[Goldfarming] Sarkoth Dank Cellar [AutoIT Script] [Wizard] [800x600] menu

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  1. #76
    lightgowe's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by dmar View Post
    When I start the script my toon turns into archon, checks inventory and teleports immediately back to town. AutoIT says it doesn't find the cellar but I have interrupted the script and found it when it says it isn't there. Any help? I'm fully repaired, inventory is empty. Im doing this on hell and have the templar as a hire. Could this complicate it at all?
    just double/triple check if you have set all correctly - i myself forgot to bind move to mouse 3 for example

    and to all of you it ist working at all - please try to check the needed settings (really check, not just mah im not nab and then come on forum asking for help) - the script is working when set correctly and the needed settings are all listed by OP (sure can be some anomalies, but this would be less then 1%)

    thx Elemt for your efforts

    [Goldfarming] Sarkoth Dank Cellar [AutoIT Script] [Wizard] [800x600]
  2. #77
    Elemt's Avatar Corporal
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    Fixed a few glitches with repair and made it overall faster. [AutoIt] Wizard Sarkoth Script Updated 6/29/12 5:34PM EST - Pastebin.com
    Last edited by Elemt; 06-29-2012 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #78
    radical711's Avatar Private
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    Everything works perfect for me other than one little issue.. My inventory is full and it tp's to town for repair.. but then a message pops saying not in town then leaves game and repeats..

  4. #79
    Elemt's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by radical711 View Post
    Everything works perfect for me other than one little issue.. My inventory is full and it tp's to town for repair.. but then a message pops saying not in town then leaves game and repeats..
    Func InTown()
    Debug("Checking if in town")
    $check = PixelSearch(261,551,263,553,0xB17C2D,5)
    If @error Then ; not in town
    Debug("Not in town")
    Send("{ESCAPE}") ; opens menu
    Click(407, 345) ; leaves
    Return 1
    Return 0 ; in town

    Change that red line to Sleep(1000) and see if it works then. Because it checks if you're in town by the little 'town buff' or whatever you want to call it (the little house that appears where your buffs are). But that little buff doesn't appear right away if you lag a bit. It might be searching for it before it is even there. So try Sleep(1000). It's Line 356 in the latest update

    Updated the OP script again, had a syntax error in the last script.

  5. #80
    Simonzi's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Elemt View Post

    Updated the OP script again, had a syntax error in the last script.
    What was the syntax error? I do a bit of editing to the script for myself, movement and combat etc, so it's a little hard to compare your most recent edit fixing a syntax error to my own, but don't want to turn it on later to run all night only to find out it had an error in the morning.

  6. #81
    cheuhb5's Avatar Private
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    First I want to say thank you to the OP for this script, I have been using it for a few days and it has worked great.

    I was using the latest script (post #7 and somehow it managed to equip some of the picked up gear. I lost about equipped 5 pieces, not a terrible loss but still significant. Do you know what might have caused this?

  7. #82
    x1le's Avatar Corporal
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    Wow, this a great script. Nice job. Thanks a lot.

    There is one issue, that I think is VERY important. There needs to be a rare item check before selling that is not depending on the question mark of unidentified rares, so it won't sell any rares. I'm really afraid of loosing some expensive gear.

    Additionally I would suggest some kind of check that keeps the script from right-clicking the inventory when there is no vendor window open. Or any other way of keeping it from accidentally equipping gear.

    And I have one question: What do I have to add/change to make the archon attack a bit longer?

  8. #83
    Elemt's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by Simonzi View Post
    What was the syntax error? I do a bit of editing to the script for myself, movement and combat etc, so it's a little hard to compare your most recent edit fixing a syntax error to my own, but don't want to turn it on later to run all night only to find out it had an error in the morning.
    Func CheckRare()
    $unidRare1 = PixelSearch(772,463,790,490,0xFFFFFF,5) ; looks at the question mark which is white
    $unidRare2 = PixelSearch(745,463,763,490,0xFFFFFF,5)
    If (Not IsArray($unidRare1)) Or (Not IsArray($unidRare2)) Then ; not a rare in last slot
    Return 1
    ; rare in last slot
    Return 0

    That said $unidRare before. That variable did not exist. But the CheckRare() function is incorrect. It should be If (Not IsArray($unidRare1)) And (Not IsArray($unidRare2)) Then...

    It should work find after that. The only case it wasn''t storing a rare is if it was a 1 slot rare (ring, amulet, follower token, etc) in the bottom row (row 6) column 9 and 10.
    Here's the final with the logic fix in the If statement and storing in every case when it detects full. Again, it does not store every rare, only those that are cause an infinite loop in the bottom right 4 corners. Oh, and for some reason the pixel colors were off in the CheckInv() function. Those are updated too.

    Originally Posted by x1le View Post
    Wow, this a great script. Nice job. Thanks a lot.

    There is one issue, that I think is VERY important. There needs to be a rare item check before selling that is not depending on the question mark of unidentified rares, so it won't sell any rares. I'm really afraid of loosing some expensive gear.

    Additionally I would suggest some kind of check that keeps the script from right-clicking the inventory when there is no vendor window open. Or any other way of keeping it from accidentally equipping gear.

    And I have one question: What do I have to add/change to make the archon attack a bit longer?
    It tries to sell all items but unidentified items can not be sold. Therefore, there shouldn't be a problem. The latest one shouldn't misclick the vendor anymore and should fix the gear swapping bug, I just increased the sleep timers heading to the merchant.
    For increasing the archon beam duration, look at lines 65-68.

    Line 65: Shoot(131, 161, 2)
    Line 66: MouseClickDrag ( "right", 131, 171 , 260, 106, 11)
    Line 67: ;MouseClickDrag ( "right", 131, 171 , 260, 106, 11)
    Line 68: Shoot(223, 170, 47)

    Line 65 is to shoo the little quill guy towards the left a bit before attacking the rest. I had problems where he would run off because the beam wouldn't hit him long enough. If he is still running off by himself, increase the last number, 2, which represents how many clicks it does. Line 66 is the sweep across to kill all the minions. If you need another sweep across, uncomment Line 67 (remove the . If you need the forward beam to shoot longer, increase the 47 on line 68.
    Last edited by Elemt; 06-29-2012 at 07:27 PM.

  9. #84
    doraemon87's Avatar Private
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    i'm still getting the auto repair-not in town-quit-resume loop ><

  10. #85
    Elemt's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by doraemon87 View Post
    i'm still getting the auto repair-not in town-quit-resume loop ><

    Use this latest script I just finished updating. [AutoIt] Wizard Sarkoth Script Updated 6/29/12 8:18PM EST - Pastebin.com
    Also, try this.

    Line 357: Sleep(180)

    Increase that Sleep(180) to Sleep(1000)

  11. #86
    Simonzi's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Elemt View Post
    Func CheckRare()
    $unidRare1 = PixelSearch(772,463,790,490,0xFFFFFF,5) ; looks at the question mark which is white
    $unidRare2 = PixelSearch(745,463,763,490,0xFFFFFF,5)
    If (Not IsArray($unidRare1)) Or (Not IsArray($unidRare2)) Then ; not a rare in last slot
    Return 1
    ; rare in last slot
    Return 0

    That said $unidRare before. That variable did not exist. But the CheckRare() function is incorrect. It should be If (Not IsArray($unidRare1)) And (Not IsArray($unidRare2)) Then...

    It should work find after that. The only case it wasn''t storing a rare is if it was a 1 slot rare (ring, amulet, follower token, etc) in the bottom row (row 6) column 9 and 10.
    Here's the final with the logic fix in the If statement and storing in every case when it detects full. Again, it does not store every rare, only those that are cause an infinite loop in the bottom right 4 corners. Oh, and for some reason the pixel colors were off in the CheckInv() function. Those are updated too.
    Thank you for that info.

    I ran into a situation on the bot hanging, and not sure how it occurred or what to change to fix it. I'm a novice at coding, and generally can work things out pretty well for myself, but can't in this case. I went away from my computer for a bit, and came back, on resume game screen. The debug code said "Not in town". The prompt "Are you sure you want to quit?" from clicking "Exit Diablo III" was up. I just clicked "No", and it resumed as normal. The last line in my chat box was that I had died, so I can only assume my death somehow aligned with exiting the game, and clicking to resume. But I just can't wrap my head around exactly how that would have went. Any ideas what to change to prevent that?

    Now this is more of a conversational\suggestion piece... But what is the function of searching for a rare in the last few inventory spots? I get that if it finds one, it will stash it. But what about the rares in the other slots? They just sit there taking up inventory space. I just can't see the function of the "CheckRare" or why it's efficient. What I did on mine, is completely remove the CheckRare function. It will still perform it's routine check if the inventory is full, and run the InvRepair function if it is. But what I set it to do, is when InvRepair starts, always go to the stash, and do a PixelSearch of the inventory for 0xFFFFFF, and stashes them. That way, every time your inventory is full, it will deposit anything with the white "?", and continue to vendor your blues. Just seems more efficient than only stashing a rare if it's in the last few slots of your inventory.

  12. #87
    LeXiO's Avatar Private
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    Overall script works great. I do die a few times due to not finding the cellar and not being able to tp fast enough but the repair part fixes that.

    I'm not sure if it's suppose to pick up gems or not, but mines doesn't. Same with tomes, but I guess that's alright. The only thing that would make this script better were if it picked rares and legionaries and didn't sell them. But I guess that's alright as well. Beggars can't be choosers.

    You could implement something similar to that of this script here ([Goldfarming] Sarkoth Gold, Loot, Stash [AutoIT Script] [WIZARD] [1600x900 Windowed]).
    Last edited by LeXiO; 06-29-2012 at 08:08 PM.

  13. #88
    Simonzi's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by LeXiO View Post
    Overall script works great. I do die a few times due to not finding the cellar and not being able to tp fast enough but the repair part fixes that.

    I'm not sure if it's suppose to pick up gems or not, but mines doesn't. Same with tomes, but I guess that's alright. The only thing that would make this script better were if it picked rares and legionaries and didn't sell them. But I guess that's alright as well. Beggars can't be choosers.
    It won't sell rares and legendaries. It will pick them up, but when it goes to sell them, it will essentially pass over them. You can't sell a piece of gear that's unidentified.

  14. #89
    Elemt's Avatar Corporal
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    I have the CheckRare() function because in the few cases when a rare ring is in say, row 5, column 10, Everytime, upon resume, it will say you are full. It will go repair, sell but it won't sell that ring and will continue to be full, so the CheckRare() essentially fixes that hang if it occurs. I was going to add a Stash() function that just looped through checking for white and call it after repair/sell like you did. I've had that hang at the main menu once too. Not sure how it could happen though. I'll look into it and try to find the case that it occurs. I think it's something to do with a random lag spike though.

    It will pick up gems if you uncomment that part of the code. It doesn't recognize tomes at the moment.

    I was going to add some user friendly variables at the top of the code for users to set what they want to be looted. Some time soon

  15. #90
    dmar's Avatar Private
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    I took the commented gem lines out so he would loot the gems and man, that thing is super sensetive as well as sometimes the toon doesn't even get to the gem to pick it up before it tries to go for another one. Also, and I know this has been addressed but not sure the fix for it - he often tries to loot the familiar and the lamp on the wall adjacent to the chest.. How can I circumvent this? I have put different skills in the slots but more often than not it messes with the playback of the script.

    BTW, thanks for such and awesome scripts. I figured out what I was doing wrong earlier and this thing is amazing!

    edited* - when he sells, he sells everything in the inventory including the lower 2 rows that it wasn't doing before (where I stash my gems for collection).
    Last edited by dmar; 06-29-2012 at 09:51 PM.

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