I'd love the low level account.
I'd use it for scamming.
Thanks for your time.
giving away a forzen wow account has nothing on i think maybe like a low lvl char. i have all the info for it will give you email/pass and full name/ rest of info you want.
ok so i also have a 70 ud rogue thats got decent gear. i wont have time to play on it but was looking for someone tht wanted to play wow and not level 1-70. you can xfer it to any server u want. i have had this account for about a year now and have had no troubles with it. its a great account as the character was made the day wow came out! It has many cool things about it! It was given to me by a friend and i hope i can return his favor by letting others enjoy the character.
also i have a USA paypal account with $36 on it tht unverified but was made 2 years so i would also give tht to the person i would have to give you all info cuz i cant send anything.
so if you are willing to play on the rogue u can have it all the other items i listed. basically i will give you more frozen/banned accounts if you want i only have the account name and pass
post here or pm why u want it only giving to legit people
also i am trying to give it to someone that would treat it like their main account and not use it for scamming/hacking.
rogue is gone
Last edited by lagingtoo; 12-06-2008 at 02:02 PM.
I'd love the low level account.
I'd use it for scamming.
Thanks for your time.
I PMed you
PAYPAL PL0X!? Is it Canadian? I can't make any more. /beg
Richard rules!
sorry its usa so i think its a little more annoying to verify but would be good after to scam people as its a old account
also i don't want to give someone that already has a wow account the rogue as i don't think u would effectively use your time
Could I take the PayPal. I'd like to use it.
I'd keep it, since my last account got hacked and ever since I've never played WoW on retail servers
EDIT: I got a account, thanks I don't need anything anymore.
Last edited by AngshumanSSJV; 12-04-2008 at 05:57 AM.
Lol angshuman get out of here. You posted in every single giveaway thread. You already got an account!
Yep, but this post was BEFORE I got my account, lol and stop being so rude.
Please may i have this.
I currently have NO WoW account to play with and im dying to get an active account.
I would really appreciate it if i go it.
I'd really like that paypal account. I'd use it to buy wotlk so I can race up to 80![]()
Hey, Jimmei- why the hell should you get anything, alls you do is complain about other people trying to win, but I do agree that if you have an account you want don't ask for another but w.e
update i put a link to its armory for those interested also i kinda wanna give everything to the person that plays on the account to make sure you are happy ie(paypal, 70, blank accts). but if you only want to paypal ill consider it if the person who plays the 70 doesn't want it.
oh ya to the people that try and lie saying they dont have a wow account just leave cuz i will find out (asad1212 you have a char)
Last edited by lagingtoo; 12-04-2008 at 04:55 PM.
I want the paypal so i can buy tbc![]()
so far omgowned and wowaccount are the top contenders for the account and maybe jimei
Last edited by lagingtoo; 12-04-2008 at 11:39 PM.