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    Yet Another Ony Guide

    Stage 1:

    -Fire Breath: Cone shaped fire that hits everything in front of her for 3000-4000 damage. Solution: Always keep her pointed north, away from the groups on the sides.
    -Knock back: AE knock back that throws you really far, likely well into the eggs if your back is to them. Solution: Correctly position yourselves at her sides as far away as possible while still being in melee range, keep your back away from the eggs.
    -Tail Whip: Cone shaped 2-3 second stun that hits everyone behind her and does 200-300 damage. Solution: Never stand behind an angry dragon.

    -Have your MT face her north, with the rest of your groups on her sides, odd groups 1,3,5,7 on her RIGHT, Even groups on her left (2, 4, 6, . No one should be behind her except for the hunters. Give your MT enough time to get aggro (roughly have him tank her to 98%) then have someone call out attack. Have your healers make a healing rotation if they can, so they dont accidentally pull Ony on their side. Around 80%, have your guys stop attacking so the MT can rebuild on hate (for about another 2%). Your hunters are the exception here, they can continue to fire, just make sure they use feign death as soon as it's ready. By doing this, you should get a smooth transition into stage 2.

    Stage 2:

    -Engulfing Flames: She spits fire at random people. The fire hits you for around 3000 damage and people near you for a decent amount of damage too. Solution: Stay spread out to avoid the fire hitting people near you. Use first aid to heal yourself so your healers don't waste mana.
    -Deep Breath: She will emote "Onyxia begins to take a deep breath" and CQOnyxia will warn you a deep breath is coming in <5 seconds. Huge column of fire shoots out from the spot she is in killing everyone it hits instantly. This attack will completely destroy the run if not dealt with correctly.

    -Everyone should spread out. Have 2 dedicated groups for whelps OURs will be groups 7 and 8, one on each side. Mages basically Frost Nova, and the rest just AOE the hell out of em, they drop quickly. Rogues should always be spamming their specials, as they can follow her and still hit her from the groud. Her deep breath is normally the killer in stage 2, but can be prevented. Keep the DPS up and have your guys avoid clumping in the same area, and you should be fine. At all times keep 16 DoTs on her. Stop DOT's @ 44% so that when she begins the stage 3 transition, she has nothing on her.

    Stage 3:

    -Everything from Phase 1.
    -The cracks in the floor shoot lava every 20-30 seconds fearing everyone near the crack which usually sends them running through other lava cracks for a good 1500 damage. The fear isn't dispelable. Solution: Stay off and away from the cracks. Hug the wall. When you get feared, immediately get back into position. Mithril Insignia works for anti-fear but switching stances to break fear is dubious at best for the MT.

    -Stages 1 and 2 are easily learned and you should be in stage 3 on your first couple of runs, however the transition is where most ppl get stuck on her for a while. The key to this part, is watching for her emote. ~38-40% she will yell something. At this time, everyone needs to back off of what they are doing. No healing, no DPS, nothing. This is the point where she drops her aggro list. Id suggest having someone make a macro so that everyone stops what they are doing. Everyone should just be focusing on getting back into stage 1 positioning as fast as possible. When she does her emote, she will hover for about 2-3 secs. Have your MT following her so that when she hovers, he can drink a rage pot, go into beserker stance and start pumping sunders like there was no tomarrow. When she lands, she will fear everyone, and lava will spurt from the ground (does ~1k dmg, but if you have high FR, it's easily resisted). If your MT had beserk stance on and got in a few sunders, she should land right on top of him. Have him back her into the north end, just like in stage 1. Give him a ~15 secs to build hate, then resume the DPS. Make sure your guys know, that if at any time they grab aggro, they need to run north asap, to the MT. If they try to run away, chances are they will get their side blasted with her fire breath. Once your puttin DPS on, dont stop. The more DPS you have on her, the less likely she will fear. You can watch the ground, as it will shake a few secs before her fear. Around 5% she does a huge increase in dmg, so have healers spamming heals on your MT and you should be golden.

    Yet Another Ony Guide

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