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  1. #61
    dansku17's Avatar Member
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    ok sry TuoTheDruid im noob to get that work i download wow Model Edit Fix 3.0.9

    now i put your patch data folder them i open my wowmefix 3.0.9 them im login press F8 log in them im go to world = (I dont See) same undercity.. :/

    I try now reinstall wow?

    [Area Change][WIP] The First Era Project - A New World...
  2. #62
    Knomez's Avatar Contributor

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    Tuo dont be an ass hole yes leechers deserve to burn but not all of them some of them have posted decent stuff (you for example) and have risen up to a higher rank, everybody is a leecher or has been at one point, and if you say werent your ****ing lying.
    Last edited by Knomez; 02-22-2009 at 06:47 PM.

  3. #63
    ~sInX's Avatar Contributor
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    Jake, dont get involved, and gtfo of this thread m8. u dont even know what a ****ing leecher is. i asked u and u sed it was som1 who didnt say anything. look up the definition and ull realise that ur attempt at flaming me was utter fail.

  4. #64
    Knomez's Avatar Contributor

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    not as much flaming as protecting =)
    cause everybody is a leecher at somepoint, even ive done it and i admit that, yes ive taken something for my own reputational gain not on the forums but IRL, and if you could Please dont use my real name on these forums =), hell even some of the mods and elites and legendaries are leechers, so no matter your rank or status in life youve been or are a leecher

  5. #65
    dansku17's Avatar Member
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    ok TuoTheDruid What i do next? i get wowme fix

  6. #66
    ~sInX's Avatar Contributor
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    dansku if im gona b perfectly honest with u m8 i have no idea. it works for every1 else apart from u and apparently ur doing everything perfectly. the onmly thing i can advice u to do is contact an admin or som1 who could perhaps help u out because this is as far as i go im afraid

    nd knomez we're kool, i wont use ur name again xD and i entirely agree with wht ur saying.

  7. #67
    Damonster's Avatar Member
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    So yeah sorry, now that I am not half asleep yep there is definatly a big difference in Alterac and Stromgarde.

    Wow there is a lot of stables in Stromgarde. o_o

  8. #68
    Dracyr's Avatar Member
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    First don't flame me because I am a leecher, I don't visit the site often and usually don't have a reason to post.

    I admire your effort to restore Azeroth to its former beauty, and hope you succeed.
    Though when I read your lore "Wall of text" I just had to comment (I am way to much of a geek not to).

    First you completely miss to mention the Sundering, the terrible event which split primordial Kalimdor into the present Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom.

    Originally Posted by TuoTheDruid View Post
    Kalimdor was once entirely owned by "Elves". During this time, Orcs shared the lands of Draenor

    with the Draenei, Trolls were a scattered and varying nation throughout Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, Tauren were small

    clans of bull-men throughout Kalimdor, and of course, due to Humans not yet exiting, the Undead were very far off. Dwarves owned small colonies throughout what would later become known as 'Khaz modan' and the Gnomes were members of the Dwarven tribes. The "Elves" were ran by Cenarion and Azshara.
    The trolls were fragmented and far from their former might true, but not scattered. Both the Amani and Gurubashi Empires still existed.

    The Tauren were not simple "Bull-men" They looked then as they did now, and lived a nomadic life (Which they did until the

    birth of Thrall's horde when they built Thunder Bluff).

    Humans did exist as the more primitive Azotha who were hunters and also lived nomadic lives (And by the way Azeroth is named after the Azotha).

    Next up, Dwarves and Gnomes. The Dwarves lived in large underground cities as Earthen (They had no flesh and were made of stone).
    When the Sundering happened they felt they pain of the earth being torn apart and retreated back to their places of origin, Uldum, Uldaman and Ulduar and hibernated there for nearly eight thousand years.
    When they awoke they were made of flesh as they are now.
    200 years before the burning crusade the Dwarves found a small gnomish village. They were amazed at the technological level the gnomes were at and made an alliance.

    The night elves were not "ran" by Cenarius and Azshara, Azshara was the queen of the Kaldorei (night elves) but Cenarius is the lord of the forest and a powerful demigod.

    Originally Posted by TuoTheDruid View Post
    Azshara was later to be enticed by Xavius, the first Satyr, to let Sargeras into the world of what is widely regarded as Azeroth, so that Sargeras would kill all the 'impure' beings, and create a nation where Cenarion would no longer exist, and Azshara and her partner Sargeras would rule a world of nobility and perfection. Of course Sargeras was only fruiting about, he actually wanted to destroy the entire world of Azeroth with what is now regarded as the Burning Legion, which he was slowly forming in Draenor. So yeah, the Burning Legion utterly destroyed all of the northern "Elf" kingdoms. During which time, refugee Elves, fleeing the death and misery of Kalimdor, fled to find a new home in the Eastern Kingdoms.
    You got most of this right, but Xavius wasn't a satyr until Sargeras "granted" him that form so all could see what a demon he was.
    The would-become-high-elves left because the other night elves didn't allow them to use Arcane magic, only nature magic.
    And the Dreaenor part is not true, Sargeras would not begin to influence Ner'Zhul via Medivh untill way later, the orcs and Draenai lived in peace there.

    Originally Posted by TuoTheDruid View Post
    These dudes were eventualy severed with the well of eternity, losing their immortality and their

    blue-ish glow. Mmm yeah, so basically Xavius was turned into a Satyr (basicaly a traitor Elf) and was given the powers to turn others into Satyrs (birthing the Satyr race). Azshara was cast into the ocean off the coast of Azshara from her temple being surrounded by the once-glorious elven city due to her treachery(cba to research names). As she was wailing nd screaming she was turned into the Naga by Sargeras along with the other Highbornes surrounding her (birthing the Naga race). Two great elven cities were destroyed within Northern Kalimdor, and Sargeras would have succeeded in destroying all of Azeroth if Illiden, Malfurion and his biach hadnt have stopped him.
    This part is not that wrong, getting better! The city is called Zin-Azshari, and his name is Illidan.

    Originally Posted by TuoTheDruid View Post
    Malfurion then went on to destroy the well of eternity in order to prevent sargeras and his legion from returning, but illiden didnt want his magic powers to cease and therefore left his brother to create a new wel of eternity in Hyjal. Malfurion locked him away for this for millions of years but illiden's soon-to-come biach set him free under the influence of sargeras if Illiden was to serve sargeras for eternity in the burning legion.
    Note that the events happened in this order.
    Xavius telling Azshara, and she and Sargeras making a deal > Sargeras and his demons came and the War of the ancients started (and there was war ALL over kalimdor, not just in the elven cities) > Malfurion starting a resistance > Illidan taking his vials from the well in secret > When Malfurion and his forces battled the Highborne at the well it set off a magic reaction making the well explode = the Sundering. > The High elves left.

    Illidan was imprisoned for ten thousand years, you release him in WC3.
    Last part now!

    Originally Posted by TuoTheDruid View Post
    (yeah, going to kalimdor will be rather like going back aeons further than what you see in Lordaeron, but i cant exactly split them... Lordaeron was just plains and water, with small tribes of semi-evoluted trolls

    throughout. That would just be rather boring tbh : /

    (sorry for wall of text)
    As there is no other solution then to create pre-War of the ancients Kalimdor than to create a completely new map, and a pre-first war kalimdor (time period you are changing Eastern Kingdoms to) would not have many differences to modern kalimdor except felwood,
    I support this decision.
    And I just have to say haha at the troll part, they existed way before the night elves.
    They had their peak 16 000 years ago, which is 6000 years before the night elves, during which they ruled over nearly all of primordial Kalimdor.

    I just had to points these things out, sorry. Spend a day or two reading ALL of wowwikis articles, and you will become much better educated in Azeroth's history, and be able to pwn all other who say otherwise.

    On the Model edit side of things, Great Work! Though looking at the screenshots at the first page you need more time working on the ground textures (I have yet to take a look inside wow).


    (yes a leecher can sing his posts OMIGOD, yes I have no life, and sorry for bigger wall of text)
    Last edited by Dracyr; 02-24-2009 at 04:53 PM. Reason: Stupid formatting...

  9. #69
    ~sInX's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Dracyr View Post
    First don't flame me because I am a leecher, I don't visit the site often and usually don't have a reason to post.

    I admire your effort to restore Azeroth to its former beauty, and hope you succeed.
    Though when I read your lore "Wall of text" I just had to comment (I am way to much of a geek not to).

    First you completely miss to mention the Sundering, the terrible event which split primordial Kalimdor into the present Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom.

    The trolls were fragmented and far from their former might true, but not scattered. Both the Amani and Gurubashi Empires still existed.

    The Tauren were not simple "Bull-men" They looked then as they did now, and lived a nomadic life (Which they did until the

    birth of Thrall's horde when they built Thunder Bluff).

    Humans did exist as the more primitive Azotha who were hunters and also lived nomadic lives (And by the way Azeroth is named after the Azotha).

    Next up, Dwarves and Gnomes. The Dwarves lived in large underground cities as Earthen (They had no flesh and were made of stone).
    When the Sundering happened they felt they pain of the earth being torn apart and retreated back to their places of origin, Uldum, Uldaman and Ulduar and hibernated there for nearly eight thousand years.
    When they awoke they were made of flesh as they are now.
    200 years before the burning crusade the Dwarves found a small gnomish village. They were amazed at the technological level the gnomes were at and made an alliance.

    The night elves were not "ran" by Cenarius and Azshara, Azshara was the queen of the Kaldorei (night elves) but Cenarius is the lord of the forest and a powerful demigod.

    You got most of this right, but Xavius wasn't a satyr until Sargeras "granted" him that form so all could see what a demon he was.
    The would-become-high-elves left because the other night elves didn't allow them to use Arcane magic, only nature magic.
    And the Dreaenor part is not true, Sargeras would not begin to influence Ner'Zhul via Medivh untill way later, the orcs and Draenai lived in peace there.

    This part is not that wrong, getting better! The city is called Zin-Azshari, and his name is Illidan.

    Note that the events happened in this order.
    Xavius telling Azshara, and she and Sargeras making a deal > Sargeras and his demons came and the War of the ancients started (and there was war ALL over kalimdor, not just in the elven cities) > Malfurion starting a resistance > Illidan taking his vials from the well in secret > When Malfurion and his forces battled the Highborne at the well it set off a magic reaction making the well explode = the Sundering. > The High elves left.

    Illidan was imprisoned for ten thousand years, you release him in WC3.
    Last part now!

    As there is no other solution then to create pre-War of the ancients Kalimdor than to create a completely new map, and a pre-first war kalimdor (time period you are changing Eastern Kingdoms to) would not have many differences to modern kalimdor except felwood,
    I support this decision.
    And I just have to say haha at the troll part, they existed way before the night elves.
    They had their peak 16 000 years ago, which is 6000 years before the night elves, during which they ruled over nearly all of primordial Kalimdor.

    I just had to points these things out, sorry. Spend a day or two reading ALL of wowwikis articles, and you will become much better educated in Azeroth's history, and be able to pwn all other who say otherwise.

    On the Model edit side of things, Great Work! Though looking at the screenshots at the first page you need more time working on the ground textures (I have yet to take a look inside wow).


    (yes a leecher can sing his posts OMIGOD, yes I have no life, and sorry for bigger wall of text)
    Ok, well, the first thin i'm going to say is that saying you have no life is blatantly FAIL. I actualy admire ur interest in Azeroth's history, we certainly have something in common in that respect. You've taught me a thin or two ^^ I've always been more interested with Lordaeron rather than the pre-Kalimdor. I realy do admire your knowledge.

    Thanks you ur contribution to the thread xD and for that lore. appreciated

    (btw, the dwarves DID NOT live in Uldum, Ulduar or Uldaman. they were TITAN civilizations. the dwarves moved in afterwards...)

    And yeah now that i think about it it was the trolls and the Silithid which pretty much occupied the entire world at one point.

    and dude, wtf at ur tileset critisism? what am i gona edit relating to tilesets? LOL?

  10. #70
    Dracyr's Avatar Member
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    Hehe, I have a life, I don't have much to do though ^^.
    Yes Uldum, Ulduar and Uldaman are titan cities, but the titans created the earthen at those locations, making them their places of origin.
    Originally Posted by Wowwiki
    Creation and evolution

    The titans created the earthen to help shape the world of Azeroth after they were gone. When the Well of Eternity imploded, causing the Sundering, the earthen were deeply affected, feeling the pain of the earth as if it were their own. They retreated to the places of their origin — the titan cities of Uldum, Uldaman, and Ulduar — and hibernated for almost eight thousand years. When they awoke, they found that their powers over stone and earth had waned and their rocky hide had softened to smooth skin. Those who had awoke from Uldaman migrated to the snowy mountains of Dun Morogh and built the city of Ironforge.
    It was mainly this image that made me go Ughh.

    Maybe you have fixed it by now, but you can clearly see that this part needs a road, and some dirt. That is something that should be avoided, making large chunks of terrain the same texture, and making steep hills of grass...
    Look at blizzards zones, every little hill and ditch are textured, and many textures are interwoven.
    I realise that you don't have the time to make everything blizzard level but try to put much time into the texturing, it makes everything look so much better.

    And as a remainder, please bump the effects settings up to max while taking screens, it makes everything look way more awesome.

    I will download this later today and take a look around.

  11. #71
    lolroflcopter's Avatar Active Member
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    i rly like ur work. +Rep

  12. #72
    ~sInX's Avatar Contributor
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    FYI if you look at my post you'll notice that we took those screenies 10 versions ago... they're old as ****. but ill take what you said into consideration regardless

  13. #73
    Davidtwo's Avatar Member
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    Get a different Download link because THIS ONE KEEPS on giving me an error saying this:


    This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

    This limit is reached.

    To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information."

  14. #74
    MoLt1eS's Avatar Member
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    wooooow!!!! this si so COOL!!!!! U ROCK XD +Rep

  15. #75
    Dracyr's Avatar Member
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    As stated can you please upload this again?
    Or can someone of those that alredy have it upload it somewhere temporarily?

    I am very eager to try this out .

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