while extremely accurate, is also extremely obvious. I'll go over this in the flickbot section. This would be a 10/10 if there were options for X/Y variance instead of always hard-locking onto the x-axis, but with the given smoothing options, you can hardly tell. For the price, this is a superb aimbot.

    Flickbot: 8.5/10 Without a doubt, this is the most accurate flick bot I have ever used. When you press the key, it will always land a kill for you on Widowmaker. (I have only used flick on widow and hanzo, so I can't speak for heroes like McCree.) The reason why this isn't a 10/10 is because there are no smoothing options for the flickbot. You will always go from your actual reticles location to your target's head/chest in one frame, no questions asked. This is the same case for the Ana bot. This is the case for Hanzo as well, and why I would advise not going with this bot if Hanzo is what you're looking for. Again, I will restate, that unless you are extremely careful, you will get called out very easily with this cheat when using the flickbot (not the aimbot). If you don't care about your account, then this is the perfect option for you if you're just looking for some fun.

    Support: 9.7/10 MercyWithFear, Critical Hit's reseller, is a very friendly and polite person. He is really chill and will always try to get you your key as fast as possible. Try and buy whenever he's on Discord, and you'll have it within a few minutes, otherwise, you will probably have to wait until he is back online. This was my experience at least. This review would be a 10/10 if there was more communication between the customers and the primary developer(s). The devs are disconnected from their customers by two levels. There is a manager that Mercy reports to/speaks with, and then there is Mercy who communicates with the customers. Nobody knows who the dev is, and even Mercy can't speak with the dev directly. There is no communication from the devs when there is downtime, but Mercy does provide updates when necessary.

    Overall Experience/Value: 9.3/10 I rate my overall experience and value a 9.3 for a few reasons. The aimbot (remember, there's a difference between the aimbot and flickbot) is superb for the price, no questions asked. The flickbot is average. You will be called out with this unless you are extremely careful. There is no smoothing for the flickbot at all, it just goes from your aim to the target's head/chest in one frame. For raging, this is your go-to. If you're looking to be a closet hacking Widow/McCree/Hanzo player, this is not for you. The support is the best I've ever seen from a cheat developer. This is a small community so users will feel welcomed here. I worry that if it becomes too large, that Mercy and others may get overwhelmed/agitated, as is usually the case with other large cheats (Xeraph, for example). This cheat blows Xeraph out of the water in terms of value, support, and precision, and they charge 3-4 times the price.

    Thank you for reading my in-depth review of Critical Hit. I hope you were able to use this and help decide whether this cheat is right for you!

    Thank you so much for the depth review really helpful

  5. #35
    IwannatrollOW's Avatar Member
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    I had the 24 hour trial. It's made my computer crash multiple times. Im not the only, this happened to another user in the discord. He posted a pic of the same blue screen crash that I was getting. And for when I could get games going, 80% of the time it would make my fps drop and start lagging. I turned off every type of firewall so idk. I personally cant recommend but hey, it seems to be working for a lot others just fine so if you're a risk taker (you use cheats so you are) go ahead.

  6. #36
    ratgodx's Avatar Member
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    Bought this with paypal got key instantly guy was really chill helped me trought everything

    aimbot : personally i dont use it but i tried it out you will get away with it at lower ranks but after you hit gm you would get called out even with lowest settings 6/10
    flickbot : personally i use this for my widow , ashe i have 0.01 fov and i rarely toggle it usually when i just need to win quick widow vs widow duell but otherwise it works good 9/10
    esp : personally didnt even try to use it more for non legit players
    overall: worth the price imo if you play beyond gm i can tell you that much that anything above 0.01fov wont fly but 100% worth the price

  7. #37
    Al3xm3rc3r's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by IwannatrollOW View Post
    I had the 24 hour trial. It's made my computer crash multiple times. Im not the only, this happened to another user in the discord. He posted a pic of the same blue screen crash that I was getting. And for when I could get games going, 80% of the time it would make my fps drop and start lagging. I turned off every type of firewall so idk. I personally cant recommend but hey, it seems to be working for a lot others just fine so if you're a risk taker (you use cheats so you are) go ahead.

    Out of 20 people 2-3 are getting error and as far as i know with the next update it will be fixed mostly next update will be hwid and crashing issue , for the fps drop only “ YOU ARE GETTING FPS DROP CLEARLY YOU HAVENT FOLLOW THE STEPS WRITTEN IN DISCORD “ because no one else getting error so you cant compare others with you and its not about the risk taker its just If you wanna use CHEAP UNDETECTED WHOCH WORTH YOUR MONEY BOT you gotta handle some problem and if you are having trouble


    Instead of posting your error all you have to do is complain talk to me so i can give you more hours but guess people like you cant hold lol so have fun .

  8. #38
    Al3xm3rc3r's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by ratgodx View Post
    Bought this with paypal got key instantly guy was really chill helped me trought everything

    aimbot : personally i dont use it but i tried it out you will get away with it at lower ranks but after you hit gm you would get called out even with lowest settings 6/10
    flickbot : personally i use this for my widow , ashe i have 0.01 fov and i rarely toggle it usually when i just need to win quick widow vs widow duell but otherwise it works good 9/10
    esp : personally didnt even try to use it more for non legit players
    overall: worth the price imo if you play beyond gm i can tell you that much that anything above 0.01fov wont fly but 100% worth the price
    Thank you so much for the review man

  9. #39
    danielool's Avatar Member
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    Hello ,

    can you add me on discord ? danielool


  10. #40
    Al3xm3rc3r's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by danielool View Post
    Hello ,

    can you add me on discord ? danielool

    Added you bro

  11. #41
    SpitfyaUK's Avatar Member
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    Pretty decent hack overwall. Worked with Alex a few times to try to improve a few things but the users in the discord also help alot. There are instructions presented in the discord to get everything setup and lots of support people to help you with any problems. Performance wise, this hack is very VERY good. Once you've started using it, you'll want to use it further. It literally makes you feel a like a god using the flickbot with Widowmaker. Especially when the Flickshot trigger is bounce to another button so you can decide who dies first. Useful for controlling teamfights and combatting throwers in your team or countering other hackers who are going full RAGE on you. A great counter for that.

    Overall, i recommend you try this for 1 day and see how it goes. I'm pretty confident most of you will carry on using it.

    Just be safe, Be sensible, be realistic with your gameplay and you'll have an absolute blast!
    Last edited by SpitfyaUK; 07-11-2019 at 09:36 AM. Reason: Grammatical Errors

  12. #42
    Al3xm3rc3r's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by SpitfyaUK View Post
    Pretty decent hack overwall. Worked with Alex a few times to try to improve a few things but the users in the discord also help alot. There are instructions presented in the discord to get everything setup and lots of support people to help you with any problems. Performance wise, this hack is very VERY good. Once you've started using it, you'll want to use it further. It literally makes you feel a like a god using the flickbot with Widowmaker. Especially when the Flickshot trigger is bounce to another button so you can decide who dies first. Useful for controlling teamfights and combatting throwers in your team or countering other hackers who are going full RAGE on you. A great counter for that.

    Overall, i recommend you try this for 1 day and see how it goes. I'm pretty confident most of you will carry on using it.

    Just be safe, Be sensible, be realistic with your gameplay and you'll have an absolute blast!

    Thank you for the good review

  13. #43
    GiveMeMouth's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Bought this hack today and I already love it, the seller is very supportive when helping you buy and install the hack. only purchased a day pass but I will definitely buy a week or months worth!

  14. #44
    Upwnd's Avatar Member
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    bought this bot with paypal ,15min later i got this wonderful bot!
    support is very fast via discord
    10/10 would buy again

  15. #45
    pyroboost's Avatar Member
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    Tried out the trial, works well, fast supp would recommend )

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