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    Complete Account Buyers Guide

    Complete Account Buyers Guide

    • Introduction
    • General Recommendations
    • Buying a ‘unmerged account’
    • Scroll Of Resurrection
    • Buying a account
    • Transferring from to
    • Mounts
    • Pets
    • Achievements
    • Recall protection

    This guide in intended to help you as a perspective account buyer to fully understand what to ask for, what to anticipate and what is achievable. When purchasing any account it is important that you understand that the original account holder can always retrieve either the whole account or an individual character that was originally on an account. I have had situations where a whole has been taken back even after a name change, an individual account on a stripped and put under another, and individual characters taken from an account. This will always be a danger, and in some cases put your main account in jeopardy. However using the methods in this guide I have been able to protect my main account from any suspensions from Blizzard. Either through luck or good preventive action I cannot be sure

    General Recommendations

    First and foremost you need to fully understand what you are buying. Most commonly you have two types of accounts ‘unmerged’ and ‘merged/’. One could argue that a ‘merged/’ that has not been logged since Pre Patch 5.0.4 (August 28th 2012) could be separate, but I have not seen any advertised as such. Each has their own detailed sections in this guide, but in brief:

    Unmerged Accounts

    • Inactive since a minimum of November 11th 2009
    • Must be attached to a account
    • Eligible for a Scroll of Resurrection Account

    • Minimum of 1 World of Warcraft account
    • Maximum of 8 World of Warcraft accounts
    • Eligible for a Scroll of Resurrection if inactive since March 4th 2012

    The following information regarding the account is critical to maintaining its security. When buying an unmerged account it is unlikely you will be able to get any of this information, if you can do so. For a account I would not recommend settling for any less, this will help you protect your account as best as possible.

    • Account Name/email
    • Account Password
    • Security Question / Secret Answer
    • CD Keys including expansions
    • Two photo ID’s in the original account holder’s name.

    If there is an authenticator attached to the account make them remove it and add your own. If you have a smart phone you can add the app and protect the account in minutes. I also recommend adding the SMS protection; this will give you the heads up of any suspicious activity.
    Before going ahead with the deal think what is the minimum you will get out of it. At the most you might get an account for life, with no repercussions from the Blizzard or the original owner. At the worst you might get scammed buy the original account holder within a couple of days. It sucks getting scammed but you should anticipate the worst so you don't set yourself up for disappointment.

    Buying a ‘unmerged account’

    Probably the safest and most popular account you can buy. At a minimum you know they haven’t been active since November 11th 2009, and therefore unlikely to be recalled by the original owner. As they haven’t been merged with a account, you can add it to one in your own name for easy transferring of characters. The most important thing to remember about these accounts is that the mounts, pet and achievement earned by those characters have not been attached with a account yet. And a character can be transferred between accounts and take all associated mount, pet and achievement of that character with it, as long as it has never been login the game since August 28th 2012. Only after logging the character for the first time will all the mount, pet and achievements be attached to the it is on.

    These accounts are gambles, you have no idea what you're going to get and the price often reflects this. Some sellers were able to get some account history from an old official WoW website, such as 20/30/50+ month account history. These show they have a history that goes back as far as 50+ months; this could be a consistent monthly subscription, or just two 10 day trials 50 months apart. So buyer beware.

    Even though you can merge the World of Warcraft account to your own personal account up to a maximum of 8 accounts per, I would recommend creating a holding account in the same name which you can easily transfer characters back and forth if you need to. The reason I do this is because especially US accounts have a high frequency of being locked and requiring ID to regain access. I have no idea how this reflects on the whole but I prefer to avoid any potential flags on my personal account. Members on this forum have reported that accounts are locked or banned on a World of Warcraft license basis, not the entire It is also worth noting that a lot of people claim their account has been 'banned' when it has infact been locked.

    After you have merged the account with a resist the earge to log the characters, this is critical if you have chosen to use a holding account or maxxed out you mother account! (Remember all mount, pet and achievements will be attached to the when the character is first logged in.) Through the website you can check all the characters on the account in the Transfer section. Only basic information of level, class, race and realm are available. All transfers to World of Warcraft accounts or accounts can be made through this site without needing to ever log the character. You can check the character's full inventory and achievement with this trick:

    1. Merge the WoW account, do not login, do not take the 10 day trial and do not boost a character to 80.
    2. Copy characters you want to check to a PTR realm.
    3. Log PTR realm to check the character's inventory, mounts, pets and achievements.
    4. Transfer the desired character to your other account without ever logging it to a live realm.

    Scroll Of Resurrection

    Regardless of if you hit the jackpot with a level 60 decked out in full T3 or just a lowly level 10, all of these accounts are eligible for the Scroll Of Resurrection and all its perks. Many sellers will guide you on how to use this service, but by not excepting the automated prompt to level a character to 80, you can check if there is a character in the class you want. If not you can create one and then boost it to 80.

    Buying a account

    When buying a account a little research can go a long way ensuring you are not victim to a scam. Before payment ask for the characters armory, do not settle for less. Masked armory is a good way for sites to ensure customer privacy from the public, but they are also obliged to you as a customer. Red Flags to look out for:

    • Character Name / Race different on Armory than Masked Armory
    • Realm different on Armory than Masked Armory
    • Any recent log of activity

    Use some common sense when buying a account; remember at a minimum they haven’t been played since November 11th 2009 when Blizzard required the merge to play. The most attractive accounts are also the most susceptible to being scams. Do some Google searches check that the account hasn’t been sold multiple times. Is it a Scarab Lord, Ateish wielding Mage? There probably isn’t many out there and cross referencing a few achievements dates can confirm any link to the character.
    Transferring from to

    To clarify one of the most common misconceptions; it is not possible to merge two accounts period. What Blizzard can do on occasion is remove a WoW account from a and put it on another. Anything linked from the WoW account to the (mounts and pets,) will be stripped from the WoW account in the process. Essentially this is the same effect as just transferring a character from to on an account level.
    Since a Blizzard representative needs to initiate the movement of a WoW account from one to another, I would never recommend it. Always use the automated character transfer, in order to use this service you need the following:

    • Matching Surname only on both accounts
    • Secret Question Answer for the you are transferring from.

    As previously mentioned if the account has been logged into after Patch 5.0.4 (August 28th 2012) the characters mounts and pets will have been collected at the level, and moving the character or account will strip it of these items. There are some exceptions and tricks to try and get the most out of your transfer


    To quote Blizzard:” account-wide pets and mounts will remain on the original account. Characters transferred off a account will lose access to that account's account-wide pets and mounts, but will gain access to whatever pets and mounts are on the destination account. Note: Character-specific mounts such as the Warlock Dreadsteed, Paladin Charger, and Gladiator mounts will transfer with the character.”

    Character-specific mounts are as follows:

    Acherus Deathcharger
    Argent Charger
    Argent Warhorse
    Brutal Nether Drake
    Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake
    Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm
    Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm
    Grievous Gladiator's Cloud Serpent
    Horn of the Vicious War Wolf
    Malevolent Gladiator's Cloud Serpent
    Merciless Nether Drake
    Prideful Gladiator's Cloud Serpent
    Reins of the Vicious War Steed
    Relentless Gladiator's Frost Wyrm
    Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake
    Swift Nether Drake
    Summon Charger
    Summon Exarch's Elekk
    Summon Great Exarch's Elekk
    Summon Great Sunwalker Kodo
    Summon Sunwalker Kodo
    Summon Thalassian Charger
    Summon Thalassian Warhorse
    Summon Warhorse
    Tyrannical Gladiator's Cloud Serpent
    Vengeful Nether Drake
    Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake
    Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade
    Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm


    Remember that you can cage some pets now; this allows them to be treated like an inventory item and will move with the character during transfer. You can also transfer with Collector’s Edition, Blizzcon and other promotional pets, BUT these do not automatically transfer with the character, the items that grant them can do though. Before the account-wide system these special pets were Bind to account and could be mailed to all the characters on your account. Like caged pets these will persist as inventory items in the transfer.

    UPDATE: It now appears that newly created characters will NOT be sent all the Collector’s Edition, Blizzcon and other promotional pets when they are created. If the items that grants them is unused in inventory it can still be sent.

    Bind to Pets are as follows:

    Zergling Leash
    Panda Collar
    Diablo Stone
    Blue Murloc Egg
    Pink Murloc Egg
    Netherwhelp's Collar
    Frosty's Collar
    Tyrael's Hilt
    Enchanted Purple Jade
    Mini Thor
    Lil' Deathwing
    Fetish Shaman's Spear
    Lurky's Egg
    Fortune Coin
    Lil' Tarecgosa
    Baby Blizzard Bear
    Onyxian Whelpling

    If the items that grant them are not in the inventory, you won’t be able to retrieve them. In the case of Lil' Tarecgosa if your guild has access to this reward you can purchase it and transfer with it.


    Achievements are bound to a character, and any that have been earnt by that character will transfer with it. This includes achievements with account-wide progress, if all associated achievements have been completed by that character. Any Titles granted by achievements will also be transferred, other achievement rewards such as mounts and pets not in the character specific list will not. In completed achievements with account-wide progress will be reverted back to the individual characters progress (total quests, kills, gold).

    It is also worth noting that when the character that has earned an achievement is transferred, the achievement still persists for the rest of the account, and the titles/rewards are still accessible for the whole account. For instance it is possible for a character with a Realm First! FoS and title to be transferred between two Battle. Net accounts, and both accounts to have access to the title and have the FoS.

    Recall Protection

    After following all the instruction in the General section you going to make the account as secure as it can be, but never 100% recall proof. Ultimately the original account owner will always have the opportunity of recalling the account back to their name, and in some cases the individual characters that might have been moved away for the account. I have had characters removed from my personal account after years of having them that originated from another account. There are some steps you can take to get the most out of the account even if it’s recalled, and generally make the whole recall process much harder for the original owner.
    Firstly I would recommend transferring the main character/s to your main account, bearing in mind what can and cannot transfer should have influenced the purchase in the first place. The characters rewards can then be added to your own If the purchased account is a account it is likely the Surnames do not match, and you can’t transfer. You can try buying a renaming service or submitting the request from to Blizzard found here:

    I would recommend the following method:

    1. Create a new in the same Surname as the of character you want to transfer. But for the first name make something stupid but not too offensive like, Zombie, Dr, Derp. Something that is not a real first name.
    2. Add a WoW account to the appropriate expansion level.
    3. Transfer the character to the new with the fake first name.
    4. Use the above form to request a name change to your own, attach all the appropriate documents. Blizzard should see it’s not a genuine first name and process the change. Adding a note saying something like:
    5. “I didn’t know my name would appear in the friends list, so I used an avatar. It’s a bit embarrassing and a friend told me it could be difficult authenticate the account if something happened”
    6. If all goes well you now have a character on an account in your own name! If not you have the peace of mind that it is off the original account for now should the account be recalled.

    Even with this extra layer of transfer there is still a digital paper trail, and if the original account owner is persistent enough and gets Blizzard they can still get the character back. For this reason after all the rewards have been populated to my main account I transfer the character away again to try and protect my main account as much as possible. Ask yourself what mounts, pet and achievements would persist anyway if the character was transferred again, and if it’s worth keeping on your account after that.
    Another method would make it so Blizzard won’t even want to take the original account owners calls anymore. Once you have everything you want off the original WoW account/ you can attempt to have the original owners account permanently banned. After that if anyone calls, no matter how many previous owners it’s had, Blizzard won’t precede with any action on the account. Imagine how many times they heard the excuse that a permanently banned account claimed to been ‘hacked’.

    I hope this guide has been useful, please let me know if have any feedback and I will try and keep this as an evolving document.Thanks.

    Complete Account Buyers Guide
  2. Thanks GhedeZulu, ~Z~, Valg, Algas, OliB, teamanek, TheEnglishGuy, Tigerwoodz, bezerker08 (9 members gave Thanks to dotcha for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Eryx's Avatar Former Staff ✲ B26354 ✲ CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Very well written and useful guide, Thanks for sharing!!

  4. #3
    lordangelo1019's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    very useful thanks

  5. #4
    Randomguy1992's Avatar Member
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    Thank you so much for this!
    I do have one question: Is it safe to use a "holding account" for buying an unmerged wow account and transferring characters from "holding account" to my main account? I mean like can my main account be banned for transferring characters from my holding account to my main account?

  6. #5
    dotcha's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Randomguy1992 View Post
    Thank you so much for this!
    I do have one question: Is it safe to use a "holding account" for buying an unmerged wow account and transferring characters from "holding account" to my main account? I mean like can my main account be banned for transferring characters from my holding account to my main account?
    I have never received a ban for doing this, but I have had a character removed from my personal account. I might have just been luck it did not result in a ban too.

    The reason I use a holding account for adding purchased accounts is to try and avoid any potential fallout to my main account. In particular when you SoR the purchased account, that seems to trigger something at Blizzard and they often get locked, and require you to send in proof of ID (which is pretty much impossible to fake because you can't look up the original account holders name to my knowledge.) US accounts seem to have a much higher frequency of being locked after an SoR.

  7. #6
    TheQt's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Figured I'd add, RBG Win Mounts are as well character bound. (Found it out the hard way when I gave it to my paladin who I dont play) :<

  8. #7
    dotcha's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Prayfordusk View Post
    Figured I'd add, RBG Win Mounts are as well character bound. (Found it out the hard way when I gave it to my paladin who I dont play) :<
    Thank you, I have added them to the list.

    Also I have a pretty significant update, it now appears that newly created characters will NOT be sent all the Collector’s Edition, Blizzcon and other promotional pets when they are created. If the items that grants them is unused in inventory it can still be sent. I have no idea if this is intentional or not by Blizzard.

  9. #8
    tankuk's Avatar Member
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    Whats the deal with Pre Patch 5.0.4 accounts? Do the mounts and pets transfer over as they havent been linked to the old account?

  10. #9
    dotcha's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by tankuk View Post
    Whats the deal with Pre Patch 5.0.4 accounts? Do the mounts and pets transfer over as they havent been linked to the old account?
    Yes. Essentially the hasnt learnt them and the character wont be stripped off them before it transfers.

    Also updated the original post.

  11. #10
    ethtechno's Avatar Member
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    I have something to add recently being an idiot I am i merged my friends accounts to my main account, and something came up recently and they wanted my full details, obviously surnames on each WoW account didn't add up and they ended up locking my accounts, meaning having to restart on a new I am only warning people who are merging un emerged wow accounts because if you have any trouble with blizzard and they are wanting full details of your account and 2 surnames are different they will lock your account.

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    dotcha's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by ethtechno View Post
    I have something to add recently being an idiot I am i merged my friends accounts to my main account, and something came up recently and they wanted my full details, obviously surnames on each WoW account didn't add up and they ended up locking my accounts, meaning having to restart on a new I am only warning people who are merging un emerged wow accounts because if you have any trouble with blizzard and they are wanting full details of your account and 2 surnames are different they will lock your account.
    Hhhmmm... did they lock the If they locked the WoW accounts then you should be able to make a new WoW account under the same and get access to all the mounts and achieves because they are tired to the

    Worth a punt for the cost of a starter set.

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    ethtechno's Avatar Member
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    Basically locked all my accounts on the, won't let me even click onto the page so I wouldn't be able to move the characters to a different account.

  14. #13
    dotcha's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by ethtechno View Post
    Basically locked all my accounts on the, won't let me even click onto the page so I wouldn't be able to move the characters to a different account.
    If you have acces to the and you havent maexout the total number of WoW accounts on it (8 total) then you can just make a new WoW account on that and it should get all the mounts and achieves. No need to transfer characters.

    Try making a starter edition WoW account on the, ifs free and I am pretty sure it will work.

  15. #14
    ryanita's Avatar Private
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    thank you very much..very help me.... one again Thank you so much for this!

  16. #15
    F4KZ's Avatar Member
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    does the request name change option still work? i am talking about recall protection

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